Advice for tourists

Lakes of Switzerland and their description

Lakes of Switzerland and their description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Switzerland is a unique country that is rightfully considered the most beautiful due to its picturesque landscapes. In the western part there is a natural park, striking in its splendor. The slopes of the Jura Mountain play with emerald tints in the sun. Coming closer, you can see the large plantations of grapes. There are also many deep canyons that attract tourists. Some large lakes in Switzerland (Geneva, Neuchâtel) are located in this park

Unique Redwood National Park, California

Unique Redwood National Park, California

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

National Park Redwood is the place on Earth that you want to visit again and again, no matter what the weather is outside

Zoo in Vienna: description, inhabitants of the zoo, photos, reviews

Zoo in Vienna: description, inhabitants of the zoo, photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Vienna is a stunningly beautiful and interesting city with many attractions. If you want to see it, then Schönbrunn Palace can be added to the list of must-see places to visit. It is about him that will be discussed in our article, or rather, about the zoo located on its territory

Museum of Modern History of Russia. Museum that preserves the memory of generations

Museum of Modern History of Russia. Museum that preserves the memory of generations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

An old mansion of the 18th century, which today houses the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, was built according to the design of the famous architect Adam Adamovich Menelas. Previously, the building housed a trendy English club

Leicester is a city with a rich history and lots of interesting places. Which ones are worth visiting?

Leicester is a city with a rich history and lots of interesting places. Which ones are worth visiting?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Many people love to travel. And how not to visit such a wonderful country as England! London comes to mind first. But they should not be limited. You can visit Leicester! It is located one and a half hours drive from the capital and has so many attractions that the eyes run wide. Well, some of them are worth talking about

Mound of Glory in Grodno: history, photo. How to get to the Mound of Glory?

Mound of Glory in Grodno: history, photo. How to get to the Mound of Glory?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Grodno Mound of Glory is a memorial complex erected in memory of the defenders of the Fatherland who died during the Great Patriotic War. This is a small embankment, at the foot of which there is an exhibition of military equipment. You can climb to the top along specially equipped paths

Scheme of the Kazan metro in 2018

Scheme of the Kazan metro in 2018

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

As of 2018, the Kazan metro scheme has 11 stations. The total length of the lines is 16.9 km. Dubravnaya metro station was opened in August 2018. The scheme of the Kazan metro begins from the station "Aviastroitelnaya"

Route Anapa - Simferopol: ways to overcome

Route Anapa - Simferopol: ways to overcome

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Anapa - Simferopol - a popular destination today. There are many ways to get from one city to another, and each is beneficial in its own way

Marble quarries. Marble quarry, Karelia

Marble quarries. Marble quarry, Karelia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

This article will tell you about the most famous marble quarries in our country. In addition, readers will learn about the characteristic features of these places, about the history of their appearance and about future prospects. It is possible that the information provided will help someone decide on a destination for the next vacation

Provision for Cyprus: production time and reviews. How to apply for a visa to Cyprus on your own

Provision for Cyprus: production time and reviews. How to apply for a visa to Cyprus on your own

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

This article describes how you can independently order a visa for a trip to Cyprus for both individuals and families with children. The article will provide step-by-step instructions for obtaining a visa and reviews of those Russians who have already rested on the island

What to look for when choosing a hotel where to relax in Turkey with children

What to look for when choosing a hotel where to relax in Turkey with children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

There is no doubt that Turkey is the best holiday option for Russian citizens. Value for money, easy and short flight and … Sea, sun, beaches, endless golden beaches washed by four seas. Where to relax in Turkey with children?

Elysee Palace in Paris: address, photos, interesting facts, interiors

Elysee Palace in Paris: address, photos, interesting facts, interiors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Paris is a city with a glorious, centuries-old history, famous for its magnificent monuments of culture and architecture. In this article, we will introduce you to the Parisian residence of the head of state. The Elysee Palace is closed throughout the year and is closed to the general public. Only in September, on one of the weekends, Parisians and guests of this city are given the opportunity to inspect some of the premises of the magnificent building

The majestic castle of Beaumaris, the atmosphere of which plunges you into medieval England

The majestic castle of Beaumaris, the atmosphere of which plunges you into medieval England

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

One of the most colorful medieval castles is located in the UK. A sample of military architecture is considered the best defensive structure in Europe, which has come down to posterity in good condition. The impregnable fortress, called the "beautiful swamp", attracts tourists from all over the world who want to touch the history of England

Boeing 757 aircraft: cabin layout, selection of the best seats and a little about the liner itself

Boeing 757 aircraft: cabin layout, selection of the best seats and a little about the liner itself

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

The Boeing 757-200 "(Boeing 757-200"), designed for flights over medium and long distances, was developed in 1982 by the American aircraft manufacturer Boeing. The liner was produced to replace the obsolete Boeing-727 aircraft with the aim of flying over distances from 3000 to 7000 km. The first Boeing 757-200 took off and landed in 1983. The new aircraft proved to be very economical, comfortable and less noisy

Primorsky Victory Park. Holidays on Krestovy Island

Primorsky Victory Park. Holidays on Krestovy Island

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Among the large number of St. Petersburg islands, the former Kirov Islands should be noted. It is on one of them, Krestovsky, that an attractive vacation spot is located - Primorsky Victory Park. It is a landscape garden and park complex, consisting of the most interesting examples of St. Petersburg architecture of the 19th century

The fastest way to get to Sheremetyevo: Aeroexpress

The fastest way to get to Sheremetyevo: Aeroexpress

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Perhaps the Aeroexpress is the fastest way to get from the city center to the airport. These high-speed shuttles reach Sheremetyevo in just 35 minutes. No traffic jams, just a little over half an hour - and you will rush from the center of the capital to Sheremetyevo

Visa-free countries for Russians - from Africa to America

Visa-free countries for Russians - from Africa to America

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Tourists from Russia can celebrate! All thanks to the fact that visa-free countries for Russians gave the opportunity to relax on their territory. A passport and some documents are enough to enjoy the outlandish beauty of other countries

Barcelona: useful information for tourists. Useful information about the metro in Barcelona

Barcelona: useful information for tourists. Useful information about the metro in Barcelona

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Traveling to other countries is like diving into the ocean: you plunge into a new unknown world, the inhabitants of which have their own character, traditions, and peculiarities. Watching this unexplored little universe will be much more interesting if you learn about it as much as possible

All about Swiss railways

All about Swiss railways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Swiss railways run through picturesque places, so many guidebooks recommend using this convenient mode of transport for travel. Road rails are built along lakes and streams, beautiful mountains with snow-capped peaks. Trains pass through the mountains through tunnels, and canyons and gorges are overcome by beautiful bridges

Grodno Zoo: the oldest and largest animal park in Belarus

Grodno Zoo: the oldest and largest animal park in Belarus

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

One of the main attractions of the city of Grodno is the Grodno Zoo. The Animal Park will soon celebrate its centennial anniversary and is by far the largest organization in its category in all of Belarus. It will not be boring to spend the whole day at the zoo, looking at exotic animals and just relaxing with the whole family

Krasnaya Pakhra: recreation and entertainment

Krasnaya Pakhra: recreation and entertainment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

During the implementation of the New Moscow project, which started in 2011 and provides for the expansion of the boundaries of the capital at the expense of adjacent territories, some settlements that no one had heard of before gained immense popularity across the country. An example of a transformation from a small village into a recreation and entertainment center is the village of Krasnaya Pakhra, located on the right bank of the Pakhra River, 18 km from the central part of the city of Podolsk

The best water parks in Turkey: reviews

The best water parks in Turkey: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

According to the Russians, Turkey has the best water parks. Water entertainment centers are located in all seaside resorts of the country. Tens of thousands of tourists visit them every year. Sometimes dolphinariums, oceanariums and restaurants operate on the basis of water parks

Spa for two in St. Petersburg - harmony of body and soul

Spa for two in St. Petersburg - harmony of body and soul

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Spa for two in St. Petersburg is a unique opportunity to relieve stress after a week of work and share this unearthly bliss with your loved one. Lack of free time and constant employment lead not only to chronic fatigue. Endless fuss and rush can destroy the strongest relationships, because there are days when a couple does not even have time to hug and talk

Popular Rostov pools for swimming lovers

Popular Rostov pools for swimming lovers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

People who visit the pool in Rostov never have complaints about the functioning of the cardiovascular system and are less likely to risk getting a heart attack or other disease. Swimming significantly improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate. Properly selected exercises allow the swimmer not only to develop a good posture, but also to straighten an already curved spine

Sadovnicheskaya embankment in Moscow: photo, description and sights

Sadovnicheskaya embankment in Moscow: photo, description and sights

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

In the central part of the Russian capital, parallel to the Moscow River, there is a Vodootvodny canal. On one of its banks is Sadovnicheskaya embankment, which will be discussed in our article

Clubs of Rostov-on-Don: addresses, description

Clubs of Rostov-on-Don: addresses, description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Nightclubs have always been especially popular with a large number of people. Here you can have fun with friends and relax from everyday work. Today we will talk about the most popular clubs in Rostov-on-Don. All of them are unique and interesting in their own way, and what unites them is the excellent music that sounds here

Ros: a river in Central Ukraine. Recreation, fishing, attractions

Ros: a river in Central Ukraine. Recreation, fishing, attractions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Ros is a river in Central Ukraine, carrying its waters to the Dnieper. Some researchers believe that the word "Rus" comes from the name of this Ukrainian river. How can Ros attract travelers and tourists? The river is great for fishing and outdoor activities. In addition, on its banks there are a large number of attractions and scenic spots

Visa to Turkey: in what cases it is necessary and in what cases it is not

Visa to Turkey: in what cases it is necessary and in what cases it is not

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

A visa to Turkey for Russians has ceased to be necessary if they wish to travel to this country for a short time - up to a month. That is, in the case when you intend to see the brilliant Istanbul and walk through its museums and mosques, swim on the world-famous beaches or go skiing, go to visit friends or to a business conference, you should not worry in advance. But when planning a longer visit, you will have to draw up the necessary documents

The most beautiful villages in Russia

The most beautiful villages in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Every person is obliged to love and honor the Motherland, because this is the place where he was once born and raised. The Russian people have an immense Motherland. Our country is huge and powerful. It has an interesting and great history, because Russia appeared in the distant 9th century

Resort settlement Dzhubga: attractions, entertainment and recreation. What to see in Dzhubga?

Resort settlement Dzhubga: attractions, entertainment and recreation. What to see in Dzhubga?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

This article will tell in detail about the village of Dzhubga, the sights and entertainment of which cannot but become the object of close attention from future travelers. In addition, the reader will receive valuable information about the geography, climate, history, legends and interesting places of the resort

Gaspra: attractions and their description. Photos and reviews

Gaspra: attractions and their description. Photos and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Gaspra is one of the most beautiful corners of Crimea. It has long been known as a great place to relax, so during the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, several luxurious summer palaces were built in the resort and its environs. These and other sights of Gaspra (Crimea) are of great interest, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of tourists

The village of Lukino in the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region: a story, how to get there

The village of Lukino in the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region: a story, how to get there

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Thousands and thousands of villages are scattered across our country. One of them is the village of Lukino, Moscow Region. In the life of the village, as in a mirror, the whole history of our state was reflected

Hot spring, Chelyabinsk. Terme Alexandria: reviews

Hot spring, Chelyabinsk. Terme Alexandria: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Hot spring (Chelyabinsk): where is it located and its value. Thermal baths "Alexandria": features and prices for services. Reviews of visitors about the stay and the benefits of bathing in hot springs

Water parks of Ternopil: description

Water parks of Ternopil: description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Only having appeared, water parks became popular literally instantly. Everyone loves to relax in the water and on the water: from babies to people of age. The list of entertainment offered is huge. Swimming pools, downhill tubes, various fountains, water slides are the eternal companions of water parks. Today, the countries of the world have thousands of water parks. One of them is located in Ternopil. Let's talk about it

Entertainment in Dubai: reviews

Entertainment in Dubai: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Incredible endless deserts, the most expensive hotels in the world, pompous beaches and islands made specifically for a specific customer - all this and much more is located in Dubai

Hop On Hop Off, Moscow: features, routes and reviews from tourists

Hop On Hop Off, Moscow: features, routes and reviews from tourists

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Every day something new appears in the world, either unique, or a remake of something old that was already invented by someone once. As for the sphere of tourism, then fantasy knows no bounds. And what marketers can’t invent to satisfy the modern capricious and spoiled tourist

Historical sights. Miass old and new: description

Historical sights. Miass old and new: description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

There is a granite obelisk on the territory of Russia, on which you can see the inscriptions: on the one hand - "Asia", on the other - "Europe". This remarkable place is the geographical border of 2 continents, it stretches along the pass through the Ural Range, in the place where the railway, winding a little, approaches the Miass Valley. The obelisk is located 40 kilometers from the city of Miass. In this article we will describe in more detail the places associated with this interesting city

Tallinn city attractions with photos

Tallinn city attractions with photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

The beautifully preserved city of Tallinn became famous over 800 years ago when an Arab traveler discovered a small settlement. Its historical part is of value to the whole world and is included in the lists of objects protected by UNESCO. It seems to many that the capital of Estonia will not come out of the usual old scenery, but this is not so. The city of Tallinn, rightly positioning itself as a medieval city, harmoniously combines the past saturated with a special atmosphere and the modern present

Vienna, Hofburg: description, history and interesting facts

Vienna, Hofburg: description, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Hofburg (Vienna) is the luxurious splendor of the heritage of the Habsburg dynasty, located in the capital of Austria. Over the centuries-old history of their reign, the representatives of the family have left to their descendants a lot of evidence of their dominance in the central power of Europe

Class of service 2T on the Russian Railways train - a guarantee of a comfortable trip

Class of service 2T on the Russian Railways train - a guarantee of a comfortable trip

Last modified: 2025-01-24 11:01

Rail passenger transportation is a convenient, safe and relatively inexpensive mode of transport. As a rule, a trip by train leaves a variety of impressions. Of course, this is due to the class of service indicated on the ticket. It would be naive to expect that a person who bought a ticket in a second-class carriage of a non-branded train will leave a pleasant experience. Class of Service 2T is the second most popular choice