Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, but also the most populous city in Europe. As of the beginning of this year, a little more than 12 million people live in the city. There are many parks and squares on the territory of Moscow, most of which can be visited absolutely free of charge.
There are two existing parks in the Khoroshevsky district - Birch Grove and Chapaevsky (or Aviators' Park).
Chapaevsky Park is subordinate to the Northern Administrative District of the capital. This green area is also called the Aviators' Park. It is located in the Khoroshevsky district, bordering on Chapaevsky lane and Leningradsky prospect. The total area occupied is 6 hectares. The park is classified as a cultural heritage of regional importance.
There are benches, a playground and a sports area. The entire area has artificial lighting. All paths are paved with paving slabs. There are many flower beds and flower gardens. The entire perimeter of the park has a hedge. These are mainly lindens, maples, poplars and birches, pines. Some trees are over 100 years old. Of the shrubs here grow hawthorn, lilac, mountain ash and mock orange. There are many squirrels in the park.

Chapaevsky Park was founded in 1899. Previously, there was the Small All Saints Grove. And the name came from the village of the same name, the grove in those days was not far from it. In those years, the territory of the park was small, about 5 acres, 2 thousand square fathoms. Even then there were paths, alleys and flower beds.
After the October Revolution, the park was renamed PKiO Leningradsky District, and the territory was expanded to the south at the expense of the territory of the former cemetery. In 1936, the area under the park area was about 12 hectares, then the park was also called Children's. Each entrance had a fountain, a cinema, children's mugs.
Even later, the grove was again renamed Chapaevsky Park, along the lane of the same name.
During the reign of Stalin, the Khoroshevsky district began to be actively built up. Already in 1950, the construction of a sports center began in the park, but due to lack of funds, the construction of the building was stopped in 1952. In 1980, the House of Culture began to be built on this site, but the construction work was also not completed.
In the period from 2007 to 2008, the park was renovated, and in September a grand opening took place, again under a new name - Aviators' Park. On one of the alleys there is a memorial sign in honor of the dead pilots on the Khodynka field. The renaming and busts of aviators in the park appeared due to the fact that there are many specialized universities and aviation enterprises in the district.

Current time
Today, Chapaevsky Park in Moscow is a landscaped corner inbustling capital. Here you can just walk along the well-groomed alleys, admire the flower beds and trees. For dog breeders there is a special area for walking animals. The park has a playground and a small skate park.
Of the monuments, there is a bust of Yakovlev A. S. During the period of professional activity of the aircraft designer, about 200 types and modifications of aircraft were produced, of which 100 were put into mass production. Yakovlev Design Bureau aircraft set 74 world-class records.
In the park of the Khoroshevsky district there is a bust of the great aviator Stroev N. S. This man graduated from the Kiev military school back in 1908, and in 1941 the Nikolaev military academy. During the First World War, he successfully combined staff work and combat sorties as an observer pilot. During the Second World War, he was the head of the Aviation Department and the head of the Military Department under the Ministry of Aviation Industry. Since 1946, he was an assistant professor of military training at the Moscow Aviation Institute.
Memorial sign
Memorial sign "To aviators, testers and defenders of the Moscow sky who died on the Khodynka field from 1910 to 1970" was erected in honor of the aviators who died during the tests (108 people), including Valery Chkalov. In the future, it is planned to erect a temple-chapel of the Archangel Gabriel on this site in memory of all the dead pilots, and according to conservative estimates, there are 35 thousand people (the period of the Second World War and those who gave their lives in peacetime).

Latest news
After lengthy negotiations with the public, a plan for the renovation of Chapaevsky Park was approved. Reconstruction started in August this year. The wishes of local residents were taken into account: the paths were updated, which were trampled in addition to the existing ones, new trees and shrubs were planted.
Children's playgrounds with rubber coating appeared on the territory. In November, the installation of video surveillance and the placement of sound alert speakers will be completed. Bicycle racks have been installed, bird feeders and new lawns have appeared. For dog lovers, there are eco-urns in the animal walking area.

Chapaevsky Park, or Aviators' Park, is located at the address: Leningradsky Prospekt, 57A. Not far from the park area are the Sokol and Aeroport metro stations. Getting here is easy.