Among the American cities of the Midwest, Columbus (Ohio) is considered to be one of the largest. It stands on a river called Sayoto. The name of the city goes back to the name of the great discoverer Christopher Columbus.
General information
The population, according to the recent census, reaches more than 800 thousand people in the city of Columbus (Ohio). The United States has about twenty cities that are considered to be just as large. If we consider the number of the population together with the suburbs, then it is close to two million people. The size of this agglomeration is close to other large cities in Ohio. So, two million live in Cleveland, and just over two million in Cincinnati. The Midwest region of the United States of America has only four other cities with significantly larger populations. Thus, Columbus is smaller than Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago and Minneapolis.

History of the city
This city was founded at the beginning of the 19th century, or rather - in 1812, as the future capital of the state of Ohio, which is located in the east of the Midwest of the country. In factthis status was acquired by him only four years later. At that time, this city in Ohio was located among dense impenetrable forests, used by people only for hunting. If you look at the history of Columbus, the Germans, Italians, Irish played a significant role in its development.

Today, Columbus has a developed economy. The sectors of finance, trade, insurance and energy, logistics, education and he althcare, as well as industry (we can talk about light, military, etc.) are quite developed here.
In fact, this city is very well suited for life. Columbus has a great reputation when it comes to the country as a whole. Among other things, it should be noted that the city is one of the largest educational centers. The large number of students entering Ohio State University each year brings significant benefits to urban growth and infrastructure development. The state supports the local light industry, which is why Columbus is a promising place for investment. In addition, a large number of workers come here every year to work at city enterprises.

Sights of Columbus
Undoubtedly, tourists have something to see upon arrival in Columbus (Ohio). The sights of the city include a botanical garden with rare plants; science and art museums, which are located inthe center of the state capital; LeVec Tower is a skyscraper built in the 1920s. Some visitors are interested in taking a look at the building that houses government agencies in the state of Ohio. If you start to get bored, take a look around and you will find a lot of interesting locations. Fans of evening urban landscapes will love the lights of the business center of Columbus, Ohio. The photos that you take in this case will remind you of the trip for a long time.

"Easton Town Center" is a multifunctional shopping and entertainment complex located near the business center of the city. There are a large number of cute fountains, interesting shops and restaurants, clubs and more. This place is considered practically the best in Columbus if you want to have a good time. The city also has great establishments in the Short North area, which is full of shops, art galleries, great restaurants and popular clubs.
Historical lovers will love the model of an exact copy of one of the ships of Christopher Columbus - the caravel "Santa Maria", which was installed on the anniversary of the discovery of the continent on the coast in downtown Columbus.
In the city, the buildings of the Opera House and the Symphony Orchestra are also popular attractions.
It is worth noting the Columbus Zoo - one of the largest zoos in North America. There is not only a research center, but also a large aquarium, which makes it interesting for visitors.
You will remember the city for a long time if you walk through the park in the German district or in the Italian one, not far from the center.