If you are planning to go to Vienna, then this article will be of interest to you. Now we will talk about one attraction. She, of course, is the highlight of the federal capital of Austria. Anyone interested in Vienna is also attracted to the Hofburg. What is this castle? We will talk about this now, describe in detail its history, as well as its appearance.
Famous Landmark
Hofburg (Vienna) is the luxurious splendor of the heritage of the Habsburg dynasty, located in the capital of Austria. Over the long history of their reign, the representatives of the family have left to their descendants a lot of evidence of their dominance in the central power of Europe. The Hofburg, which became the residence of the rulers, was built in 1278.

Today it is not only a unique architectural ensemble that combines several styles, it also contains the rarest expositions of world-famous rarities. Some researchers and travelers call the palace complex a city within a city. Scientists believe that the Hofburg Castle (Vienna) was founded on the site of an even more ancient structure.
The current palace ensemble has several main components. This is a Swiss patio in the Renaissance style. The chapel, which is an example of the Gothic style in architecture, in which the world-famous boys' choir sings since 1498.

The Imperial Treasury of the Hofburg (Vienna) was constantly supplemented with new buildings, as each representative of the dynasty during his reign brought something new to the castle complex.
Swiss gates and stables
Ferdinand I in 1552 built the Swiss Gate, through which you can go to In der Burg Square. The square itself is a significant place in terms of history. In the old days, it was here that they judged people accused of certain, real or imaginary, atrocities. They organized jousting tournaments, and later military parades. On the gate itself, built in the form of an arch, the longest list of Ferdinand's possessions was engraved in gold. The architecture of the gate is borrowed from the builders of ancient Rome. The name appeared much later, during the time of Empress Maria Theresa. Since it was at this gate that the Swiss guard was deployed.
By order of Maximilian II, stables were built, which were then converted. Now they house an art gallery.
Rudolf II completed the chambers of the Empress, later they were called Amalienburg. Under Leopold I, a wing with ceremonial halls was added, it is called the Leopold wing. In addition, the famous wine cellars were equipped.
Vienna, Hofburg. Spanish arena building: description
Charles VI is known for his contribution to the development of the Hofburg. By his order, the building of the Spanish Manege was built. It is also called the Spanish Riding School or Equestrian Ballet. To this day, to the music of Schubert and Mozart, horses of the Lipizzan breed perform here. In one of the towns of the Austro-Hungarian Empire - Lipica, now it is the territory of Slovenia, Archduke Charles II brought out this breed of horses. Charles VI also ordered the construction of an imperial library in 1722. Several centuries before this event, the Habsburgs began to collect a collection of books that has become one of the richest in Europe. Emperor Charles VI built a separate building for this huge collection.

During the time of Maria Theresa, the Burgtheater was built. It soon became one of the most famous theaters in the Old World. The theater stage has witnessed many premieres, for example, the works of the genius Mozart.
Emperor Joseph II built Joseph Square with an equestrian statue of the emperor.
Habsburg Treasury (Imperial)
Now there are several museums on the territory of the residence of the Habsburg emperors. One of them has a very eloquent name - the treasury of the Habsburgs, or the imperial treasury. Here are collected signs of power of the emperors of Ancient Rome, for example, the crown of the Holy Roman Empire. There are other relics of royal power - the imperial sword, the scepter of the Habsburgs, made, according to legend, from the horn of a unicorn. Power crowned with large precious stones. There is an exposition heretreasures of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The museum houses an ancient artifact that has colossal energy, according to legend. This is the so-called Spear of Destiny, with which one of the soldiers of Pontius Pilate pierced the body of Jesus crucified on the cross.

A crib for the offspring of the imperial dynasty, a rose bush made of gold, and many more exquisite and amazing things, whose artistic and historical value is difficult to translate into a monetary equivalent. You can get to this museum by metro, reaching the Herrengasse station.
How much do tickets cost?
Hofburg in Vienna can be visited from September to June, from nine in the morning until half past five in the evening. And from nine in the morning to six in the evening from July to August. A ticket for an adult costs ten euros. Children aged six to sixteen will be able to get a ticket for six euros. If tourists wish to enjoy the singing of the world-famous boys' choir, then tickets must be purchased in advance.
Palace Ensemble Chapel
Among the attractions of the Hofburg, it is worth mentioning the Chapel of St. George of the Church of St. Augustine. It is here that the embalmed hearts of the representatives of the Habsburg royal dynasty are located.

And also stands out the marble pyramid, which is the tombstone of Mary Christina. She was the favorite daughter of Empress Maria Theresa. Access to this chapel is by appointment only.
What else is interesting about Vienna, Hofburg? Museumpapyrus located in the castle grounds. The largest collection of ancient Egyptian papyri is preserved here.
In general, the Hofburg Palace in Vienna accommodates about twenty-two such establishments. There is the Museum of Globes and Butterflies, the Ethnographic Museum and the Museum of the most popular Empress Elizabeth, whom everyone called Sisi. There is a museum where the silver and porcelain dishes of the imperial family are presented. One of its names is the silver pantry. In the music museum, in addition to rare sights, the guides will offer tourists the world's only recording of an orchestra conducted by the maestro of the Viennese w altz - Strauss.

Hungry travelers don't have to leave the Hofburg. On the territory of the imperial garden, not far from the greenhouse, there is a nice and cozy restaurant.
Small conclusion
Now you know what Vienna is proud of. The Hofburg is a palace worth visiting. It's beautiful and interesting here. Therefore, be sure to come to Vienna.