Thousands and thousands of villages are scattered across our country. One of them is the village of Lukino, Moscow Region. In the life of the village, as in a mirror, the whole history of our state was reflected.
Meet the village of Lukino, Volokolamsk region
A small village stands among the birch and oak forests near the Shchetinka river. It belongs to the Volokolamsk district, from where it is about 13 km to the village of Lukino.
Village Story
Plow the land and build on the banks of the Shchetinka River, people began in time immemorial.

But during the years of regular raids by the Tatar-Mongolian troops, many residents were captured, killed or fled, the fields were abandoned. The area looked wild and uninhabited.
At the village of Lukino, the officially documented history begins in 1621, when it is mentioned in the cadastral books as the possession of Ivan and Istoma Sunbulov, who transferred the village and the yard to Ivan Ivanov, son of Esipov. The abandoned arable lands of Dubrovka, Ilyinskoye, Glinishcha, Podyachevo belonged to the village of Lukino. Who and when, for what merits gave these lands into the possession of Sunbulov, will remain a mystery. But the fact is obvious: the owners came to the earth,the revival has begun.
After 20 years, there are 2 peasant households in Lukino, where 4 people live, and 1 household of a bean.
When a small wooden church was built in the village in 1719, Luchino became a village. The Church of the Savior was founded by a local landowner and serviceman Fyodor Khrushchev, who allocated land and mowing meadows. His family lived on these lands for many years, until during the reign of Anna Ioannovna one of the Khrushchevs was executed, the estate went to his numerous children.
After 150 years, about 140 men and women lived in the village of Lukino, even a wine shop appears. At that time and before the abolition of serfdom, the land was owned by captain Nikolai Golovin.
Fame came to the village after a monastery was founded on these lands. Then people were drawn to the big holidays, pilgrims came, the sick went for healing.
Village Landmark
The ancient brick towers of the Ex altation of the Cross Monastery in the village of Lukino, Moscow Region, are visible from afar and immediately attract attention.

It all started with women who gathered in the house of a local merchant and read psalms. Soon this formation was called the Frolo-Lavra community. In order for the convent to exist independently, it needed its own income. The widowed local landowner Alexandra Petrovna Golovina donates over 200 acres of her own land to the monastery. So the foundation was laid for the Ex altation of the Cross Jerusalem Convent. At that time, it housed 58sisters under the guidance of abbess Alexandra. The monastery was a complex of three temple buildings.
At the end of the XIX century. M. Meshcherina, the owner of a neighboring estate, took an ardent part in the improvement of the monastery.
With her help, a hospital, a pharmacy, a school, a shelter were arranged. Of course, everything is small, but very necessary for those living in the village and its environs. The hospital had 5 beds, and a doctor was constantly working. 6 orphans lived in the shelter, all peasant children came to school to study. An almshouse was opened for aged nuns.
In addition, with the help of Meshcherina, a brick bathhouse and a laundry room, towers of the monastery fence were built. At this time, the architectural composition of the territory of the monastery is being formed:
- outbuildings in the courtyard;
- smart front yard;
- park.
And today, the buildings of the monastery, made in the Russian style, so fashionable at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, look surprisingly organic against the backdrop of nature.

The decoration of the monastery is the five-domed Ascension Cathedral. Made of perfectly preserved bright red brick, with snow-white trim details, it looks solemn and joyful. Patterns, arcades, zakomaras are made of bricks.
Inside the cathedral were decorated with 150 icons, the walls and ceiling of the cathedral were decorated with biblical paintings with gilding.
How is the village now?
Since 1957, the village of Lukino finally became part of the Volokolamsk municipal district, being part of a rural settlementOstashevskoe.
As the years go by, fewer people remain in the village. If in the 19th century one and a half hundred people lived in it, and by 1926 almost two hundred, then according to the 2006 census, only one resident remained in the village. True, after five years the situation began to improve, now 9 people permanently live in Lukino, Volokolamsk district.
On three village streets, houses are mostly boarded up. The main infrastructure is located in the neighboring village - Ostashevo. This is where the hospital, shops, kindergarten and school are located.
However, gradually, the residents of the capital have an interest in the countryside. Indeed, in this quiet, calm, environmentally friendly place, you can relatively inexpensively buy a house and arrange a summer house. In total, at a distance of 120 km from Moscow in the village of Lukino, the cost of small private households, together with land plots on which gardens and orchards are located, is estimated at about 2.5-3 million rubles in 2017.

In addition, the village has an ancient monastery and its own holy spring, to which pilgrims specially come.
Holy spring
Many pilgrims come to the village of Lukino to pray in the old church, drink water from the holy spring and take a dip in its healing waters.
The source has existed in these places for a long time and bears the name of the Great Martyr Anisia of Thessalonica Thessaloniki. Her memory is honored on December 30 or January 12. Residents of the Ex altation of the Cross Jerusalem Convent take care of the spring.
It is believed thatbathing in holy water restores he alth. When water is drunk or dipped in the source, it is imperative to say the words of the prayer.
Finding the source is easy. After passing through the monastery territory and the Church of the Ex altation of the Holy Cross, through the side gates they go out onto the road. From the gate you need to turn left and walk 150-180 m. The source is located fifty meters from the side tower of the monastery fence, in a shady lowland. A small wooden frame has been erected over the holy water.

How to get to the village?
To drink holy water and walk along the shady park alleys, breathe clean air, you should go to the village of Lukino. Directions, public transport option:
- first get to the Paveletsky railway station and take the train to Domodedovo station;
- at the railway station take a local bus that will take you to Lukino;
- you can walk from the railway station to the village on foot, the walk will take 20-30 minutes.
Option for getting to the village by private car:
- go to the M-9 highway;
- drive 100 km to Volokolamsk, turn left onto Shosseinaya street;
- get to the village of Ostashevo;
- turn onto st. Youth, after 2 km will be the village of Lukino.
However, you can also take the M-1 highway to Ruza, from there to Ostashevo.