It has been scientifically proven that rest in the local climate zone is much more useful than traveling to distant countries. This is especially true for people with he alth problems, the elderly, families with small children, pregnant women. One of the well-known and well-established recreational areas are the s alt lakes of the Orenburg region. Reviews about the resort are positive: tourists note the healing effect of the reservoirs located here. We will talk about them today.
Healing lakes of the Orenburg region

Traveling through the expanses of our vast Motherland, getting to know it and getting aesthetic pleasure from contact with nature, you can find yourself on the shore of a s alt lake. There are a large number of them in Russia, and all of them have unique healing properties. They are also called mineral lakes for their high content of trace elements and antiseptic properties, and the mud of such a reservoir has a natural healing effect. To benefit from the ultraviolet rays reflected off the s alt water and enjoy a naturalbeautiful tan, you must definitely visit it! The main "folk hospital" that Orenburg is proud of is a s alt lake. The reviews of numerous tourists prove that here you can not only relax, but also heal.
From time immemorial

Water and mud cure came to us from ancient times. Even then, healing mud and mineral water were used to get rid of diseases and heal wounds. They treated skin, gynecological and many other ailments. Such a formidable disease as psoriasis can be cured by bathing in such a reservoir. Banal, but boring boils, acne and other skin defects disappear almost without a trace after taking such s alty baths. Tourists appreciate the opportunity to improve their he alth and get a real “kiss of the sun”. No wonder it is believed that the main attraction that Orenburg is proud of is s alt lakes. Treatment is combined with a pleasant pastime, which makes the reservoirs especially tempting.
Where do s alt lakes come from?
According to scientists, such reservoirs appear in arid places, in the crater of which there is no flow. The water that the rivers bring there, only flows into them, but does not flow out. When the liquid evaporates from the reservoir, the s alt remains at its bottom. This is how s alt lakes are formed.
You can find such a lake in any corner of the country. The Orenburg region is also rich in medicinal reservoirs. S alt lakes have miraculous powers and everyone knows the benefits of swimming in them.

A unique geological object is Lake Razval in the Sol-Iletsk region, located at the site of rock s alt mining. It is the deepest among its counterparts and quite large, because its area is 10 hectares. Its origin is interesting. The lake appeared in 1906, when a s alt quarry was flooded with a spring flood. In the central part of the Iletsk s alt dome, a reservoir 240 meters wide, 300 meters long and 20.5 meters deep turned out. This is an analogue of the Dead Sea, since the mineralization of water is 305 g / l. That is why one of the main attractions that the Orenburg region is proud of is s alt lakes.
Iletsk s alt dome was formed in the second half of the 18th century. This is the result of rock s alt mining and karst processes in its thickness. Then the quarry connected with the river Peschanka. At the same time, a s alt lake called Razval was formed. The water in it has a high s alt concentration - 260 g / l. Therefore, brine does not freeze even at -20 in water and -40 degrees in air. This lake is also unique in that its bottom is permafrost. The high density of water allows a person to lie on the surface without moving.
Only 70 km from the Iletsk rock s alt deposit is the city of Orenburg. S alt Lake Razval is of regional importance and is included in the main list of protected objects.
He alth benefits

Ancient doctors Hippocrates and Avicenna spoke about the benefits of swimming in s alt water. Despite the fact that the latter was a native of Central Asia, onthe territory of which there are no such lakes, the doctor appreciated the properties of s alt water. A large number of tourists wishing to receive medical treatment are met by the city of Orenburg. S alt Lake Razval is distinguished by its healing effect, which it has on all organs and systems of the human body. Due to the high content of s alts of bromine, chlorine and other trace elements in water, it helps in the treatment of rheumatism, osteochondrosis, bronchial asthma and many other diseases.
It must be remembered that swimming in s alt lakes should be moderate. And you need to alternate it with sunbathing. Regular bathing is recommended for 7-10 days.
Lake Tuzluchnoe
Medicinal lakes of Russia are of ancient origin. Even nomadic tribes made h alts on their shores, using mineral waters and therapeutic mud to improve the whole body. These reservoirs include the s alt lake Tuzluchnoe, recognized as the oldest of the surviving reservoirs of the Sol-Iletsk s alt dome. Its area is 24 thousand square meters. m, the depth reaches 4 meters. The Orenburg region is proud of it. S alt lakes of this region are widely studied in the laboratories of the testing center. It was found there that according to their physical and chemical parameters, silt deposits belong to highly mineralized therapeutic mud. They have high thermal properties. In addition, they are very plastic. Contains a large amount of water-soluble s alts, as well as iron, bromine and boric acid.

Therapeutic mud of Tuzluchnoye lake - black ordark grey. It relieves spasms, as it has a relaxing effect. It has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect and enhances the viability of the cells of the whole organism. The positive properties of mud are due to the fact that it contains a large amount of biologically active substances that can influence energy processes and inhibit the development of pathogenic organisms.
Dunino Pond
The Orenburg region is rich in medicinal reservoirs, the s alt lakes of which are represented by another medical object. This is the Dunino reservoir, which is called bromine due to the content of bromine in it. It was formed in 1896 and is located just 50 meters from Razval Lake.
Lake Dunino stretches along from west to east for 88 thousand square meters. m, its depth is 4 meters. A distinctive feature of the reservoir is a reddish color. Artemia crustacean gives it a beautiful shade. There are a large number of it in the reservoir, and in summer it actively breeds.

Therapeutic mud of Lake Dunino of a green or brown hue is at the bottom. Its temperature in summer rises to +50 degrees, which improves its healing properties. During the summer period, crustaceans multiply 3-4 times, organic substances are synthesized in them, which, when they die, form therapeutic mud. If you scoop up water from the lake, you can see small living creatures of a reddish color. These are the same crustaceans, thanks to which the mud from the bottom of the lake becomes healing. "Tsvetnoy" and other reservoirs attract thousands of tourists to the Orenburg region. S altylakes will not only help improve the he alth of vacationers, but also contribute to mental relaxation.
Resort infrastructure
The city is built in such a way that everything a tourist needs is in close proximity. The station is located a five-minute walk from the busiest neighborhoods, right there you can easily solve the issue of accommodation. Hotels, hotels, owners of private houses and apartments offer their services. Those who come to the resort town by private transport will not have a question about how to get to the s alt lake. A continuous stream of cars will show the exact path to the right place. In all travel agencies of the country, you can easily purchase a ticket to the domestic analogue of the Dead Sea.
Note to tourists

Like any resort town, Sol-Iletsk offers vacationers a rich cultural program. At every corner, tourists are beckoned by the alluring smell of barbecue houses, cafes of Russian and Oriental cuisine, which, in addition to a wide selection of dishes, offer home-made wines. In the evening, numerous bars offer everyone a great place to relax and spend time with benefits for the soul. For lovers of a relaxing pastime - numerous parks, squares, a local history museum.
Now you know that the main pearl that the Orenburg region is proud of is a s alt lake. The sanatorium of the resort town will gladly accept everyone, relieving them of unnecessary troubles with finding housing and catering. Experienced doctors will select an individual course of recovery, will provide allnecessary medical and advisory assistance.
On home soil
There is an opinion that the recreation industry in Russia is practically not developed, and in order to spend a holiday in comfort, you need to go to other countries. We are able to improve the situation on our own: when we come to domestic resorts, we invest our money in the development of local tourism. Relax in Russia, and the high level of service will not take long!