Russia is a place of many beautiful and ancient cities. In them you can find hundreds of beautiful monuments of architecture, art, nature. One of these cities is Belgorod, located at a distance of 700 kilometers from Moscow and on the border with Ukraine. What is its history? What sights of Belgorod can be seen by visitors to this wonderful city?
A bit about the history of the city
As far back as the 16th century, on the chalk hills near the Seversky Donets and Vezelka rivers, a fortress was built by order of the Russian Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Its purpose was to protect the border of the state from the attacks of the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanians and Poles. Over time, a city called Belgorod was built on this site.
The history of the city is quite rich. Over the centuries, it experienced many sieges: by Poles, Cossacks and Germans, but in the end the city survived and exists today. Today, thanks to the museums and various sights of the city of Belgorod, you can learn about its rich history.
Monuments of Belgorod
On the territoryThe city has several monuments that are presented to guests and tourists visiting Belgorod: a monument to Vladimir the Great, an incorruptible traffic cop (dedicated to a real person), Stonemason (a symbol of chalk mining, which is abundant in the city) and gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

The monument to Volodymyr the Great is located on Kharkov Hill and rises on a 15-meter base. The monument itself has a height of seven meters, it took about one and a half tons of copper to create it. The monument was erected in 1998. It is believed that it was Prince Vladimir who first founded a settlement on these lands, although there is no written evidence of this. This monument symbolizes the brotherhood of those Slavic peoples who inhabited this land, as well as the unity of the Orthodox faith and the Russian state.
Museums of the city
Every city has museums that reveal the richness of history, science and art. There are also such places in Belgorod, even several: Art, Local History, Literary Museums. There is also a Diorama Museum and museums dedicated to the Battle of Kursk and other events that took place in this area.

Among the list of these sights of Belgorod, I would like to draw attention to a couple of them. The Art Museum opened in 1983, in the building of a cinema that once was here. But at the end of the last century, it was moved to a new building, built and decorated in Art Nouveau style.
The collection includes works by a local artist,who painted several hundred paintings, Mikhail Dobronravov. In addition to his paintings, the museum has more than four thousand paintings, painted in the period from the 18th to the 20th century. From time to time, vernissages are also held here, as well as various performances in the concert hall.

Museum of Folk Culture also deserves the attention of tourists visiting this city. It was opened in 1999 and has gained popularity among the locals. Thanks to the collected exhibits and their excellent placement and combination, the organizers were able to convey a picture of life, as well as the history of the people who lived here for centuries. The exhibitions are dedicated to the time of the Khazar Khaganate, the life of Russian peasants, trade, industry, and also include archaeological finds and documents.
Visit the zoo

Speaking about the sights of Belgorod with a description of their details, it is worth mentioning the wonderful zoo, which is located in the city center. It was founded in 1988 and for 3 years was part of the Victory Park. It then became a separate resting place.
The zoo contains about 90 species of different animals, including about 200 individuals. 15 species out of 90 are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Among the inhabitants of the zoo, visitors can see lions and tigers, bears, foxes and wolves, kangaroos and camels, fallow deer and llamas, caimans and pythons. This is not all the inhabitants of the zoo.
Walks in city parks
No city is complete without a place of rest. Among the attractionsBelgorod has parks where everyone can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Perhaps the most popular is the Lenin Central Park. It was founded in the mid 1950s. After 50 years of its existence, the park was reconstructed. Many modern attractions for children were installed on the territory, a children's town and an amusement park were built, which makes it possible for both adults and children to have a good weekend here. The park is also decorated with beautiful alleys, where flowers and shrubs grow. All this creates coziness and comfort for the guests who come here.

Another park, Victory Park, was founded on the river bank in 1989. Fierce fighting took place in its place during World War II. But today only a few monuments dedicated to this event and the Walk of Fame remind of this. There is a small fountain in the park, which has a beautiful backlight. Its location is an excellent place for relaxing and walking.
Other sights of Belgorod
Perhaps, it is worth mentioning some other features of the city that may be of interest to tourists. For example, the city has several cathedrals and temples built during the 18th-19th centuries. They impress with their architecture and convey the spirit of their time. Having survived to our time, they will interest everyone who is fond of ancient buildings and their appearance.
I would also like to note that the city has a drama theater named after Shchepkin, as well as a statephilharmonic. The theater building was built in the classical style with columns in 1962. Today it gives various performances for adults and children. The building of the Philharmonic is made in a modern style, which is an indisputable decoration of the city. There are three concert venues here, where several orchestras, a choir, ensembles and a show ballet perform.
In the city center you can see the so-called Sundial. If the street is clear, you can check your time on them. And if it is already evening, then the clock is transformed, attracting people with its luminous stars and constellations.
Now you know what to see in Belgorod. Although there are few sights here, they all have their own history and attract tourists from all over Russia.
A few fun facts
Several facts about Belgorod are noteworthy. For example, an oak tree grows near the city, which Bogdan Khmelnitsky planted here more than 300 years ago. On the territory of the university there is a fountain with a sculpture of the Archangel Gabriel. On the river Vezelka there is a floating musical fountain that attracts all lovers. And on the Cathedral Square there is a sign of memory. It is believed that if you stand in its center, close your eyes, clap your hands three times, spin around your axis three times and make a wish at the end, then it will surely come true.
What tourists say about Belgorod

So, we introduced you to the sights of Belgorod (photos are presented in the article). Reading the reviews of tourists, you understand that they are veryliked Belgorod. Those who came here shared their wonderful impressions of the trip and rest. Thanks to its parks, museums, monuments, the city creates a homely atmosphere and attracts more and more visitors. Therefore, everyone who looks at photos with the names of Belgorod attractions should plan a trip to this city for the weekend or on vacation. Tours can be booked in advance. Then everyone will discover something new, beautiful, unforgettable in this city.