Nizhny Novgorod region: nature reserves and sanctuaries. Reserves of the Nizhny Novgorod region: Kerzhensky, Ichalkovsky, Lake Vadskoe and Lake Svetloyar

Nizhny Novgorod region: nature reserves and sanctuaries. Reserves of the Nizhny Novgorod region: Kerzhensky, Ichalkovsky, Lake Vadskoe and Lake Svetloyar
Nizhny Novgorod region: nature reserves and sanctuaries. Reserves of the Nizhny Novgorod region: Kerzhensky, Ichalkovsky, Lake Vadskoe and Lake Svetloyar

Nizhny Novgorod region is a very developed subject of the Russian Federation. The administrative center is Nizhny Novgorod, one of the largest cities in the Volga Federal District. Its history spans more than one century. Its foundation is connected with the need to protect against the raids of the Volga Bulgars. Since then, Nizhny Novgorod has always played an important role in the life of the state. Despite the development of trade and industry, there were also places protected by the state. The Nizhny Novgorod region has reserves on its territory, which are known not only in Russia, but also abroad. They are the national treasure of the country. These are the Kerzhensky Reserve, the Ichalkovsky Reserve, the Svetloyar and Vadskoye Lakes. All of them have unique flora and fauna.

Nizhny Novgorod region reserves
Nizhny Novgorod region reserves

Kerzhensky Nature Reserve - a brief history

The territory of the reserve from the moment the settlements appeared and until 1993 wastaiga massifs and areas of swamps. There was no talk of any kind of protection against cutting down, or at least control. And only in 1993 the Kerzhensky reserve was created. This made it possible to take control of the territory with unique ecosystems, flora and fauna and protect them from extinction.

This facility is located on the banks of the Kerzhentsa River, in the Borsky and Semenovsky districts of the region, under very strict control. Actually, all the reserves and sanctuaries of the Nizhny Novgorod region are protected, but in Kerzhensky a special permit is required even for those who live in settlements on its territory. Just go and admire the beauty of nature will not work.

Kerzhensky Reserve
Kerzhensky Reserve

Thanks to government control, it has been possible to stop the disappearance of many species of plants and animals. Moreover, experiments are being conducted in the reserve to breed species that did not live here, such as ptarmigan. True, so far the experiment has not been successful.

Flora and fauna of the Kerzhensky Reserve

The territory of the reserve covers the taiga and wetlands. The trees are dominated by conifers. However, there are areas that are occupied by a mixed forest - spruce, pine and large-leaved trees. The main pine forest was preserved only on the banks of the Kerzhenets River. Alder, birch, oak grow on the banks of taiga streams and streams. There are practically no meadows in the reserve. All this is due to uncontrolled deforestation and a large number of fires - nature has taken up self-restoration of the ecosystem.

reserves andreserve of the Nizhny Novgorod region
reserves andreserve of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The fauna of the reserve is very diverse. Among mammals there are hedgehogs, moles, shrews, bats, bears, lynxes, wolves, foxes, raccoon dogs, rodents and many others. You can meet a wide variety of birds, including hawk, kestrel, harrier, gray crane, buzzard, kite, owl, owl, owl, kingfisher, quail and others. Many of them are listed in the Red Book. The world of reptiles and amphibians is represented by such animals as the lizard, spindle, viper, copperhead, toad, newt, frog. In rivers, lakes and streams you can find fish such as roach, pike, rudd, bleak, tench, catfish, ruff, perch, burbot and others.

A unique monument of nature - the Ichalkovsky reserve

If the Kerzhensky nature reserve has a very short and short history, then another natural object has existed for about 50 years. The structure of the protected natural zone includes several sites that have unique characteristics. This is how the Ichalkovsky nature reserve was formed in 1971. He united Ichalkovsky pine forest, plots in the floodplain of the Pyana River and the territories of fields and copses adjacent to them.

Nature reserves in the Nizhny Novgorod region
Nature reserves in the Nizhny Novgorod region

First of all, the territory was taken under protection because of the relict vegetation of the Late Ice Age. There are also karst caves on the territory of Ichalkovsky boron. This is the second reason for the protection and protection of this region. Not only pine trees grow on the territory, but also oaks, ash-trees, birches and other hardwoods. Shrub undergrowth is very developed - itfilled with buckthorn, currant, bird cherry, honeysuckle, hazel.

Karst sinkholes of the Ichalkovsky forest

Karst sinkholes fill most of the territory of the reserve. Many of them form lakes, and some are entire caves. They even have their own names and trodden roads. First you can meet the Ice Cave. It has two halls, the temperature does not rise above -3˚ C even in summer. Frost and ice do not melt in it. About a hundred meters from Ledyanaya is the Startseva Pit, which has three grottoes. According to legend, hermits lived there. Not far from their shelter there is a Nameless Cave with a grotto and a lake with ice water. It is so transparent that in the semi-darkness it is simply impossible to notice the border of the water. But the favorite training place for climbers - Kuleva pit - keeps a terrible legend about the corpses of criminals and suicides who were dumped into it.

reserve Ichalkovsky
reserve Ichalkovsky

Access to the reserve is more free, so it will not be difficult to admire the beauties of nature and landscape. The main thing is not to violate the regime common to all protected areas.

Nizhny Novgorod region. Reserves

Nizhny Novgorod and the territory of its region are famous not only for the above reserves. About 28 reserves, natural and historical protected areas, 102 natural monuments are in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Reserves have different conditions, appointments and degrees of admission to them. So, for the study of sphagnum bogs, the Rdeisky State Nature Reserve was created. To preserve the lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland, aValdai National Park. Natural monuments include such reserves in the Nizhny Novgorod region as Lake Vadskoye (Mordovskoye) and Svetloyar.

Lakes as monuments of nature and not only

lake Svetloyar
lake Svetloyar

Vadskoye Lake is formed by karst springs and is located at the mouth of the Vadok River. The lake is heavily overgrown with grass and algae, but this does not prevent it from occupying an area of about 56 hectares and continuing to expand. The lake serves as a place of entertainment for diving enthusiasts. Many of them are trying to find the entrance to the collapsed cave, through which water enters the reservoir.

Lake Svetloyar had another glory. According to legend, Kitezh-grad was located here, which, during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongolian horde, went under water. This territory serves as a place of pilgrimage for adherents of the Orthodox faith. In addition, inexplicable phenomena often occur on Svetloyar, which also attracts scientists from various branches of science. These are the unique places that the Nizhny Novgorod region has. The reserves are protected by both regional and federal state programs.
