The Caucasus is famous for its traditional hospitality, stunning nature and majestic mountains. The most suitable time to visit is autumn and summer, however, winter holidays in the ski resorts of Abkhazia are rapidly gaining popularity. There are no high-quality services here yet, but the resort still leaves an unforgettable experience.
Winter holidays in Abkhazia
We offer a walk around the best resorts of Abkhazia.
One of the advantages of visiting Abkhazia in the winter is the reduction in prices for rental housing in the private sector. As for hotels and inns, there are small discounts in winter.
Women vacationing in Abkhazia love to visit thermal springs and mud baths. With the advent of winter, there are fewer tourists on the beaches and hydrogen sulfide springs, which means more comfortable conditions for recreation are created.

Planning a self-guided trip
If you are planning to go on an independent trip to ski Abkhazia, thenyou are advised to consider the following points:
- Itinerary - it must be compiled taking into account the overnight stay. Usually inns and hotels are located in cities, but some may be located far from the ski routes, so you need to think about how you will get to them.
- Equipment - when choosing it, it should be borne in mind that most of the rest in the ski resort you will have to carry it yourself. Taxi prices in the city are quite high, public transport is poorly developed.
- Food is unlikely to be a problem. Even in the smallest village there is a cafe that sells local dishes.
Ski resorts of Abkhazia
By visiting them, you will get a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable memories from your winter vacation.

The development of skiing in this region is just beginning. The main thing is that there are all the necessary conditions for it to turn into one of the best ski resorts in the Caucasus - mountainous terrain.
Abkhazia has a very advantageous location. It is located on one of the slopes, which belongs to the Main Caucasian Range, so snow-capped mountain peaks are not uncommon here. As for skiing, the demand for it is very high.
Let's consider the best ski resorts in Abkhazia:
- The most popular is the winter holiday in Sukhumi - the capital of Abkhazia. It has a well-developed infrastructure that remains the same at any time of the year. Summer restaurants located on the waterfront,turn into winter ones and still receive visitors. People come here for extreme skiing.
- New Athos takes second place. There is a large selection of ski resorts that provide various services. Highly qualified staff will select a ski route for both beginners and professionals. The resort differs from others in quality services at an affordable price.
- Gudauta is inferior to its competitors, but it is quite worthy of attention. Not a very well-known resort, since there is practically no necessary infrastructure, but there are always stable prices and few people. There is stunning nature and picturesque mountain ranges. Great for a ski holiday as snow lies on the mountains for 7 months.
Mountain slopes in this country will become especially popular among freeriders who love natural heights. Extreme seekers are recommended to go to such mountain ranges as Mamzyshkha, Arabica, Auatkhara.
If you are a beginner skier, then you are better off going down the gentler slopes, so it is recommended to start getting acquainted with this sport from them.
There are no organized trails here yet, but do not forget that ski holidays here are just beginning to develop. It is safe to say that in a couple of years the situation will change. By the way, the choice of options for natural descent is simply impressive!

You can go on a ski trip in Abkhazia either with the help of a travel agency or on your own. In the first case, most often in the costtravel includes not only the road, but also hotel reservations, meals and mandatory travel insurance.
Benefits of winter holidays
Compared to the hustle and bustle of summer, the winter holiday will be more calm and quiet. In addition, it is cheaper and much more comfortable. You can easily walk around the interesting places of the country, visit healing baths, which are located on the Black Sea coast, and improve your he alth in hydrogen sulfide springs.
It is worth talking separately about the amazing nature of Abkhazia, which will surprise you with blooming medlar and roses. Evergreen oleander, boxwood and mimosa grow here. What are the aromas of cypress, eucalyptus and laurel worth. Tourists are pleased with the abundance of fruits, including feijoa, dates, citrus fruits, grapefruit, pears, apples.
The choice is really very large, and the prices are quite low.
Winter markets are famous for their selection of different types of fish, which is much richer than summer.
Weather conditions
Snow is rare here in winter, and the average temperature almost never drops below +10 degrees. If the day is bright, then the temperature can rise to +20.
It gets cooler on rainy days, which are common in February and January. At this time, it is recommended to walk around museums, botanical gardens, visit the zoo, theater and sightseeing. Permanent guests of Abkhazia recommend visiting the amazing beauty of Lake Ritsa.

Reviews about the resorts of Abkhazia
With special admirationtourists talk about the magnificent mountain landscapes, the diversity of flora and fauna.
Many people note that the ski resorts of Abkhazia are quiet and calm, there are not a lot of tourists, so you can take a break from the everyday bustle. The most positive reviews about the resort of Sukhumi, since in addition to the mountain peaks there are still many attractions.

If you don't know where to spend your winter vacation and go skiing, then you should take a closer look at the ski resorts of Abkhazia, reviews of which are mostly positive. There is beautiful nature, delicious cuisine, original culture, and majestic Caucasian mountains.