To plunge into the world of family traditions, learn about ghosts and ghosts, hear romantic stories, it is not necessary to go to a distant country. The ancient estates of Russia are unique creations of human hands, which at one time were a source of inspiration and a spiritual fortress, plans were made in them, destinies were created and the most ordinary everyday problems were solved.
No typical development is the slogan of the old days, no one approved the designs of houses, so the owners were given complete freedom to realize their fantasies.
Noble estates of Russia
You can also be delighted with the ancient structure on the territory of our state, because the country has a huge number of architectural creations that previously belonged to famous people. Although, to be honest, most of the buildings are in disrepair and are actually abandoned. But these are peculiar symbols of Russian culture, but reflecting milestones in the historical development of the country. But I want to believe that the situation will soon change.
Perhaps this is the most famous and well-preserved noble estate in all of Russia, despite the fact that it suffered a sad fate - it was plundered during the revolution, it also suffered from a fire in 1820.
The first mention of the village can be found in the annals of the XVI century. Then it was called as "the village of Upolozy on the Moscow River", the estate itself appeared a little later. During the period when Yusupov owned the house, there was a real center of social life here. Politicians, nobles and just interesting people came to the estate. Yusupov himself was a collector and the richest man, there were more than 5 thousand unique works of art in the house.
This estate in central Russia is located in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region on the very bank of the Moscow River, two kilometers from Krasnogorsk.
According to visitors' reviews, this is the most beautiful place in the Moscow region, where wedding photo shoots are often held.

The estate was built in the middle of the 18th century. The main building is perfectly preserved, and it was built in the style of classicism. On the territory of the estate there is the Trinity Church (built in 1781) and a beautiful alley with old lime trees.
The last owner was Count Sheremetiev, he is immortalized in the statues of great people: Pushkin A., Zhukovsky V., Karamzin N., who, by the way, lived in this estate for about 12 years and wrote as many as 8 volumes of his work called "History of the Russian State".
"Russian Parnassus" is located in the settlement of Ryazanovsky, in the villageOstafyevo. According to travelers, you can come to the estate at any time of the year, it is always beautiful here, even in winter.

Glinka's Estate
Perhaps this is one of the most mysterious estates in Russia. Its owner was "Russian Faust" - Bruce Yakov. This man was an associate of Peter I, and after retiring, he took up the construction of the estate. The servants called him "The Devil himself", because Yakov was a real scientist who constantly conducted some experiments, "made living water", froze ponds and did other incredible things.
The following owners of the estate believed too much that the former owner was a warlock and cut down almost all the trees and removed the statues. Now esotericists and other dowsing experts are coming to Glinka.
The estate is located near the Monino station, in the town of Losino-Petrovsky, at the place where the Vorya River flows into the Klyazma. According to people who have been here, the estate is very calm, a very interesting excursion.

Places shrouded in mysticism
Many family stories are connected with mysticism. Of course, if the estate has been standing for several hundred years, then mysterious events cannot be dispensed with. Some owners of ancient estates were too fond of the occult, and in a certain period of time it was even a fashionable trend, while in other places anomalies were simply observed that were not related to the occult sciences.
This place has been infamous for years. This estate of Russia is located in Moscow, in Kuzminskyforest park, which is also considered a mystical place of the capital. People and animals constantly disappear in the forest, all kinds of crimes, suicides and anomalous phenomena occur.
The estate was built in 1702 by Golitsyn. Groves were laid out on the land plot and ponds dug out. They called the estate "Russian Versailles".
There is a small dilapidated outbuilding in the estate, which served in the old days as a house for servants. Now, especially sensitive persons cannot even be around, it seems to them that someone is watching them. According to one version, Kozma, the miller, lived here. In addition to the mill business, he killed people who were buried near the wing. According to this legend, these places were called Kuzminki.
But there is another legend, much worse. They say that even in pagan times blacksmiths-murderers lived here, they worshiped Chernobog (the pagan prototype of the Christian devil). It is believed that they killed the elderly, who became a burden on their own family. They hit the head with their hammers and threw the bodies into the ravine.
There are suicide elms in the forest park. The tree is inclined towards the pond and hangmen are often found on it. They say that people who do not want to die are even hung on it, just a tree attracts them and pushes them to a rash act.
Now the forest park has been restored, a museum of Paustovsky and the culture of Russian estates has been opened on the territory, and the estate itself has been put in order.

Filippov's estate
This house-estate of Russia is located in the village of Sportbaza(Moscow region). The mansion is quite young, it was built at the beginning of the last century. The main building is a prime example of eclecticism.
In their reviews, many claim that within the walls of an abandoned mansion you can meet the ghost of the gypsy Aza. According to legend, Dmitry Filippov built a house for her in the middle of a dense forest. He saw her in a gypsy camp, fell in love and stole her. They did not live happily for long, Dmitry was windy and amorous. He saw another beauty, fell in love and began to live with her. Aza could not stand it and threw herself from the observation tower.
In Soviet times, the estate was used for the location of athletes, then there was a medical center and all people claimed to have seen the ghost of a gypsy. Now it is an abandoned estate, where only the most desperate tourists get.
There is a very mysterious place in the Tver region, in the Bologovsky district - the estate Zaklyuchye, which belonged to the architect Khrenov and was built according to his project. This is not a classic Russian estate, but a medieval castle.
However, Khrenov was not destined to live and rejoice. His son, being an officer in the White Army, died in 1904. The architect understands that it is necessary to flee the country, and he leaves for China. However, before leaving, he curses the manor.
In Soviet times, a children's tuberculosis sanatorium was opened here, but not a single child manages to leave before the end of the shift. As eyewitnesses say in their reviews, it seems that someone is constantly watching from the darkness, and in this place it only gets worse. Even random mushroom pickers who have fallenon the territory of the estate they try to quickly escape from here. Perhaps the curse still works. Not so long ago, an entrepreneur even tried to restore the estate, but something didn’t work out, and the castle is still standing, collapsing.

Abandoned estates of Russia
It's frustrating to realize that there are still many magnificent old houses in a derelict state. After all, these are not just estates, but a whole world where you can learn about Slavic traditions and family traditions.
In Soviet times, most of the estates were used as sanatoriums, the buildings were somehow looked after, but also ruthlessly rebuilt. Now such houses can be rented at a reduced price for living and doing business, but with the condition of restoration.
Not Boring
In the Ivanovo region, between the villages of Potekhino and Marfino, there is the estate of Razorenov.
The first owner was Bakunin Semyon, then the house passed into the possession of Razorenov, who partially rebuilt the estate.
The house is located on the banks of the Pischukha River, surrounded by a pine forest, which was laid in 1850. There is a greenhouse on the estate, where citrus fruits were once grown. By the way, Bakunin's sister was Pushkin's muse and object of admiration. But the young people never had an affair, the girl looked at the poet like a child, because she was 4 years older than him.
Razorenov lived in the estate all the time, almost without going anywhere, so it flourished. He was a recluse not only because of his sick son, but also because he was a stranger (the oldestsectarian religion). Now the estate is a pitiful sight, everything has been plundered, both inside and outside, even the architraves have been removed.

Another abandoned estate in Russia. It is located in the Smolensk region in the village of Aleksino. The construction of the estate began in the 18th century and belonged to the nobleman Baryshnikov. After the revolution, there was a museum that tells about the life of the estate of the Slavs, and the director was Prishvin M.
The estate was completely abandoned after World War II.
In the Tula region, in the village of Kolosovo, there is an estate of the Chertkov family. It was erected at the beginning of the 19th century, and already in 1890 the estate passed into the possession of Paskhalov, who carried out a radical reconstruction, creating a real Gothic castle.
Since the 90s, half of the building has been in a dilapidated state. People live in the other part, and there is even a post office, and vegetable gardens are planted in the once beautiful garden.
Chernyshev Estate
In the Moscow region in the village of Yaropolets (Volokolamsk district), the once most beautiful estate in Russia, built in 1760 by Count Chernyshev, is disappearing. Before the war, children were treated here, but during the Patriotic War the building was too damaged, and it has not been restored to this day.

Naryshkin Estate
In the Ryazan region, on Bykova Gora, there is an estate of the Naryshkin family, which was built in 1870. This is a two-story wooden building, with a beautiful view of the surrounding landscapes. In the Soviet period, children with tuberculosis were treated here, a camp was located. But now the estate belongs to the Holy Assumption Vyshensky Monastery, reconstruction work is not carried out.
You can continue the list of Russian estates that are in a deplorable state for a very long time, these are:
- Taldykin's estate (Lipetsk region);
- the estate of the Venevitinovs and Chokolovs (Voronezh region);
- Semenovskoe-Otrada estate (Moscow region);
- Petrovskoye-Alabino estate (Moscow region) and others.
I would like to believe that in the near future these houses will acquire their original appearance.
Museification of historical heritage
In most cases, museum estates in Russia are actually memorial institutions, within the walls of which you can learn about the life and work of a certain person and his family. In such museums, employees try to fix the stages of development of the fate of a certain person and revive the former glory of the noble way of life.
Yasnaya Polyana
In the Tula region, in the village of Yasnaya Polyana, there is a museum. Leo Tolstoy was born here in 1828 and lived all his life until 1910. The museum began its work in 1921. On the territory of the estate there is also Volkonsky's house, a shop where Leo was captured, a bathhouse, a smithy.
In the Moscow region, in the village of Muranovo, there is a museum dedicated to the work of Tyutchev, although the poet himself did not live here, his relatives lived. On the territory of the estate, in addition to outbuildings and the main estate, there is also the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands. ATpoet Boratynsky and his family lived in the estate for some time.
In the museum you can get acquainted with the stages of Tyutchev's life, see his personal belongings and manuscripts collected by relatives, and plunge into the atmosphere of the nobility of the 19th century. Celebrations are often held on the estate: Shrovetide, Haymaking and others, travelers recommend coming on such days, then it is very interesting in the estate.

Photos of the estate of Russia, picturesque groves and a pond are very beautiful in these places. This estate is located in the Moscow region, in the village of Darovoye. Dostoevsky Fyodor grew up in these places, it was the country residence of the writer's family. The museum was opened in 1974.
Despite the fact that there are many abandoned estates in the country, there are those that admire with their beauty, are in excellent condition. Today it is easy to find a map of the estates of Russia and spend the weekend usefully, going to one of them for new experiences.