One of the most colorful medieval castles is located in the UK. A sample of military architecture is considered the best defensive structure in Europe, which has come down to posterity in good condition. The impregnable fortress, called the "beautiful swamp", attracts tourists from all over the world who want to touch the history of England.
Building power in Wales
Located on the island of Anglesey, Beaumaris Castle seems to block the entrance to the Menai Strait. In 1295, on the site of a small Viking settlement, on the orders of King Edward I, the construction of powerful fortifications began to strengthen power in Wales. More than 2,500 workers took part in the construction of the majestic structure.

However, three years later, the war broke out in Scotland, and due to a shortage of funds in the treasury, the grandiose construction was frozen.
Expensive construction
In 1306, construction resumed, but not on the same scale as before. Many grand planswas not destined to come true. For example, the rooms in the northern part of the castle are not fully completed, as are the rooms on the second floor. According to the project, luxurious royal chambers for the monarch's family were located there.
The construction of impregnable fortress ensembles was an extremely expensive pleasure in those days, as a large amount of labor and building materials were expended. According to the researchers, more than 20 million euros (translated into our money) were spent on the Beaumaris castle, which received royal status. Only the Normans and the English settled in the fortress and its environs, and residents of Welsh origin were deprived of such rights.
Symmetrical Citadel
The architectural project surprised with its symmetry. Everything was subordinated to the fact that the enemy could not take the castle of Beaumaris in Wales by attack: two rings of powerful walls, a moat filled with water, loopholes, ingenious obstacles for an enemy who accidentally made his way into the fortress. According to experts, the citadel built on swamps is recognized as the most difficult to overcome fortress among such structures.

There were about fourteen traps for enemy scouts, and only after passing them all, it was possible to get into the fortress. Unfortunately, after the death of the king, no one was involved in the construction of the stone ensemble. Several decades later, unsuccessful attempts were made to complete Beaumaris.
The castle, striking in its power, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Unusual structure of a historical monument
Origin althe attraction according to the project had a concentric structure. Outside, Beaumaris Castle is surrounded by a huge five-meter moat, behind which there are powerful outer walls. Inside, the historical complex with living rooms and a small chapel is protected on all sides by a ring of fortifications, and in the center there is a small courtyard where there were stables, servants' quarters, a kitchen and warehouses.
If you look at Beaumaris Castle from above, you will notice the symmetry of the objects located in it, which increased the invulnerability of the defensive structure.

From the south side, a station built for ships and guarded by gates, which were raised at the right time, adjoins the fortress walls. The fact is that the moat was previously connected to the sea and filled with water during high tides, thanks to which multi-ton ships with provisions could come close to the walls of the castle and unhindered unload inside it.
Castle Feature
The main feature of the complex is the absence of a donjon - the obligatory main tower, which was erected in a place inaccessible to the enemy. Instead, 16 small towers appeared along the outer wall, and six powerful structures were built inside the castle, protecting the entrances during the assault of the enemy and increasing the defenses of the impregnable fortress.
Symbol of medieval England
The stone complex, which escaped the attacks of the enemy, appears before the descendants in its original form. The ancient castle of Beaumaris, without exaggeration, can be called a symbol of medieval England, and specialists inmilitary construction fields admire the ingenious engineering of the architect who designed the citadel in the swamps.
Tourists enjoy visiting a local attraction located in the county of Anglesey. During an exciting excursion, you can go down into gloomy dungeons, climb spiral staircases overgrown with moss, and go around the fortress walls. From a height, a delightful view of the architectural complex and picturesque surroundings opens up.

A popular tourist attraction has a special aura that immerses visitors to England in the Middle Ages. Beaumaris Castle, whose photo conveys the power and majesty of the citadel, is of interest not only to fans of history, but also to everyone who wants to get acquainted with a masterpiece of military architecture.