Moscow - Pskov: distance between cities and travel options

Moscow - Pskov: distance between cities and travel options
Moscow - Pskov: distance between cities and travel options

The distance from Moscow to Pskov is about 730 kilometers. It can be overcome in many ways, both by regular transport and by car. Pskov deserves a visit, as the city has many attractions and a beautiful architectural ensemble.

Rail ride

Trains from Moscow to Pskov run from the Rizhsky and Kursky stations. Passenger train No. 600 departs from the Rizhsky railway station at 19:56 and covers the distance from Moscow to Pskov in 16 hours. It has three types of wagons:

  • Seated. From 740 rubles.
  • Reserved seat. From 850 rubles.
  • Compartment. From 2,100 rubles.

The corporate train departs from the Leningradsky railway station at 20:23, the trip takes about 12 hours. Tickets for it are more expensive, and there are four types of cars:

  • Seated. From 1,100 rubles.
  • Reserved seat. From 1,300 rubles.
  • Compartment. From 2 300 rubles.
  • Sleeping. From 7,400 rubles.

Distance from Moscow to Pskov these trains travel in different ways. The branded train travels along the route Moscow-Tver-Valdai-Dno, and the usualmakes more stops and drives through Rzhev, Velikiye Luki and Porkhov.

Both trains arrive at the Pskov-1 station. From it, along Jan Fabritius Street, you can walk to the historical center.

Pskov Kremlin and Velikaya River
Pskov Kremlin and Velikaya River

Bus and air travel

A less comfortable option, since you have to sit on the bus at night. The distance from Moscow to Pskov can be overcome in 12 hours. Flights depart from VDNH at 19:30, from Tushinskaya at 20:00 or 23:00. A ticket costs about 1,200 rubles. The bus station where the bus arrives is located near the railway station.

Azimuth's flight departs Vnukovo at 12:00 and lands in Pskov at 13:25. The airport is located in the south-east of the city, near the E-95 and A-212 highways. The ticket is cheap, from 1,100 rubles. Given the distance from Moscow to Pskov, the fare is about 1.5 rubles. per kilometer.

Station Pskov
Station Pskov

Drive a car

The distance from Moscow to Pskov by car can be traveled in 8 hours along the southern route, that is, along the M-9 highway through Velikie Luki and further along E-95. It is better to plan 10 hours, so that along the way there is time for refueling and visiting some cafe. Of the interesting objects on this route, it is worth mentioning the Pushkin Mountains.

There is another option, the northern one. It involves driving along the E-105 to Veliky Novgorod, and from there along the R-56 to move to Pskov. Time should be scheduled around 10 o'clock.

On the way from Moscow to Pskov there are many interesting places to stop,to see the sights. For example, in the small town of Valdai there are several museums: folk art, retro cars, hydrological instruments, bells and the county town. It is also worth a look at the picturesque monastery on the lake.

In the neighboring town of Kresttsy there is a museum of folk craft - Krestets stitch.
