One of the latest models of modern airliners is the Airbus A350. It is the embodiment of the most advanced ideas of engineering. But, of course, this airliner, despite its clear advantages over competitors, has its drawbacks. Let's talk about the history of the development of the Airbus A350 aircraft, describe its main technical characteristics, and also find out the feedback from the first passengers and experts.

Airbus aircraft line
But first, let's talk about the line of civil passenger aircraft of the Airbus company, since the final model of this group of airliners is the Airbus A350.
The French company "Airbus" was founded in 1970 by combining several aircraft manufacturers. Since its inception, it has become one of the largest players in the market. Engaged in the production of both civilian and military equipment.
Since its inception, Airbus has entered into a fierce struggle with the then dominant civilianaviation by the American company Boeing. And, I must say, this rivalry was not unsuccessful. Already the first aircraft produced by a European concern in 1972 (A300) became very popular with airlines. The new airliner was the world's first twin-engine wide-body aircraft, that is, having two aisles between passenger seats. In 1974, it was taken into operation by the largest French air carrier Air France and is still in use today.
Then followed the release of the following models of airliners: A310, A320 family, A330, A340, A380. Moreover, the A320 line, along with the Boeing 737 family, is currently the most popular in the world.
The latest in 2013 was the new Airbus A350. About him and will be discussed further.
History of Creation
The creation of a new aircraft by the Airbus airline was planned as a response to the release of the Boeing 777 airliner (1994) and the announcement of the Boeing-787 project (development began in 2004). The latter was positioned as the most economical aircraft in the world in its class.
In response, Airbus planned to release an improved and more economical version of the A330 aircraft, calling it the A330-200 Lite. It was the economy that was put at the forefront in the development of this model, which they began to talk about in the same 2004, when the Boeing 787 project was announced.
But, as it turned out during the design process, fundamental changes were required to achieve the goal. Therefore, in 2006The launch of a new project, called the Airbus A350 XWB, was announced this year. The last letters were deciphered as Extra Wide Body, which translated into Russian means "ultra-wide fuselage". It was immediately announced that the new aircraft would be more fuel efficient than the Boeing 787, and its maintenance costs would be 8% lower.
Creation process
So, it was 2006 that became the starting point in the process of creating a passenger long-haul wide-body aircraft with two Airbus A350 engines.

Actually, the development did not take as long as it usually takes to create an aircraft of this class. It lasted six years. This is due to the fact that in the process of work, a minimum of structural changes were introduced to the original plan, as well as the desire of the company to finally release a worthy competitor to the Boeing 787, which began to surf the air since 2009.
At the end of 2012, the aircraft serial number MSN1 was transported from the assembly shop. In mid-2013, he made his first test flight, and from the beginning of 2015, regular passenger transportation by the A350 airliner began.
It should be noted that this model had three modifications at once: A350 - 800, A350 - 900 and A350 - 1000.

"Airbus A350 - 800" began operating in 2014. Its cabin is designed to carry 270 passengers, and the flight rangeis 15,700 km. This is a modification with a shortened fuselage.
"Airbus A350 - 900" was put into operation in the same year. Its capacity was 314 passengers, but the distance it could fly was slightly less - 15,000 km. It is this modification that is considered basic.
The Airbus A350-1000 made its first scheduled flight only in 2015. Its capacity is 350 passengers, and the flight range is 14,800 km. This model has a lengthened fuselage (compared to the base model).
Two pilots are required to service all named modifications.
Now let's learn more about the design and technical characteristics of the Airbus A350 aircraft.

The base model has a length of 66.8 m, and modifications - 60.5 m and 73.8 m, respectively. The wingspan is 64 m. The height of all aircraft modifications is 16.9 m, and the effective wing area is 443 m2.
The main design feature of the new Airbus is that it consists of more than 50% composite materials, which exceeds that of the Boeing 787. Also in the A350, saber-shaped wingtips were used, which have never been used on other models of the Airbus corporation.
All modifications of airliners are equipped with two Trent XWB engines, which are capable of providing a maximum speed of 945 km/h. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with a Honeywell auxiliary engine. HGT1700.
Passenger compartment and cockpit
Each of the modifications of airliners has a cabin with three levels of comfort: first class, business and economy. Naturally, in each of them there are significant differences in the level of service and comfort. Passengers, depending on their financial situation and needs, can choose any of the three classes offered in the Airbus A350. The layout of the aircraft cabin is shown in the image below.

Not a single aircraft in the world can do without a cockpit. This is the point from which the flight control of the airliner is performed. The cockpit of the Airbus A350 is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art electronic devices that allow you to drive the car both manually and with the help of autopilot.
Reviews from passengers and experts
Now let's find out what opinion the first passengers and experts had about the new aircraft.
Most of the company's customers note the increased comfort of the cabin compared to other Airbus models, as well as the special softness of the flight, without air pockets and other minor troubles.

Experts emphasize that the new aircraft is indeed the most economical airliner in its class. Among the shortcomings, leading analysts note the high cost of manufacturing the machine, and, accordingly, its selling price. So, on the world market, a new French aircraft, depending on its modification,costs from 260.9 to 340.7 million dollars. For comparison, the Boeing 787 is valued at between 218.3 and 297.5 million. But savings on fuel and maintenance can more than make up for this difference in long-term operation. Also, among the shortcomings, an increased level of automatism in control is noted, although in some cases this can be considered a virtue.
However, most of the world's experts give a generally positive assessment of the Airbus A350 airliner.
Airbus A350 is currently recognized as the most economical and cheapest airliner in its class to maintain. In terms of technical characteristics, it surpassed its main competitor, the Boeing 787. Now we have to wait for the response of the American company and see what miracle of technology it can oppose to its European rival.

High economic performance has ensured a great demand for the new French aircraft from the world's leading airlines. So, at the moment there are already orders for the supply of 764 units of aircraft from 39 air carriers. Among them are such as the Qatari company Qatar Airways, the Vietnamese Vietnam Airlines, the Finnish Finnair, the Portuguese TAP Portugal, the Spanish Iberia. The Airbus A350, whose cabin layout allows for the most efficient distribution of passengers of various financial affluence, and the capacity to save on additional flights, will certainly continue to usepopularity with customers until it is opposed by a worthy competitor.
But the development of technology does not stand still, and the emergence of new airliners with even higher quality and economic characteristics is only a matter of time.