The holiday season continues, and if you have not yet decided on a vacation spot, but you know for sure that you do not need foreign resorts, then go to Linevo Lake (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Here you will not only swim in the purest water, but also enjoy magnificent views, and you can also fish excellently. So feel free to pack your bags and go to Lake Linevo! 2014, you see, turned out to be quite tense, so a vacation on the lake is the best solution that will help you relax your body and clear your mind. The lake got its name because of the tench fish that lives in it.

Legend of the Five Lakes
Lake Linevo is part of a system of five lakes located very close to each other, on the border territory of the Omsk, Muromtsevsky and Kyshtovsky districts of the Novosibirsk region. According to legend, these lakes were formed from the fall of a meteorite. It is believed that the water in these reservoirs has a healing power. To do this, you need to swim in all five lakes in a certain sequence. This system of lakes includes Shaitan Lake, Linevo, Urmannoye, Danilovo Lake and Potaennye. Satan Lake is located nearthe mysterious village of Okunevo (a few words will be said about it below). This body of water is surrounded by swamps, and getting to it is not so easy. It is believed that the road is open only to the elite. But you can use the services of local guides. The water in the lake is considered "dead", so even the locals do not dare to swim in it. They say that the apparent transparency of the water is very deceptive, and the lake has a double bottom.

According to another legend, under the bottom of the lake is the temple of the god of monkeys - Hanuman. In the Kashtyrsky district there is Lake Urmannoe, the water in which is also considered healing. Danilovo Lake is located near Urmanny. The reservoir has an elongated shape. The length of the lake is about eight hundred meters, and the width is five hundred. The depth reaches sixteen meters. It is believed that this water contains a large amount of silver, however, as in the other four lakes. Therefore, such water is able to save the suffering from any ailments, and it does not deteriorate in closed vessels for many years. The hidden lake is the most mysterious of all five. The thing is, no one has been able to find it yet. According to legend, it is located somewhere among the swamps, on the right bank of the Tara River. Well, the fifth body of water is Lake Linevo. It will be discussed in this article.
Where is Lake Linevo?
This body of water is located in the Omsk region, west of Lake Danilovo, at the foot of the forts of the Kuznetsk Alatau, not far from the Sharypovo-Goryachegorsk road. The river Tara flows nearby.
Description of the lake
Lakeis an irregular oval. The size of this natural reservoir is about five hundred by three hundred meters. Depth - eleven meters. The lake is home to a large variety of fish: pike, tench, roach, perch and other species. The vegetation of the reservoir is no less diverse: cattail, bizarre algae, water lilies. There are a huge number of them here. By the way, according to statements, the presence of water lilies indicates clean water. But that Lake Linevo (Krasnoyarsk Territory) is clean, you will understand only by looking at the water surface. The water is transparent to a depth of two and a half meters. The coast here is sloping, but the eastern coast is quite steep. The lake is surrounded by a picturesque mixed forest dominated by coniferous trees.

How to get to Lake Linevo from Sharypovo?
This reservoir is very popular not only among local tourists - people come here from all over our country. Someone, believing the legend, wants to improve their he alth, someone is interested in fishing, while others just want to enjoy the beautiful nature and swim in the famous lakes. Let's figure out how to get to this mysterious reservoir. Arriving in Krasnoyarsk (Sharypovo is located 360 km from here), keep your way to the city of Achinsk. There you will turn to the village of Nazarovo, and after eighteen kilometers you will see a turn to Sharypovo. Without turning anywhere, go straight: Lake Linevo (Sharypovo) is located twenty-five kilometers from the city.

How to get to Lake Linevo from Omsk?
If you keepway in the direction of Omsk - Linevo Lake, then follow this route. From Omsk you need to get to the village of Muromtsevo. Then you need to turn right, to Karbyza, and only then get to the village of Kondratyevo. From there to the lake - eight kilometers of a real Siberian country road, with pits and potholes. It should be noted that in rainy weather you are unlikely to be able to overcome this path by car. From Omsk to the lake two hundred and thirty kilometers, but due to the fact that the roads are very bad, it will take about four hours to get there.

Rest on Lake Linevo
On the shore there are places for recreation, there are tables with benches. There are also several wooden houses here, but you need to reserve them in advance. If you went to Linevo Lake (the photo is presented in the article) in your own car, then four hundred rubles will be charged from you for entering the territory. Since the coast is gently sloping, you can easily find a place for a tent camp. It should be noted that the lake is very crowded on weekends. Therefore, if you want to retire, you will have to spend some time looking for a suitable place. There are also several small stalls on the territory of the recreation center where you can buy both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. But the prices here are several times more expensive than in the city. Three Russian baths are at your service. Having steamed enough, you can immediately dive into the pond. But you also need to book places in the bath in advance. There is a volleyball court for outdoor enthusiasts. True, those who want to do this sport are alwaysenough - you can not have time to get into the team of players. In the evening they have a disco. All those who visited Lake Linevo leave the best reviews, but perhaps this is not a good place for couples with small children: it is very noisy here.

Fazenda camp site
Wishing to spend more than one day on the lake, it is better to use the services of tourist centers, which abound here. Some of them will be described below. And let's start the excursion from the recreation center called "Fazenda". This hostel is suitable for those people who love noisy fun and big companies. Here you can fully enjoy the wonderful nature, go fishing, cook barbecue. And also wander through the forest, where you may be able to see and feed chipmunks, squirrels and wild ducks. You can arrange excursions to the other three lakes, which are located nearby. Every year in August, a festival of author's songs called "Legends of OM" is held on the territory of the base. The hostel "Fazenda" is located on the very shore of the lake. The staff of the complex will provide you with cozy rooms. Let's take a look at other recreation centers on Lake Linevo.
The hostel "Linevskiy Bereg"
This tourist base is also located on the shore of the reservoir. It is very popular not only among local residents, but also among visitors. And this is no coincidence. Good location, beautiful nature, well-established infrastructure - all this attracts many guests here. There are specially equipped places for recreation on the territory: gazebos with tables, a clean beach, changing rooms, toilets. ForFor kids there is a playground with swings, slides, sandboxes and much more. Also on the territory of the complex there is a bathhouse and a cozy cafe, there are banquet halls, cottages for round-the-clock stay, cozy hotel rooms. On the basis of "Linevskiy Bereg" various events of both local and regional scale are constantly held. Beach volleyball tournaments and fishing competitions are held annually. And in winter - auto racing on ice. The base works not only in summer, but also in winter. If you are tired of the bustle of the city, be sure to come to the recreation center "Linevskiy Bereg", the staff of the complex will create all the conditions for you so that your stay is pleasant and comfortable.
DOOL "Brigantine"
When planning a child's summer vacation, every parent wants his child to have a good rest and gain strength before the new school year. An excellent solution would be to send the child to the children's recreational and educational camp "Brigantina". It is located on the right bank of Lake Lineva, in a birch grove. Here for children all necessary conditions for excellent, and, above all - safe rest are created. On the territory of the camp there are fourteen sleeping buildings, a large dining room for two hundred seats. There is also a medical center, rooms for the work of children's associations, a library, a volleyball court, a football field, showers, a laundry, a children's cafe, a disco, a gym with various exercise equipment. Professional teachers and counselors will work with the children. In addition to swimming in the lake and walking through the forest, the children will enjoy a disco, participation in various shows andthemed holidays.

Of course, every parent is concerned about nutrition. Here you can reassure moms and dads: your child will not be hungry - six meals a day are provided in the camp. As for the rest on the water, then there is also no need to worry: swimming takes place only under the supervision of counselors. In addition, the bottom of the reservoir is constantly cleaned by divers, and the water temperature is more than comfortable - 25 degrees. Your child will love Brigantina Children's Camp and will return home rested, tanned and full of energy.
Tourist Tips
If you decide to visit Lake Linevo, you should remember that the nearest shops are at least twelve kilometers away, and the products sold on the shore are very expensive. Therefore, it is better to bring everything you need with you. This is especially true for medicines and infant formulas. If you decide to go fishing, then you can rent everything you need at the camp sites. And further. In rainy weather, it is better to abandon the trip, as there is every chance of getting stuck tightly on wet roads.
For lovers of inexplicable phenomena
Finally, one cannot fail to mention unusual phenomena that, according to local residents, occur on Omsk's five lakes. Okunevo is a small village located on the steep bank of the Tara River. Representatives of various confessions and beliefs live in Okunevo. There is a legend that claims that this village is the cradle of civilization. Locals often observe inexplicable phenomena: luminous balls and spots. ATIn the forest and around the settlement, many trees have a bizarre shape: twisted trunks with cut tops. At different times, the villagers saw pillars of light and girls in fancy sundresses in the clearings. And sometimes transparent women in mournful poses appear in the sky above the village. Psychics claim that on the territory of Okunev there is a powerful energy center, a gate to a parallel world. Fiction or truth - everyone decides for himself. But, be that as it may, be sure to come to the lakes, you will be charged with energy from the local nature for sure. And also fish enough, and you will certainly want to come here again and again.