Karelia is an amazingly beautiful land that has long become a coveted place of pilgrimage for many tourists from all over the world. They are attracted not only by magnificent landscapes and crystal lakes, but also by architecture, as well as sights of cities, unique and homely. Let's talk about them.
Large cities of Karelia: list
In total, there are 13 cities in Karelia with a relatively low population density. The list is headed by the capital of the region - Petrozavodsk, which is located on the shores of Lake Onega and occupies 135 square meters. km.

The history of Petrozavodsk begins long before 1777, when a small village became a city. The heyday came from the time of Peter the Great, by whose decree an arms factory was erected on the banks of the Onega. Picturesque lakes within the city, an abundance of museums, including the famous island of Kizhi, art galleries make the city amazing and unique. Here begin the most tempting tourist routes. The population of the Karelian capital is 277.1 thousand people
The second largest (31.2 thousand people) is quitethe young city of Kondopoga (1938), located not far from the capital. Mentions of the first settlements in these places date back to the 15th century, and marble deposits have been discovered here since the 40s of the twentieth century. Unusual belfries - Dutch carillon bells - give a special flavor to the city.
Cities of Karelia
The list will continue Kostomuksha - a city with a population of 29.5 thousand people, formed in 1983 on the site of an old village of the same name. Kostomuksha is located on the shores of Lake Kostomuksha, and the Karelsky Okatysh mine became the city-forming enterprise.

Another city that arose in 1943 and forms the Segezha urban settlement is Segezha with a population of 27.5 thousand people. Its location is Lake Vygozero, 267 km from Petrozavodsk.
Beautiful and attractive small but wonderful cities of Karelia, the list of which is presented below:
• Sortalava, included in the list of historical cities of Russia, was founded in 1632. Number - 18.7 thousand people. Sortalava is the second tourist center after the capital of the republic. This is the starting point of water routes to the famous Valaam.
• Medvezhyegorsk - a city with a population of 14.5 thousand people, located 152 km from Petrozavodsk, was formed as a settlement for the builders of the railway to the bays of the Barents Sea. Recognized as a city in 1938.
• Ancient Kem, located on the Kem River and founded in 1785, and earlier the former volost of the posadnitsa Martha Boretskaya, donated in 1450 to the Solovetsky Monastery. Todaythe population of the town is 11.8 thousand people.
Small towns
The smallest formations include the following cities of Karelia (list):

• Pitkyaranta (1940) – a settlement with 10.7 thousand inhabitants;
• Belomorsk (1938) – 10.1 thousand people;
• Suoyarvi (1940) – 9,1 thousand people;
• Pudozh (1785) – 9.2 thousand people;
• Olonets (1649) – 8,2 thousand people;
• Lahdenpokhya (1945) – 7.5 thousand people
The cities of Karelia, the list of which we have presented, are unique and amazing. All of them - both ancient and newly emerged - leave a wonderful mark on the soul and make you return to Karelia again and again.