Oh, beautiful St. Petersburg! The city of extraordinary beauty, surrounded by mysterious stories, is relatively young, but the past of Northern Palmyra is full of mysticism. Keeping a lot of mysteries, the city of Peter the Great is built at the junction of reality and ancient legends.
Windswept St. Petersburg has a surprisingly powerful energy: some guests of the city fall in love with it unconditionally and even stay here forever, while others experience incomprehensible discomfort, wanting to leave as soon as possible. A lot has been written about the special atmosphere of the cradle of three revolutions, and, as the indigenous people say, any front door can lead to a parallel world.
No one can say that they have seen all the sights of Venice of the North, because it is simply impossible. Recently, excursions to its mysterious corners have been organized, and in our article we will take a virtual walk through the magically attractive city built on swamps, andconsider the main mystical places of St. Petersburg.
Mikhailovsky Castle: predicted death
Mikhailovsky Castle on Sadovaya Street is not in vain considered one of the most mysterious buildings. Masonic symbols left by the architect V. Bazhenov and the tragic death of Paul I excite the minds of researchers, and the townsfolk admit that they see a ghost at night that has not found a home for itself.

Being built over 12 years, the castle resembled a fortress. The emperor was afraid for his life and ordered to build a moat with water, and it was possible to get inside only through one suspension bridge, carefully guarded. According to ancient legends, Paul's death was predicted out of nowhere by a woman who appeared, in whom they recognized Xenia of Petersburg. 40 days after moving to the castle-fortress, the emperor was killed, and the ghost of the unfortunate with a candle in his hands appears every night.
Sphinxes with ancient spells
University embankment with mysterious sphinxes brought from Egypt - these are the very mystical places of St. Petersburg, where all tourists should visit. A huge number of guests of the Northern capital come here, but few people know that many myths are associated with the most ancient inhabitants of the city.
Pharaoh Amenhotep, who was interested in black magic, performed religious rites using the bodies of the dead and terrible conspiracies. On the pedestals of stone sphinxes located in Thebes, he inscribed spells. And it was these sculptures, which are more than three thousand years old, that were brought to the city in1833, although they are said not to be disturbed.
Creatures with strong magic
Sphinxes with a strong magical power with the face of a pharaoh attract all the drowned people of the Neva, and newlyweds playing weddings never come to mystical creatures so as not to risk their future family life. Although there are those who are firmly convinced that those who have seen a lot of statues fulfill wishes and protect the city from floods.

It is implicitly forbidden to touch the majestic sphinxes so as not to disturb their peace. And the indigenous inhabitants of the city on the Neva admit that the facial expressions of mythical creatures during the day are not the same: at night, the usual serenity is replaced by sharp aggression. Or is the play of light to blame?
Foundry bridge with bad reputation
Speaking about the mystical places of St. Petersburg, one cannot fail to mention the Liteiny Bridge that claimed many lives. They say that once upon a time, tribes lived near the banks of the Neva, bringing ritual sacrifices on a huge boulder. The stone bathed in blood came to life and with all its insatiability demanded new murders. All neighboring tribes were exterminated, and the boulder still thirsted for blood. Then the women turned to the Neva with a plea to take this monster to them. The mighty river heard desperate requests, and after a terrible storm began, the stone disappeared.
According to local residents, the blood-stained boulder rests right here, because among more than 300 bridges of St. Petersburg, only this place is notorious. Researchers have documentedthat workers during construction discovered a huge stone that interfered with the construction of the structure.
More than 50 people died during the work, but not a single body was found, which gave rise to rumors of a werewolf bridge that leads people to other worlds. After its opening, the building leads in all criminal reports in terms of the number of murders and suicides. And scientists believe that there is an anomalous zone in the bridge area that causes temporary shifts in space.
Gryphons and their hideout
A beautiful legend about griffins flying around the city at night to protect peacefully sleeping residents comes to life in a tower located in one of the courtyards of Vasilyevsky Island, where the most mystical places of St. Petersburg are located. Photos of the structure are often viewed by those who dream of unraveling the mysterious code inscribed on red stones. By deciphering it, you can gain immortality and learn all the secrets that humanity keeps.

The tall tower has no windows or doors, and each brick is numbered, with locals admitting they often find familiar numbers disappearing and reappearing.
Formula of Happiness
Before the revolution, this place was the pharmacy of the famous V. Pel, who was passionate about alchemy. Day after day, he deduced the formula for happiness and succeeded in it. Concerned about protecting his treasure from prying eyes, Wilhelm created magical miracle birds - a hybrid of an eagle and a lion. Invisible griffins still flock to the tower to this day, and at night their cries can even be heard.
Kbrick building, behind the walls of which the secret of happiness is kept, people often come to ask for help in difficult times. Here you can make a secret wish, and, as a rule, it comes true. There is an opinion that the fate of everyone who comes to a quiet courtyard changes dramatically for the better.
Negative energy of the Bypass Canal
When you remember the most terrible places in Russia, the Obvodny Canal comes to mind, which I. Brodsky called "a complete other world." In the 20s of the last century, repair work began, which brought terrible finds: human bones and a strange altar were found in stone slabs, dotted with incomprehensible symbols, which no specialist could decipher.

Immediately they started talking about an old legend about a pagan sorcerer and his curse on this place. The bypass channel, which has absorbed bad energy, attracts suicides, although scientists believe that pesticides thrown into the water have an effect on the psyche.
Rotonda at the entrance
The most mystical places in St. Petersburg evoke real horror, and one of these places where otherworldly power lives is the St. Petersburg Rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street, hiding in an ordinary entrance. Visitors can see six columns arranged in a circle, crowned with a dome, which is securely hidden under the attic. Two antique spiral staircases lead to a small nook that ends in a dead end.

The front door is covered with various symbols left by the Freemasons who gathered here before the revolution, because, according to the unofficial version, meetings of members of a secret organization were held in the house.
Portal to another dimension
Thirty - forty years ago, informal youth hung out in the entrance, adoring the mystical places of St. Petersburg. She also came up with the name of the cult building - "Center of the Universe." There is another legend that says that there are five such rotundas in St. Petersburg, and they form a five-pointed star - a pentacle - a symbol of Satanists, although no one knows where the other buildings are.
And paranormal researchers say that the space of the Rotunda actually opens the door to the other world.
Mystical Russia: Peter and Paul Fortress
Scientists do not hide the fact that many houses in the city were built in anomalous zones. True, this is not so bad, and about 10 percent are in "dead" places. Previously, they even hung raw meat where they were going to erect buildings, and if it rotted, then the construction was postponed.
The well-known astrologer P. Globa believes that the Peter and Paul Fortress is a terrible corner of St. Petersburg, which arose on the site of an ancient pagan sanctuary in which human sacrifices were made.
It is known that Peter I, who loves mysticism, considered eagles to be messengers of the other world and always fed them. Seeing that they were making circles over one place, he immediately gave the order to build a fortress. Initially, she was consideredmilitary facility, but later became the center around which an entire city arose.
Haunted place
The architectural ensemble with a complex of buildings of amazing beauty is of great interest to the guests of the city. Remembering all the mystical places of St. Petersburg, one cannot but pay attention to the Peter and Paul Fortress, which is one of the ten most mysterious corners of it.

The ghosts of the tragically deceased Princess Tarakanova and Peter the Great himself are often seen here. The woman is crying, begging for help, and the founder of the city quickly walks through the territory. There are even cases when the ghost of the king was captured in photographs.
At night, five hanged Decembrists come out, who have not found shelter between the worlds. White silhouettes can frighten the public unprepared for mysticism, but so far the local ghosts have not done anything bad to any person.
In Soviet times, they thought it was hooligans having fun, and even ambushed them.
Mystical places of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region
The Malookhtinsky cemetery, which is a haven for sorcerers and suicides, continues the theme of the so-called dead corners of the city and its environs. The Orthodox Church forbade the burying of sinners, and they were all taken to a place of ill repute.
Visitors to the gloomy cemetery talk about the sudden appearance of a milky-white fog that envelops the area and the strong smell of incense in the air. A strange greenish glowslowly moving from one place to another, inspires real horror. Moans and screams are heard at night, as well as an incomprehensible rattle, as if the dead are getting out of their graves.

A small correspondence tour of the mystical places of St. Petersburg has come to an end. Those who are not afraid of scary stories can get to know the mysterious corners on their own, feeling the special atmosphere and amazing aura.
It is worth visiting to confirm or refute ancient legends, and the beautiful city of white nights will share its secrets, opening the door to a fairy tale.