Olkhon (island): legends and description of the island (photo)

Olkhon (island): legends and description of the island (photo)
Olkhon (island): legends and description of the island (photo)

Olkhon is an island that stands out among three dozen other Baikal islands. It is shrouded in many ancient legends and myths. This island is also famous for the grandeur of natural monuments, a variety of landscapes. Olkhon is located on the territory of one of the parks, Pribaikalsky, and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places on Lake Baikal. Olkhon is an island that is especially beautiful in autumn, when the coast becomes almost deserted. Covered with a golden carpet of grasses, forests touched by bright colors, it freezes under the blows of the Baikal waves, waiting for the approach of a harsh Siberian winter.

Olkhon location

The largest island in Baikal, Olkhon, is located in the middle part of this lake, not far from its western coast. It is stretched along its coast. Olkhon is 73 km long (between capes Umysh-Tame and Khoboy), and its width reaches 15 kilometers. About 700 sq. km is the area of the island. Approximately 210 km - the length of its coastline. A photo of Olkhon Island is presented below.

olkhon island
olkhon island

The part of Baikal enclosed between the island and the western coast of the lake is a unique body of water with a special microclimate. It even has a special name - Small Sea, which speaks of the famousindependence and exclusivity and is classified as a strait. The southwestern part of the island is separated from the coast of Lake Baikal by the Olkhon Gates strait, which has a reputation as the most insidious place on Lake Baikal.

Origin of the name Olkhon

There are at least two main versions of the origin of the name Olkhon. This island was named in the language of the locals - the Buryats. According to the first, Olkhon comes from the word "oykhon", which means "wooded". According to another version - from "olkhan", that is, "dry". Both of these options match the appearance of the island, as it is both wooded and dry. Therefore, it is difficult to give preference to one of them.


The history of Olkhon goes back to antiquity. This is confirmed by various archaeological finds and historical monuments. They have been collected over more than two hundred years of studying Olkhon. As of 1993, 143 different archaeological sites were known on the island. Many of them are protected by the state. Unfortunately, many monuments were destroyed, including the ancient stone walls. The purpose of their construction is still unknown. They were destroyed in 1963, using the extracted stone to strengthen the pier, located in the village, which is called Khuzhir.

Island relief

Olkhon Island Lake Baikal
Olkhon Island Lake Baikal

The western coast of this island, washed by the waters of the Small Sea, is flat for the most part, with bays protruding deep into the coast, as well as rocky capes. On the contrary, eastern, rocky, mountainous, breaks offcool to Baikal. There are no deep bays here. The highest point of Olkhon is located on its southern coast. This is Mount Zhima, whose height is 1274 meters. It rises 818 meters above Baikal. The deepest place of the lake is only 11 kilometers from Zhima. This is a mark of 1637 meters. The steepness of the underwater slope in these places reaches 30-40 degrees near the island.

Steppe is the southern part of the island of Olkhon and partially the northern tip. Birch, larch and pine forests grow in the rest of the space. On the western coast, in its middle part, from Cape Sasa to Cape Khuzhirsky, the shores are sandy. Overgrown with larches and pines, dissected by capes, they will leave an unforgettable impression on travelers.

vacation on Olkhon island
vacation on Olkhon island

Lakes and rivers

Large enough to have its own lakes, Olkhon. This island has several reservoirs. Of these, the most famous and largest are the following lakes: Nurskoe, which from time to time merges with Zagli Bay; Khankhoi with many archaeological sites; Shara-Nur is the only s alt lake on the island of Olkhon; Nuku Nur is a body of water that is home to many living organisms.

There are no rivers on the island, only a couple of streams that reach Lake Baikal. Small springs are found in the forest part of Olkhon. They feed a few swamps. In some places, despite the lack of water, new streams appear right before our eyes.


Wildlife on this island has suffered greatly from anthropogenicimpact. Through the fault of man, over the past few decades, the great cormorant, saker falcon, roe deer, deer, wolf, and bustard have disappeared from Olkhon. On the island back in the 18th century, sable was completely exhausted. The seal has become a rarity, and earlier it loved to bask on the coastal rocks under the sun. This unique animal can now be found only on the eastern coast of Olkhon Island. From here, in recent years, the solar eagle, which previously nested on the island, has completely disappeared. This is the sacred Bald Eagle, to which many ancient legends of Baikal are dedicated, the son of the Master of Olkhon, and also the progenitor of local shamans. Sacrifices are still made to this bird.

Currently, there are 135 species of birds on Olkhon (wagtail, horned lark, wheatear, white-belted swift, Dahurian jackdaw, capercaillie, black grouse, duck, sandpiper and others). There are 20 species of mammals here (weasel, polecat, squirrel, hare, fox, lynx, etc.), including an endemic animal called the Olkhon vole. It is found exclusively in the Baikal steppes. You can find here 1 species of amphibians and 3 reptiles. In winter, lone wolves are found on Olkhon from large predators, penetrating the island through the ice. Wolf packs in the same way come extremely rarely. And don't be afraid: there are no bears here.

Tourism on the island

Rest on Olkhon Island will be remembered for a long time. Baikal, surrounded by many secrets and legends, attracts many tourists. Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal) is especially popular among vacationers. This is the heart of the lake, as well as the only island on Baikal,which is inhabited.

Olkhon is also the largest of the islands. It is a cultural tourism center. On the island of interest to us, in July, the "Siberian ramp" - an international theater festival - is held annually. In August, a festival of amateur theaters is also held here. However, the main thing that distinguishes this place is its extraordinary fauna, flora and people, far from city life, inhabiting Olkhon Island.

How to get here? To the island from the city of Irkutsk - 5-6 hours drive. You can get here by car, as well as by regular minibus. There is a ferry from the mainland to the island.

The feeling of mystery and fabulousness arises immediately upon arrival at Olkhon. Sand-strewn roads adjoin forests where trees have grown into the sand. The reason for this is sarma (hurricane wind blowing from the Sarma Gorge).

olkhon island
olkhon island

Several settlements are located along the shores of the lake. Of these, the largest is Khuzhir. Every summer this village gathers tourists. It has some signs of the city: an Internet cafe, a club, a museum, a library. However, Khuzhir seems far from civilization. After all, real islanders live here.

Population of the island

A long time ago people settled on Olkhon. An ancient human site dating back to the Paleolithic era was found in the Saraysky district. Its age is estimated at more than 13 thousand years. Today, about 1,500 people live in several villages. Mostly these are Buryats, the indigenous population. Their occupation is cattle breeding and fishing.

olkhon islandhow to get there
olkhon islandhow to get there

About 1200 people of the local population live in Khuzhir. The only industrial enterprise on the island is located here. This is the Malomorsky fish factory, the largest on Lake Baikal.

There is a village among the sand dunes, which consists of only a few houses. This is the remnant of the former village of Kharantsy. Baba Katya, her only inhabitant, sits on a mound, listening to seagulls flying over the island. And how many folk legends does this old woman know…

Island climate

The warmest months on Olkhon are August and July. Quite little snow and mild winter here, but longer than on the mainland. Summer and spring come a little later than on the mainland. Very little precipitation falls on Olkhon, about 200 mm per year. This is the norm for semi-deserts. The southwestern and southern parts are the driest not only on this island, but also on the whole Baikal. Primorsky ridge is to blame for this. Air masses pass through it on the way to the island. Overcoming it, they heat up, rolling into the Baikal basin. This results in a drop in humidity. Therefore, the rains destined for Olkhon usually fall on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. Olkhon rain is about 10 drops per hour. However, there are also heavy downpours here, as well as prolonged bad weather.

The wind often blows on Olkhon for a long time. At the same time, its north-western direction prevails. 148 days is the average when the wind speed is over 15 m/s.

photo of olkhon island
photo of olkhon island

Legends of Olkhon Island

Like Baikal itself,Olkhon is overgrown with legends to such an extent that the locals feel like part of fairy tales. Even geographical names here speak for themselves. In Khuzhir, for example, there is Cape Shamansky, which was ranked among the nine shrines of Asia. The island was once inhabited by shamans. Sacrifices to the spirits were made on this rock.

Cape of Love

The island is rich in rocks and capes, which, like a talented artist, nature has created. Some resemble the outlines of animals or people. Cape of Love attracts tourists. This is almost the main attraction of Olkhon. It is said that the rock, in a certain fantasy, resembles a woman's legs bent at the knees.

According to legend, if the Buryats could not conceive a child, they would come here and ask the spirits to help. And today people use the magic rock. To ask for a boy, according to legend, you need to go to the left, a girl - to the right. If you want twins, go straight ahead.

There are many places on Olkhon where it is customary to ask spirits for something or make wishes. Shaman posts are scattered around the island. They should be tied with colored ribbons, while making wishes. There are places where people put candies, coins and other items as a gift to the gods, asking them for something.

olkhon islands
olkhon islands

Wish Mirror

The Mirror of Desires is a place endowed with special magic. To get here, one has to overcome a dangerous and long path along Baikal along the cliff of Olkhon Island. But those who manage to do this will receive a unique view of the sun-drenched lake as a gift. The majestic marble rocks speak inaudibly to the wind here. The mirror of desires, according to legend, is a window in the rock, which, if you enter it, can fulfill your innermost hopes and plans.

Cape Gulls

Olkhon Island becomes a beach on hot summer days. There are many sandy beaches here. Another definition that can be given to this island is a haven for seagulls. There is even Cape Chaek. It is a rock of the island of Olkhon, on which these birds gather in large flocks. Boat excursions are organized here for tourists. Everyone has the opportunity to feed birds with bread. They say that in the water you can inadvertently see a mermaid. Of course, this is a kind of beliefs and legends, but anything can happen.
