Lappeenranta is the most Russian of all Finnish cities. There are many more Russian-speaking residents and tourists here than in Helsinki. What is the beauty of this town? Why do Russians gravitate towards him so much? Where do planes fly from Lappeenranta? Let's look into this in more detail.

Basic information
If a person hears the name for the first time and does not know where Lappeenranta is located, then it is safe to say that this person definitely does not live in the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation. Why? Yes, because Lappeenranta is the nearest Finnish city from the Russian-Finnish border. From the checkpoint Brusnichnoye to Lappeenranta some 25 km, and from the checkpoint Torfyanovka a little more - 60 km.
The city is the administrative center of South Karelia, its population is about 72,000 people, more than 3,000 people speak Russian. It is located on the shores of Lake Saimaa, which gives rise to the Saimaa Canal, connecting the largest lake system in Finland with the B altic Sea.

BThe city has an airport serving local and international flights. Lappeenranta airport destinations can amaze anyone with their variety and pleasant prices.
What makes the city attractive
Firstly, the city has insanely beautiful landscapes. For tourists, places are well organized for both summer and winter holidays. In summer, fishing, diving, swimming, cycling, hiking, yachting or cruises to other cities and countries are very popular. For lovers of hiking, there are trails 100-200 km long, on which there are sheds and special places for fires.
Winter holidays in Lappeenranta are also great: curling, ice hockey, skiing and skating, ice swimming and much more.
Second, the sights. The city really has something to see - the Linnoitus fortress, the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, the Lappe Church, the Cavalry Museum, the Museum of South Karelia. You can’t list everything, you just need to visit this city and see everything with your own eyes.
Third, shopping. Favorite pastime of beautiful ladies and some men! Shopping here is organized at the highest level. Many shopping centers are located in the city center: branded stores, boutiques and much, much more. I would like to note that in terms of the number of sales and Tax Free checks, Lappeenranta occupies one of the leading positions in Finland.

Fourth, cheap flights. Where do planes fly from Lappeenranta? Anywhere! And they cost several times cheaper than in Russia. Here you can buy a plane ticket from 44 rubles! The most popular and inexpensive are flights to Milan, Dusseldorf, Barcelona.
Fifth, simplified visa regime. There are absolutely no difficulties for residents of the Russian Federation in order to obtain permission to enter Lappeenranta. Many residents of nearby cities go to Finland for one day: relax in nature, go shopping or, for example, visit a water park. Shuttle buses are organized from Lappeenranta to St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) and back, which regularly bring and take away tourists according to the schedule.
Features of flights from Lappeenranta
The answer to the question of which airlines fly from Lappeenranta will be a simple answer - low cost. The low cost of tickets is due to the fact that airlines limit their passengers to a number of services. There are no free drinks on low-cost flights, no in-flight meals are provided, and baggage allowance is well below normal standards.

Before you buy a ticket for a flight from Lappeenranta, remember that the final destinations of low-cost airlines are often located far from major cities.
Among a number of shortcomings, there is one weighty "But" that will make anyone think. This is the price. And one more thing: the flights of budget companies are almost always packed to capacity, the average cabin occupancy is more than 80%.
Lappeenranta Airlines
The most common and popular budget companies,which serve flights from Lappeenranta are:
- AirBerlin. The company is the third in Europe in terms of budget transportation. AirBerlin is a fairly large German company that operates all over the world. It also serves flights from Russia. One of the most significant advantages of this airline is that it has introduced a simplified procedure for transfers during intercontinental travel, which does not require a Schengen visa.
- Norwegian. This Norwegian airline serves flights to almost all corners of our planet. Norwegian planes fly to America, Great Britain, operate local flights in Finland. But the company has the greatest popularity in flights across Europe. The company almost never uses remote airfields for landing, which deserves popularity among passengers.
- Ryanair. The cheapest airline in Europe. This Irish company loves far-flung airports, offers a minimum of services for passengers and saves fuel. Ryanair serves thousands of flights flying to different parts of Europe. The cost of a flight costs an average of 40 euros, and the minimum price starts from 14 euros.
- AirB altic. Speaking about which airlines fly from Lappeenranta, one cannot fail to mention the Latvian AirB altic. The cost of tickets for AirB altic planes does not fit into the cheapest ones - from 39 euros. But if we take into account the prices for transit flights, then they are quite worthy of attention.
- Another Irish company Aer Lingus. They areoffer cheap flights within Europe. The choice of destinations is rich enough, so with a limited budget, you don’t have to think about it.

Flight directions
Choosing this city as the starting point of departure, you should carefully study where planes fly from Lappeenranta. The list of countries and cities is quite rich:
- Spain;
- Greece;
- USA;
- France;
- Germany;
- UK;
- China;
- Israel;
- Egypt;
- Italy;
- Norway;
- Asian countries;
- CIS countries, etc.
Lappeenranta Airport
Lappeenranta's only airport is located on the eastern border of the European Union. Small in area, there are two parking areas and two restaurants on the territory. There are also two check-in desks for passengers, this is due to the fact that a maximum of five flights depart here a day. Therefore, the staff, when registering flights from Lappeenranta Airport, does not experience any particular inconvenience or global delays in service. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the airport.

Flight prices
You need to think not only about where planes fly from Lappeenranta, but also about how much the ticket costs. At the airport, passengers are served mainly by budget companies, but there are exceptions. The average price of a plane ticket fluctuates around 40 euros. One of the cheapest flights is the Lappeenranta-Dusseldorf flight, its cost is 8Euro.
Finland is the most profitable and cheapest option for Russians to walk around Europe or fly to other countries of the world. Where planes fly from Lappeenranta is where you should go on vacation. And there are plenty to choose from!