Veliky Novgorod: sights, photos

Veliky Novgorod: sights, photos
Veliky Novgorod: sights, photos

Veliky Novgorod is one of the largest tourist centers in the northwest of Russia. It can rightfully be called a city-museum, since many historical objects have been preserved on its territory. There is also an archaeological excavation center here. The sights of Veliky Novgorod deserve the closest attention from tourists. To visit the city and not see its beauties is an unforgivable mistake.

Ancient city of Russia

Veliky Novgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia. Its rich history cannot but interest. No wonder he was called the "father of Russian cities." And to this day on its territory there are interesting historical monuments that can tell a lot about the old days. At one time, the first books were written here. People from all over the area came to local fairs, glorifying the greatness of the city. Veliky Novgorod was famous as a rich city with strong and strong walls and ancient temples. Its we alth and grandeur can be judged even now by those sights that have survived to this day. Since 1992, all historical monuments of the city andits surroundings are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Among the sights of Veliky Novgorod, the Novgorod Kremlin stands out. In the old days he was called detinets. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. By the way, the Novgorod Kremlin is the oldest of all preserved in Russia. The first mention of it dates back to 1044. Of course, throughout history, the towers and walls of the Kremlin have been burned many times. And in the fifteenth century, the fortress was completely rebuilt from stone.

In ancient times, the Kremlin was considered the public, administrative and religious center of the city. It was here that they gathered at the veche. Troops left the walls of the fortress to fight Alexander Nevsky with the Swedes. The Kremlin collected the first books and rewrote them, as well as keeping chronicles.

Kremlin of Veliky Novgorod
Kremlin of Veliky Novgorod

Detinets was erected in the fifteenth century. It occupied an area of about 12 hectares. Brick walls with 12 towers reliably protected the city from enemies. Only nine towers have survived to this day.

Unique ancient buildings have their own characteristics. So, for example, towers and walls were built without foundations. They were erected on earthen ramparts, which are nothing more than an air cushion, inside of which was earth, and outside - pure clay. An interesting fact is that during the spring flood, the pillow - an earthen rampart - swells, causing the walls to slightly rise a couple of centimeters.

This construction option was chosen for a reason. On local swampy soils, this is the only design option that is possible. The ancient architects were not mistaken in their calculations. If the walls were fixed rigidly, they would begin to crack at the first flood. Thanks to correct calculations, powerful fortifications stood for many centuries and have survived to this day. And now they are the main attraction of Veliky Novgorod.

Features of the oldest building

During construction, a serious drainage system was laid under the entire Kremlin, consisting of dugout wooden logs that carried water outside the walls. It is hard to imagine, but the drainage system has been successfully operating to this day, despite the fact that more than 500 years have passed. In Soviet times, excavations were carried out on the territory of the Kremlin, as a result of which part of the drainage system was disturbed. The result of interference in the unique structure of the building was the collapse in 1991 of part of the wall between the Spasskaya and Knyazheskaya towers. True, later the wall was partially restored, but now it is purely decorative.

Defensive structures
Defensive structures

The Kremlin was put together at the expense of the great lord (head of the clergy) and the prince. Since Vladyka contributed 1/3 of the funds, he occupied 1/3 of the Kremlin. The rest of the part was princely. In the old days, the whole area was very densely built up. Cathedrals and churches were erected on each part. To date, most of the sights of Veliky Novgorod are buildings that have been preserved precisely on the sovereign part. Here is the belfry, St. Sophia Cathedral, the Palace of Facets. An interesting fact is that in full power to experience the power of the wallsthe Kremlin was not possible. The city did not withstand long sieges in the entire history of its existence.

St. Sophia Cathedral

Among the sights of Veliky Novgorod (the photo is given in the article) it is worth seeing St. Sophia Cathedral, built in the eleventh century. And to be precise, the temple was built during the reign of Vladimir Yaroslavovich. It is worth noting that the cathedral is one of the first stone temples of that time. Older is only the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv, the Cathedral of St. Sophia of Kyiv and the Transfiguration Church in Chernigov. Experts believe that the building was built by Byzantine craftsmen. In the original project, the temple was to be decorated with open galleries for walking. However, the architects did not know how cold it was in this region. Understanding the peculiarities of the climate, they decided to make the cathedral closed.

Sofia Novgorodskaya has six chapters. There is a figurine of a dove on the central gilded head on the cross.

An ancient legend is associated with her. It says that the Holy Spirit flew over the city during the "bloody feast" of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Seeing the atrocities taking place here, the spirit sat down on the cross and was petrified with horror. Since then, for many centuries there has been a belief that Veliky Novgorod is guarded by a dove. As long as he sits in his place, nothing threatens the city. And if the bird disappears, then Novgorod itself will perish.

Surprisingly, this prophecy really turned out to be true. During the Great Patriotic War, a bomb hit the building of the temple, as a result of which the cross fell, and with it the dove. After that, the city was almost completely destroyed. A massive cross with a figurine of a dove was taken to distant Spain. For a long time it was kept in the storerooms of the Madrid Museum. He was returned to his homeland only in 2004. It is currently kept inside the cathedral. And the cross that rises above the temple is a copy made before the return of the original. Such is the interesting story of one of the main attractions of Veliky Novgorod (the photo is given in the article).

Saint Sophia Cathedral
Saint Sophia Cathedral

The main shrine of the temple is the old icon "The Sign". Tradition says that she saved the city in 1170 from the troops of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. An arrow hit the icon, after which tears appeared on the image. The enemy was so afraid that the troops fled in panic. Historians do not know for sure whether this story is true, but there is indeed an arrow mark on the icon.

The Faceted Chamber

What to see in Veliky Novgorod? The sights of the city are so interesting that it is difficult to single out among them those that are worth seeing in the first place. The famous Palace of Facets is located on the territory of the Kremlin, which was one of the most significant buildings of the sovereign's court. It was built in 1433. The structure is a three-story building equipped with 30 entrances. The first floor of the chambers is closed, there are basements. The interiors of the third floor are quite well preserved, which can be reached by a staircase built in the nineteenth century. The original frescoes of 1441 have been preserved in the Faceted Chamber. Of particular interest is the main hall, made in the Gothic style. Name"faceted" is associated with the design of the vaults with Gothic faces. The chamber was opened for tours in 2012 after a long six-year restoration.

Faceted Chamber
Faceted Chamber

Monument "Millennium of Russia"

Of the sights of the city of Veliky Novgorod, the unusual monument "Millennium of Russia", which is located opposite the St. Sophia Cathedral, attracts interest. The majestic monument was erected in 1862 by order of Alexander II. After the revolution, the monument was covered with boards.

And during the war, the Nazi troops dismantled the monument, planning to take it to Germany. But this was not to be, as the city was liberated. The monument was in a very deplorable state, but it was restored as soon as possible and solemnly returned to its original place.

Kokui Tower

What to see in Veliky Novgorod? The sights of the city are not so distant from each other. Looking around the Kremlin, pay attention to the Kokuy tower. This is a real battle tower that has survived from ancient times. An observation deck is equipped on the top floor of the building.

Kokui Tower
Kokui Tower

From the highest tower of the Kremlin, a stunning view opens up. Inside the building itself, you can see an exposition that tells how Ivan the Terrible put Novgorodians to death. In general, the tower is very interesting.

What to see in Veliky Novgorod in winter: attractions

The ancient city is beautiful at any time of the year. The sights of Veliky Novgorod look even more majestic in winter. The ancient Kremlin is especially beautifulin snowy clothes. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the historical part of the city, then you should go up to the observation deck of the Kokuy tower, from which you can admire the snow-covered ancient buildings.

Kremlin in winter
Kremlin in winter

Absolutely all the sights of Veliky Novgorod in winter (some photos are presented in the review) are available for tourists. The only thing worth remembering is that the average air temperature in the city fluctuates between -10-15 degrees. Therefore, for walks you need to dress well. And sometimes the temperature drops to -30 degrees. You can't walk for long in this weather. But the cathedrals and the Kremlin at such a time look incredibly majestic, somehow very "Russian". Winter in the city is very long, everything freezes in November. If you plan to visit Veliky Novgorod at this time, then you should know that there is a ski base "Mstinskiye Gory" in the region, where you can have fun.

Sightseeing in one day

If it happened that you ended up in the ancient city for a day, then you will invariably have a desire to see the sights of Veliky Novgorod. What to see in 1 day? In principle, you can have time to see the most basic historical sites that will allow you to have an idea about the city. We recommend taking a walk along the Resurrection Boulevard towards the Kremlin. Quite quickly you will see the Kremlin park, entering which you will find yourself at the ancient fortifications. It is worth noting that the main attractions of Veliky Novgorod (photos with names are given in the article) are concentrated in approximately onearea. On the territory of the Kremlin, you can visit St. Sophia Cathedral, the Millennium of Russia monument, walk along the bridge over the famous Volkhov River and get to Yaroslav's Court.

Not far from the park of the 30th anniversary of October is the St. Anthony Monastery and the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.

St. Yuriev Monastery

If you decide to see the sights of Veliky Novgorod by car, then you will have the opportunity to see more interesting places. For example, you can go to St. Yuriev Monastery. There is also a museum of wooden architecture "Vitoslavlitsy" nearby. You won’t be able to get to these places on foot, so it’s more logical to use a car or bus. The journey takes no more than twenty minutes.

Yuriev Monastery
Yuriev Monastery

St. Yuriev Monastery is considered one of the oldest in Russia. It was founded in 1030 by Yaroslav the Wise. Initially, the monastery was wooden. But in 1119, by order of Mstislav the Great, a stone church was laid. Experts refer to the monastery as a real treasure of medieval Russian architecture, and its church reflects the highest ideas of ancestors about harmony and beauty. St. George's Cathedral was at the same time not only a church, but also a princely temple. For the stay of the princely couple, special chambers were equipped here. The temple originally had an ancient fresco painting, which, unfortunately, has practically not been preserved. The monastery was highly revered in the Novgorod diocese for many centuries. He was even called the Yuriev Lavra. Subsequently, on the territory of the monastery were buriedmany princes and members of their families.

Museum of Wooden Architecture

Another attraction of Veliky Novgorod (a photo with a description is given in the article) is the Vitoslavlitsa Museum of Folk Art. It is located near the Yuriev Monastery. The name of the museum is associated with the village that once was here. And in 1964, the building of the Church of the Assumption was moved here from the village of Kuritsko. This was the beginning of the birth of an interesting museum. In the ancient chronicles about Vitoslavlitsy there are references from 1187. Historians believe that the period of the emergence of the village can be attributed to the eleventh century. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, on the site of the current museum, there was the estate of Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya, the only heiress of Count Alexei Orlov. Her house, designed by the famous architect Carl Rossi, has survived to this day, as well as several alleys, an outbuilding, a pond and several very old trees.

Museum of Wooden Architecture
Museum of Wooden Architecture

Currently, there are 34 monuments on the territory of the open-air museum. All of them were transported from different regions of the Novgorod region. Collected in one area, historical buildings vividly demonstrate the architectural features of different regions. Guests can not only see the outside of all the buildings, but also look inside them. The huts inside are furnished with interior items that were found during ethnographic expeditions. Each dwelling has its own theme and showcases certain events in people's lives.

In our article, we have not mentioned all the sights of the ancientcities. In fact, there are many more, so tourists have a large list of places to visit.
