Talkov Stone: how to get there? Lake Talkov Stone

Talkov Stone: how to get there? Lake Talkov Stone
Talkov Stone: how to get there? Lake Talkov Stone

Each of us from time to time dreams of relaxing in the bosom of nature. Clean air, the singing of birds, the still surface of the water soothe, help to forget about the daily hustle and bustle, daily worries, problems, tune in to the positive.

Talc stone. How to get to?
Talc stone. How to get to?

Fortunately, there are many beautiful places in the world where you can have a great time. So, among the inhabitants of the Urals and tourists, the Talkov Kamen reservoir enjoys well-deserved popularity.

How to get to the lake?

The way to the destination passes along the Chelyabinsk tract. Before the traffic police post, the turn to Kashino begins. Having passed the village, the motorist is heading to the city of Sysert. Talkov Stone is located near the regional center. First you need to get to the local bus station. Opposite the station there is a monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, and a little further there is a crossroads.

From Sysert they leave along Timiryazev Street (at the intersection to the right). Outside the district center there is a pond into which the Black River flows. Not far from it is Talkov Stone. How to get to the lake if the bridge cannot support the weight of the car? Unfortunately not. On thethe car can only get to the bridge, and then you have to go on foot, since the structure is faulty. There are signs along the way, so the probability of getting lost is zero.

Another route option is from the southern bus station of Yekaterinburg to Sysert, and from there by taxi.

What makes this region attractive?

Talc Stone Lake is one of the most beautiful places in the region. The reservoir has the shape of an irregular polygon, surrounded by steep greenish-white shores. This is the color of talc, which is more than enough here. A rare pine forest grows around Talkov Stone, but steep cliffs rise closer to the water. The unusual color of the coast is also transmitted to the water surface. The surface of the lake has a rich emerald hue.

Sysert. Talc stone
Sysert. Talc stone

In clear weather, it seems that an unknown artist has depicted an exquisite ornament on the banks. On a cloudy day, it seems that the surroundings of the lake were chosen by witches and sorcerers for their dark deeds.

The mysterious lake is a favorite vacation spot not only for residents of Yekaterinburg and the city of Sysert. Talkov Stone attracts vacationers from other cities of Russia, near and far abroad. Not far from the reservoir is the cottage "Uralochka", and the lake itself is part of the Sverdlovsk regional natural park "Bazhovskie place".

Pavilions have been built on the shore, there are tables under the roof, areas for setting up tents. Park staff sell firewood for fires. If you do not want to spend the night in the forest, then you can spend the night in a hotel in the city of Sysert, and in the morning go to Talkov Stone. Howdrive to the lake, tell the locals.

The lake is often visited by scuba divers. People descended to the bottom of the mysterious reservoir back in Soviet times, when light diving equipment appeared on store shelves. Today everyone can get diving lessons.

It is not recommended to dive on your own, as there are heaps of fallen tree trunks at the bottom, and talc particles float in the water. Natural obstacles not only interfere with successful diving, but also pose a serious danger to life.

Talkov Stone. How to get there?
Talkov Stone. How to get there?

At the request of tourists, excursion groups are formed on Talkov Stone. How to get to the place is decided at the time of booking the trip. For lovers of outdoor activities, quad biking, horseback riding, and snowmobiling in winter are organized.

Origin of the reservoir

The history of the lake began in 1843 with the development of a talc deposit. Raw materials were required by local metallurgical plants. Talc shale has been mined for sixty years. During this time, a twenty-meter quarry was formed on the site of the future lake.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, enterprises began to use other raw materials, and the scale of talc mining decreased. The deposit was moved to another settlement, and the old quarry was safely forgotten. The resulting space was gradually filled with groundwater. This is how the lake turned out.


Since Talkov Stone (see above for directions) is far from civilization, there are rumors of incredible events taking place in these places. Even during the existence of the quarry, the watchman met with a ghost - a lady with a pale face and transparent eyes. The lady appeared from the ruined adit and went towards the man. The frightened watchman took to his heels, running six kilometers to Sysert.

Locals reacted differently to the story of a white woman. Someone believed, and someone decided that it was all fiction. However, since then, the lake has been known as a mysterious and unclean place.

The legend of the treasure has been living for more than a hundred years. The last owner of the Sysert metallurgical plants, Dmitry Solomirsky, was fond of collecting porcelain, carefully kept the rarest specimens of dishes. But… the year 1917 came, and two years later the Bolsheviks reached Siberia.

Wishing to save the unique collection, factory manager Mokronosov decided to drown expensive porcelain in a mysterious lake. Water is not terrible for dishes, and the reservoir itself was considered dangerous, so there was no need to fear for the safety of property. People were afraid to visit Talkov Stone. How to get to the lake, no one was interested.

The story is considered a legend due to some contradictions. It is not clear why the treasure was kept by the manager, and not the owner of the jewelry. At the same time, eyewitnesses claimed that the carts were driving out of Solomirsky's yard.

Lake Talkov Stone
Lake Talkov Stone

Bad rumors about the lake were taken advantage of by the Bolsheviks, arranging May Days on its shore. As the lake turned into a tourist attraction, myths were forgotten, and the question “How to get to Talkov Stone?” became relevant again.

Climatic features of the area

Typical climate of the Urals is continental. Air masses from the Atlantic Ocean encounter an obstacle in the form of the Ural Mountains. The western slope is more watered than other sections of the ridge, as the first one encounters cyclones.

Talkov Stone. How to get there?
Talkov Stone. How to get there?

Precipitation is unevenly distributed not only across regions, but also within each region. The west receives approximately 100 millimeters more rain and snow than the east.

The cold season in these parts lasts from November to April. The warmest month is June (about +18°C), the coldest is February (-13°C). Temperature extremes are forty degrees in summer and thirty-nine below zero in winter.

Winds blow mainly from the west, less often south- and north-west directions are recorded.

Flora and fauna

Because Talc Stone is a stagnant body of water, there are no fish in it. The inhabitants of the lake are daphnia, rotifers, mollusks, beetles, hairy, leeches, crustaceans, larvae of the pinnate mosquito. Bugs-water striders run along the surface. The lake is dominated by soft vegetation, mainly elodea and pondweed. River reeds grow near the water.

Primitive plants and animals make up the phyto- and zooplankton that cause blooms.

Mineral resources

In 1927, the extraction of talc at the site of the future lake ceased, but valuable rocks have survived on the shores to this day: chlorite schists with quartz crystals, talc shales with dark dolomite, noble white-green talc, etc. (moretwenty minerals). Copper and iron ore were once mined in Sysert and other cities of the region.

How to get to Talkova stone?
How to get to Talkova stone?

Today, there is no mining in the vicinity of Talc Stone, because the lake has been declared a natural monument.

Geographic location

Talkov Stone is located in the Middle Urals (Sverdlovsk region, Sysert district) in the spurs of the Chernovsky ridge, is part of the Sysert river basin. Coordinates - 56°29’33’’C, 60°43’39’’E.
