Interesting excursions in Jordan

Interesting excursions in Jordan
Interesting excursions in Jordan

Jordan is one of the most popular resorts among tourists from all over the world. This southern country is famous not only for its comfortable beautiful beaches, warm sea and magnificent exotic nature. Vacationers who come here on vacation, of course, can visit various interesting sights here: cultural, natural or historical.

Travelers can buy excursions in Jordan, for example, from a tour operator that sold them trips to this country. Also, such trips are offered simply in the resort towns of Jordan, popular with vacationers. You can buy them here right on the beach or in one of the local agencies. Tourists can be helped to plan excursions directly at the hotel. In many hotels in Jordan, including not too expensive ones, special small bureaus are organized for this purpose.

excursions in jordan
excursions in jordan

Jordan is located in a region with a very rich history. Therefore, tourists really have something to see here. Excursions in Jordan for vacationers inmost of the cases offered are very interesting and informative. They can be held not only in English, but also in Russian.

Trips inside Jordan

Sights in this country, therefore, there are many. And in any case, tourists who come here on vacation will not be bored. Next, consider the most interesting offers.


So, which excursions in Jordan can be considered the most interesting and informative? Of course, those travelers who want to get to know this wonderful, beautiful country better should first of all visit its capital. The city of Amman is truly unique. The new and modern here side by side with the ancient. In addition, this settlement looks truly “southern” luxuriously. The walls of the vast majority of houses, public buildings and hotels are built of snow-white limestone. Because of this, Amman is often referred to as the "white city".

Like any other southern resort, the capital lives a noisy nightlife, offering its guests a huge amount of a variety of entertainment. Tourists who come to rest in Jordan can visit restaurants, clubs, massage parlors, water parks, etc. in Amman. According to many vacationers, the ancient historical sights of this city are also interesting.

excursions in jordan from aqaba
excursions in jordan from aqaba

For example, in Amman, tourists can visit such significant and popular places among tourists from all over the world:

  • ancient amphitheater with the temple of Hercules, built in the 2nd century;
  • epoch citadelByzantium;
  • King Hussein Mosque.

There are, of course, other interesting historical sights in the capital of Jordan.

Rock Petra

Very often, tourists who have chosen Jordan for their vacation go to see this ancient city. Petra, stretching from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba, was built a very long time ago. This city was founded, according to some scientists, by the Nabatean Arabs. The main feature of this ancient settlement, which attracts just a huge number of tourists here, is that it is almost completely carved into the rocks.

jordan to israel tour
jordan to israel tour

Once upon a time, ancient Petra guarded busy trade routes, along which caravans with spices, ivory and silk went from India and Africa to the north. It was then that this unusual city became rich and became one of the most beautiful settlements on the Dead Sea coast.

Buying an excursion to Petra in Jordan is also worth it because it is currently included in the list of seven famous wonders of the world. In addition to ordinary tourists, this city is, of course, extremely popular with archaeologists and historians around the world. All sorts of scientific research is carried out here quite often.

Desert Castles

This attraction in Jordan is also visited by many travelers. Once upon a time, the caliph's palaces of the desert served as centers of trade, forts, resting places for caravans, etc. All these ancient buildings, well preserved to this day, were erected induring the Umayyad dynasty. In total, travelers have the opportunity to see 30 such residences in Jordan.

Dead Sea

This tourist attraction of Jordan is, of course, also worth a visit. The Dead Sea is not only a unique monument of nature, but also a natural clinic. It is the largest and s altiest lake in the world. The dense water of the Dead Sea does not even resemble water, but a thick oily brine. It is simply impossible to drown in this s alty lake. Water easily pushes the body up.

Life in the Dead Sea is, of course, completely absent. There are not only fish here, but even any aquatic vegetation. But the local mud is famous as one of the most effective natural healing agents.

tours jordan dead sea
tours jordan dead sea

Once on the shores of the Dead Sea, five biblical cities flourished and roared. It was near this reservoir that the famous Gomorrah and Sodom were built in ancient times. Also here were the cities of Bela, Zeboim and Adma. Today, a huge number of modern hotels of various categories have been built along the shores of the Dead Sea. Excursions in Jordan to the Dead Sea are usually also offered and not particularly expensive.

Travel to other countries in the region

Jordan is a small country. Therefore, tourists vacationing here can quickly get to the states located next to it, which also have a rich history. For example, vacationers who come to rest in Jordan have the opportunity to visit various kinds of religious holy places inIsrael. Also, tourists who decide to spend their holidays in this country can at any time see some of the sights located in Egypt.

Excursions to Jerusalem

The border between Jordan and Israel operates only 12 hours a day. Tourists, of course, usually do not have enough time to see all the sights of Jerusalem. Therefore, excursions in Jordan to this city are usually organized for several days.

Tourists can see the following sights in Jerusalem:

  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher;
  • 5 stops on the Path of Sorrow;
  • Wailing Wall, etc.

Of course, travelers have the opportunity to simply walk along the colorful narrow streets of one of the oldest cities in the world.

jordan excursion to petra
jordan excursion to petra

Cost for tourists vacationing in Jordan, excursions to Jerusalem, unfortunately, are usually quite expensive. Transfer to the border, for example, costs about 20-30 dollars (depending on the resort) one way. The tour itself and the services of a guide usually cost tourists $500-600.

Excursions to Bethlehem

Many tourists also make complex excursions from Jordan to Israel. For example, trips to Jerusalem and Bethlehem are very popular among vacationers. In this case, after visiting the holy city, tourists are taken to the Church of the Nativity. The latter, as you know, is in Bethlehem. In addition to the temple, in this city you can also see a cave in whichpresumably Christ was born, pray before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem, look at the Milk Grotto, visit the famous underground church.

Excursions in Jordan to Jerusalem are popular with domestic tourists for another reason. Russian citizens can enter Israel for sightseeing without visas. At the border of Jordan with this state, they need to present only one passport.

excursions from jordan to jerusalem
excursions from jordan to jerusalem

Best Resorts

Jordan is a southern country. And of course, there are many resorts here, which can also be classified as attractions to some extent. Tourists, including Russians, usually come to Jordan to have a rest in such settlements, for example, as Tala Bay, Jarash, Ajlun. But the most famous and frequently visited city of this country is, of course, Aqaba.

This resort is located in the north-west of Jordan, on the shores of a picturesque bay. In addition to clean, beautiful beaches, Aqaba is also famous for its huge number of various historical monuments.

What excursions can be done from Aqaba

The choice of interesting trips at this most famous resort in the country, tourists really have a very large one. If desired, vacationers vacationing in Aqaba can visit, for example:

  • Al-Sharif Al-Hussein bin Ali Mosque;
  • Mamluk fort;
  • Archaeological Museum.

Also a very interesting attraction of this resort is the ancient city of Islay. archaeologicalexcavations at this site are still ongoing.

what tours in jordan
what tours in jordan

Of course, various travel agencies sell excursions in Aqaba and around the country, including visits to Petra, the Dead Sea, desert castles and more. Many vacationers vacationing in Aqaba also visit the island of the Pharaohs belonging to Egypt. Here, for example, you can see very interesting picturesque ruins of an ancient fortress. It will not be difficult to purchase excursions in Jordan from Aqaba to Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
