Recently, China has attracted more and more attention. This is facilitated not only by the ancient history of the country, but also by certain climatic conditions that promote he alth, various methods of treatment, tested not even for years, but for millennia. It is no coincidence that many tourists rush here in the hope of improving their he alth.

Dalian is rightfully considered one of the best resorts in China. Its hotels are amazing. You can choose a suitable hotel for yourself, which will provide everything that a person may need on vacation. The rooms here are equipped with the necessary amenities, many hotels (Dalian) have wireless internet. It is very convenient for travelers.

For those who come to China to improve their he alth, it will be interesting that the Dalian resort provides a variety of treatments. A tourist can buy a ticket to a sanatorium and undergo a comprehensive examination. Traditional Chinese medicine is practiced here. Those who wish can undergo treatment according to European methods. Acupuncture is very popular. It is not necessary to go to a sanatorium to passsuch a course. Good specialists can be found elsewhere. You can come to Dalian, whose hotels will gladly accept any traveler, and start acupuncture sessions at the nearest medical center.
Of course, in addition to treatment, the traveler will want to do something else, for example, to get acquainted with the sights of the city of Dalian. Its hotels are adjacent to the most beautiful squares. The highlight of the city is Zhongshan Square. There are many financial and government institutions here. There are many interesting tea restaurants and beautiful flower shops in Dalian.
Those who get to the western part of the city will be interested to look at the largest square in Asia. It's called Xinhai Square. Just half a kilometer away is the exhibition center, which is rightfully considered one of the main, most curious sights of the city.
If a traveler wants to leave his hotel and see the interesting places of Dalian, he should definitely visit the landscape area of Banchui Island. From the north, beautiful mountains rise here, and to the south, a beautiful panorama of the sea and the sandbar.

Chinese guests will be interested to look at the most interesting exhibits presented at the Dalian Natural History Museum. Hotels usually have attendants who will tell you what else of interest to this particular guest can see in this city.
The amazing thing about Dalian is that the city is completely different at different times of the day. During the day it is a bustling business center. At night herevarious lanterns and light bulbs are lit, illuminating the streets and squares with enchanting colors. Many fountains shoot into the sky.
Surrounded by greenery, sparkling with fantastic lights, admiring with its original architecture, Dalian is rightfully loved by tourists who want to come here at least once again.