How to get from Tallinn to Riga quickly and comfortably

How to get from Tallinn to Riga quickly and comfortably
How to get from Tallinn to Riga quickly and comfortably

Recreation in the B altic countries is no less popular among the inhabitants of Russia than in other European countries. After all, they are connected with Russia not only by a common history, but also by good neighborly relations. Rest in the B altic countries can be afforded by any of our compatriots, which makes these destinations affordable and in demand for citizens.

Travel around Latvia and Estonia

Latvia and Estonia are connected not only by good neighborly relations, but also by a common culture and history. Therefore, having gone on vacation to Latvia, you should definitely visit Estonia, especially since they border on each other. To get to know these two states better, the journey should start from their capitals - Riga and Tallinn. Here you will get acquainted not only with local attractions, but also with the history of the Estonian and Latvian peoples.

Road Tallinn - Riga
Road Tallinn - Riga

And if you don't know how to get from Tallinn to Riga, then get a tour that includes not only accommodation and meals, but also travel between cities, as well as sightseeing tours. AlthoughYou can go on such a trip on your own: just get a visa and buy a guide to the cities of Latvia and Estonia.

How to get to Riga and Tallinn by train

From Moscow via St. Petersburg, trains leave daily for Estonia and Latvia. The journey from the capital of Russia to the final destination is about 15-16 hours, which is considered not so much, especially if you choose a reserved seat or sleeping car in which you can relax. This will greatly facilitate the task and will not get tired on the road. Thus, getting to Riga and Tallinn by train will not be difficult.

Trains Riga - Tallinn
Trains Riga - Tallinn

However, before you go to travel around Europe, you should definitely take care of the availability of an insurance policy and a Schengen visa, and only after that purchase tickets. By the way, tickets can be bought both at the ticket office of the railway station and via the Internet, which will save a lot of time.

How to get to Riga and Tallinn by train

It is a mistake to believe that you can only get to Riga and Tallinn using a regular train. And although many tourists do this, in order to get to Riga, you can also use a high-speed electric train. It departs from Rizhsky or Vitebsky railway station in St. Petersburg.

Ticket prices range from 35 to 600 euros, it all depends on the comfort of the car. Therefore, a passenger train is far from the only way to travel, since you can also get from Tallinn to Riga by train, especially since it is possible on itdo much faster.

You can also get to Tallinn from St. Petersburg. Trains go there every day without days off. On the way from St. Petersburg to Tallinn, both the electric train and the passenger train pass 6 stations:

  • Kingisepp;
  • Ivangorod;
  • Narva;
  • Yyhvi;
  • Rakvere;
  • Tapu.

However, it is worth remembering that not all stations can get off, as stopping at them can last no more than 2-3 minutes.

Bus Riga - Tallinn
Bus Riga - Tallinn

How to get to Riga and Tallinn by car

If you have your own car, then getting to Latvia and Estonia will not be difficult. You can drive to Riga from Moscow in 11 hours, and from St. Petersburg - in 8 hours. In order to arrive in Tallinn by car, you need to drive along the M-10 highway through Nizhny Novgorod, up to the Ivangorod-Narva checkpoint. After registration and customs clearance, you can go further to the final route.

Now you know how to get to Tallinn and Riga by car, train and train. The only thing left is to book a hotel and see local attractions.

What to see in Tallinn and Riga

There are a lot of sights in these cities, and in order to see everything, you need not only to make a detailed plan so as not to spend a lot of time searching for them and the road, but also to know how to get from Tallinn to Riga. The main attractions of these two wonderful cities, which are so popular with tourists,are shown below.

In Riga:

  • Latvian National Opera.
  • Latvian National Museum of Art.
  • Freedom Monument.
  • Alberta Street and the Embassy District.
  • St. Peter's Church.
Riga, Latvia
Riga, Latvia

In Tallinn:

  • Oliviste Church.
  • Kadriorg Palace.
  • Maarjamägi Castle.
  • Church of Niguliste.

It doesn't matter which city you come to first, the main thing is to visit both. And in order to significantly reduce the time spent on the road between cities, and funds, it is important to think over your route to the smallest detail.

How to get from Tallinn to Riga

There are three ways to get from Tallinn to Riga: by car, train and train. All three methods are very convenient for the tourist, let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. By train: there is no direct train connection between Riga and Tallinn, so to get from point A to point B, you will need to transfer in the city of Valga, which is close to the Estonian border.
  2. By bus, travel time is 2.5 hours.
  3. By car, travel time is about 4 hours, the length of the road is 312 km.

Which of these methods is better to choose, it's up to you. The main thing is that the trip brings only positive emotions.
