Plyos is a small Russian town located in the Volga region. It is considered one of the main tourist areas of the Ivanovo region. Ples is located on the right-bank hills of the Volga at the mouth of the Shokhonka River. Eighteen kilometers from this place is the city of Privolzhsk.
Basic information about the city
For the first time Ples was mentioned in the famous Novgorod Chronicle in the middle of the twelfth century. The exact date of the founding of the Plesskaya fortress in this settlement is unknown. It is only known that it was destroyed in 1238, at the moment when the city suffered from the invasion of Batu.
In the eighteenth century Ples became a county town of the Kostroma viceroy. At that time there were quite a lot of different linen factories, breweries, as well as many commodity shops.
Later, industrial development begins in the nearest larger cities. For this reason, Plyos is losing its transport significance and is gradually becoming a small provincial town. It is considered an ideal place for relaxation as well as creativity.
In modern times, for many, Plyos is associated with calmness and tranquility, since the city is located among birch groves on the banks of the Volga. Time seems to stop here, so the spirit of the past is felt.
Many people also know that this city is associated with the great Russian artist I. I. Levitan, since it was in this place that he drew inspiration when writing his famous works. The master's paintings mainly depict the Volga, fields, villages, as well as beautiful birch groves.
Sights of Ples city with description
Despite the fact that this settlement is quite small in size, it has many different historical sights that are definitely worth seeing if there is a great interest in the architecture, nature and history of our country. In this article, everyone will learn all the names of Ples attractions.
Mount Levitan and wooden Church of the Resurrection

In the city there is a picturesque mountain called Petropavlovskaya. It offers magnificent views of the area. According to many travelers, this place is the most impressive in the city.
At the top of the Peter and Paul Mountain is a tiny church called the Church of the Resurrection. It is a striking example of cage type structures. It is worth noting that we can see this territory on Levitan's famous painting "Above Eternal Peace". ATIn honor of the painter, this natural object is now called Mount Levitan. It is the brightest attraction of Plyos.
Inside the church, everything is made of wood. Most impressive is the carved iconostasis, which helps to reflect on how skillfully the carvers worked. There is not a single fresco and not a single pictorial icon. They are all carved from wood.
Previously, this place was exactly the same temple, which was built in the sixteenth century. But, unfortunately, it burned down in a fire in 1903. At the end of the twentieth century, a very similar building was found and moved to Mount Levitan.
Many guests of the city are very impressed by this cultural monument, because it is in this attraction of Plyos that wooden architecture can be seen best. Agree, it is not often possible to see icons made in the form of wood carvings in churches.
Cathedral Hill

This attraction of Plyos is considered the real heart of the city in every sense of the word. First, it is the central part of the settlement. Secondly, tourists most often visit this particular place.
Once upon a time there was a city, protected by a wooden wall, as well as a rampart. Cathedral Mountain is a high, fairly wide plateau, where a centuries-old birch grove still roars.
When describing the sights of Ples, you need to pay attention to the Assumption Cathedral. This building was built on the site of a wooden temple that burned down in the seventeenth century. Later, northeast of this buildingbuilt the "summer" Kazan Cathedral. After some time, they decided to enclose the whole complex with a large powerful fence. Unfortunately, in Soviet times, the Kazan Cathedral, as well as the fence, were destroyed. In their place, only the gate remained.
In modern times, a wooden cross is located on the territory of the cathedral. Restoration work has been carried out here in recent years. The temple was repaired, the alley was ennobled. In addition, various pavilions and viewing platforms were built here.
Locals love to come here. Festivals, weddings, and other events are often held here.
House Museum of Isaac Ilyich Levitan

Every traveler should also visit here. The museum is located in a stone manor built in the nineteenth century. The great I. I. lived in this house. Levitan during most of his visits to this locality.
The museum opened in the second half of the twentieth century. This house belonged to the merchant Solodnikov. After the revolution, a monument to Isaac Ilyich Levitan was erected here. The author of this sculpture is the popular Soviet master Nikolai Dydykin. Within the walls of the museum there are many original paintings by famous Russian artists. Including Isaac Levitan, Ivan Shishkin, and Sofia Kuvshinnikova.
Landscape Museum

At the end of the twentieth century, by decision of the city administration, it was decided to open the only Landscape Museum in the country in a house with a red roof.
This ideaMuseum-reserve employees emerged quite a long time ago, but only in 1997 it was implemented. This wonderful place was opened with the support of the Committee for Culture and Art in the Ivanovo region.
This landmark of Ples is located in the former mansion of merchants Groshev-Podgornov. It was built back in the eighteenth century.
Constantly within the walls of the museum you can see many unique works of famous Russian artists, including I. I. Shishkin, N. A. Klodt, A. K. Savrasov, R. G. Sudakovsky and many others. In addition, there are works by representatives of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions.
This attraction of Ples in the Ivanovo region is also famous for the fact that exhibitions of modern landscape painting from various parts of vast Russia are constantly held here. The Green Noise festival is also held here every year.
Excursions are organized within the walls of the museum, within the framework of which visitors are introduced to the development of the lyrical landscape, as well as to the work of outstanding domestic masters. Here they explain the features of such a genre as landscape, talk about its specifics.
Levitan Cultural Center

This organization is considered an object of cultural heritage of regional importance, as well as one of the main attractions of the city of Plyos. This place was opened by the President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives, as well as the Governor of the Ivanovo Region, Mikhail Men. A few years ago, with the support of the charitablenon-profit Foundation "Dar" was reconstructed premises.
The center meets all modern requirements for institutions of this kind.
This architectural structure contains two exhibition areas, a stage space for film screenings, as well as exhibitions, conferences and forums. The main hall of the Levitanovsky Cultural Center can accommodate more than one hundred and fifty people. The area of the Levitan Hall exhibition hall is more than three hundred square meters. In addition, this hall is equipped with modern equipment.
Places of presence
This museum and exhibition complex is located in the building of the "Public Places". It is located on Cathedral Hill. The structure was built in the eighteenth century.
When Plyos turned into a provincial town, the building housed the City Government, the city public bank, and the Higher Men's School. In addition, wine was stored here many years ago in vaulted cellars.
Thanks to the fact that the restorers have worked hard, it became possible to open a museum within the walls of this building. In the basement floor of the building, a permanent exhibition related to the history of the city was placed. Temporary exhibitions are located on the first and second floors.
The exposition, located in the basement, tells about the early periods of the city of Ples, as well as the history of the Ivanovo region.
Materials from archaeological collections complement anthropological reconstructions, as well as voluminous large-scalelayouts. After the tour is over, tourists are offered to try on ancient Russian costumes. You can take pictures in them.
Art crafts of the Ivanovo region in Plyos

This attraction of Ples in the Ivanovo region is located on the embankment in the building of the "Flour Rows". This building is considered a real architectural monument of the second half of the nineteenth century.
The museum opened in 2008. Here is an exposition in four areas of artistic crafts of the Ivanovo region: jewelry, original Ivanovo embroidery and much more. There are more than two hundred different items here.
The composition is truly special, because there are both historical exhibits and modern things. Visitors can not only look at the presented directions, but order and purchase some of the goods available in the art salon. He works at the museum.
Stone Resurrection Church

The church was built in the nineteenth century in honor of the end of the Patriotic War. This is one of Ples's most popular attractions. The architecture of the building represents several different styles. Here you can see Yaroslavl architecture of the seventeenth century, as well as late classicism. A feature of the church is a three-tiered bell tower.