From afar, the Shakuran waterfall in Abkhazia is not so easy to see. He, like a little boy, was lost among tall trees and hanging vines. Therefore, local residents recommend that inexperienced tourists take guides with them. But it is worth coming closer - and that's it, the soul freezes, the eyes open wide with delight, and the heart begins to sing an ode to the entire Abkhazian land. It is very difficult after leaving this place, the legs themselves carry the person back!

No one knows for sure when and how the Shakuran waterfall appeared. Scientists attribute its birth to the strongest earthquake that occurred here in 1892, the power of which, according to various estimates, was from 7 to 9 points. They say that then part of the mountain Small Shapach, which is located near the Amtkel River, could not stand it and collapsed down. The result was a dam.
A little later, the river dried up below the collapse and overgrown with green plants, and above it formed Lake Amtkel. It was water that caused the appearance of dozens of new caves that have a connection with the reservoir, and the Shakuran waterfall. No legends and myths here about thisno.

The most beautiful Shakuran waterfall is located in the Gulripsh region of Abkhazia, in the gorge of the same name, created due to erosion and weathering of soft rocks (travertine, limestone, and so on). It feeds on the waters of the Shakuran River, which originates from the purest springs of the Tsebelda Gorge.
To get to this place, you need to walk or drive a jeep. No sandals or shoes, just sneakers. It is advisable to take a guide with you who will show you the best way to get to Shakuran Falls.

Characteristics of Shakuran Falls
Shakuran waterfall consists of 4 plums located close to each other. The topmost 30 meters high, it runs off the cliff in a thin stream and powerfully capsizes down into the stone amphitheater, directly onto a huge cone with an ominous "humanoid head" (its top resembles it so much). You can go down for swimming to the lake, which unites all 4 plums, to the left of any of them, along a narrow path. You can also swim through the cave with cold water of the Shakuran River. All you need to do is wear a wetsuit and good shoes, and bring a waterproof flashlight.
The volume of the jet of water directly depends on the amount of precipitation. In the rainy season, the Shakuran waterfall appears before travelers in all its grandeur. It becomes luxurious and majestic. At such a time, you can look at it indefinitely for a long time. It is worth noting that, according tocited by tourists about the Shakuran waterfalls in Abkhazia reviews, he never rages. On the contrary, it calms, creates a sense of peace and a lyrical mood. And it's great!

Cascades and caves
The total height of the Shakuran waterfall is about 250 meters. But its real grandeur can be observed not only from above. It is enough to climb onto the cone standing in the middle of the lake, consisting of limestone and not completely formed, so that an unusually beautiful and amazing view opens up in front of you. Here you can even watch with your own eyes how underground funnels and basins are formed.
In the niches of the lower cascade, which flows into the Jampal River, and the middle one, you can see 3 caves, the largest of them has a length of 3 meters. They are very beautiful: sinter formations of various shapes, created from s alt, clay and other natural minerals (stalactites), hang from the ceiling. Towards them, from the bottom of the caves, flowing mineral cones and pillars (stalagmites) tend. All together it looks great! It is worth noting that part of the Shakuran River flows in the longest of the caves. You can visit it, but it is better after acquiring special equipment and the necessary experience.

Road to Shakuran Falls
The waterfall itself is beautiful, but the road to it is even more picturesque. It begins somewhere on the Tsebelda Highlands, along which the Shakuran River flows. Then it smoothly passes into a rocky place, created over the millennia by the forces of water and wind,then it flows into a path that leads through a grove with boxwoods. The trees in this forest are very strange and unusual, with twisted trunks. Seeing them makes you feel like you're in some fantasy movie.
From the boxwood grove to the Shakurana gorge there is a steep path, completely covered with dense vegetation and moss. The air here is quite humid and heavy. Therefore, going here is strictly prohibited for asthmatics and people suffering from other lung diseases. However, others should also be careful. In order not to fall off when walking on slippery stones, you need to wear shoes that can provide good traction. It is also recommended to hold on tightly to the wire stretched here specifically for insurance.
When traveling to Shakuran Falls, you will also have to go through a stone arch with an interesting name "Wolf's Gate", a canyon with multi-ton boulders and mysterious tunnels. In order not to get lost, you should take a guide with you who can tell you about everything that you can meet along the way. If you decide to visit Shakuran Falls with him, the tour will be interesting and informative!

How to get to Shakuran Falls?
To understand how beautiful our planet can be, you can go to the Shakuran waterfalls in Abkhazia. How to get to it, people who have already been there can advise. If there are none in your environment, you should first drive a large SUV to the village of Zakharovka and hire a guide there. Distance fromfrom the center of Sukhum to the Shakuran Gorge is only about 40 km, it will take about 1 hour to overcome it or, if the roads are very bad and softened from the rain, 2 hours. It will take you about half an hour to walk.
If you decide to join an excursion group, you can do it in Sukhumi or Gagra. The cost of a guided tour is from 1500 rubles. The advantages are obvious: in addition to the Shakuran waterfall, you can visit mineral springs, sites of ancient people, individual caves, the village of Amtkel and many other interesting places that you would not even be able to find on your own.
In closing
Abkhazia, although a small country, is very primitive and beautiful. There are many beautiful places here, which you should definitely visit, on your own or with a guide - it does not matter. Shakuran waterfall, located in the Gulripsh district, is one of them. It is truly magnificent, primitive, grandiose and graceful in all its manifestations, especially during the rainy season, and practically ceases to exist in the heat. But in any case, it differs, judging by the reviews of travelers, by its calm disposition and beauty. Many tourists say that it is worth seeing it at least once with your own eyes to be convinced of the possibility of the existence of paradise on Earth.