What traveler doesn't like to have a nice vacation if funds allow? The desire for a dimensional and luxurious pastime is inherent in all the inhabitants of our planet. Many tourists who have flown to rest in America first of all go to sunny California and the adjacent state of Nevada in order to become visitors to the world's most premium casinos.
But in our article you will find information about the European Las Vegas, and more precisely, about the world's best casino in Monaco. Such gambling establishments are not affordable for ordinary travelers. Therefore, in order to take part in the next gaming battle, gambling enthusiasts will first have to learn about a number of rules that apply to their territory. Read about all this and much more in our today's article.

The tiny state of Monaco, located on the Ligurian coast, attracts many tourists with its luxury and we alth, limited cars, beautiful scenery, and the most respectable gambling houses in the world. Casino "Monte Carlo" in Monaco is the mainlandmark of the dwarf state. It is thanks to this construction that the Principality has gained its popularity all over the world.
Prince Charles III decided to turn a rocky land area into a fashionable aristocratic resort by raising over 4 million francs from the sale of some of his territories. The construction of a casino in Monaco was entrusted to a French financier and the owner of several gambling establishments at that time, who knew a lot about organizing gambling buildings. The first casino was opened in 1863, but due to a fire, it was reconstructed by one of the best architects in France and turned into a center of social life.

Casino in Monaco as a museum
The building of the gambling house "Monte Carlo" at the moment is still the best architectural structure of the dwarf state. The casino retained the design and interior of Charles Garnier. In the morning hours from 9 am to 1 pm the building functions as a museum, where anyone can enter, having previously bought a ticket in specialized places. Initially, the traveler will see a huge atrium-lobby with marble columns, then the dazzlingly luxurious Opera House is located.
On the left side of the lobby is the entrance to a suite of gambling halls, striking in their grandeur. The first room is from the Renaissance period. Next is a platform called the "Salon of Europe" with magnificent crystal chandeliers. Further on are the Hall of the Americas and the White Hall, and in the far part you can find several private rooms. In addition, the CasinoMonaco has underground communication with the Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo.

Game period
During the daytime, the casino begins to function as a gaming room. Doors open at 2 pm, but the fiercest game takes place in private halls from 4 pm until early morning. At this time, it is impossible to enter the premises without a proper appearance. A visit to the casino to play is possible from the age of 18, you also need to pay an entrance fee of about 20 euros.
All casino proceeds won tonight can be tastefully spent in one of the elegant restaurants located in the same building. Each of them can offer its guests cuisine from different nations of the world, for example, the recently opened Buddha-Bar specializes in Asian cuisine.
An interesting fact is that citizens of a dwarf state are strictly forbidden to even come to such establishments, not to mention gambling. Therefore, visitors to the Monte Carlo casino are exclusively visiting we althy people from different parts of Europe and the World.

Various references
There is no more famous and majestic casino in the whole world. The luxurious building of the Principality has been repeatedly featured in the James Bond film series. Such cult parts as "Casino Royale" with Daniel Craig, "Golden Eye" and "Never Say Never" were filmed here. Since photography inside the building is strictly prohibited, it is a great opportunity to look at this place from the TVviewer.
In Russia, you can repeatedly meet the “Casino Monaco” laminate, named after the magnificent building on the Ligurian coast and also conveying greatness. If you want to create a cozy and original design in your home, then this is the best option. German-made laminate "Tarkett Casino Monaco" is in great demand all over the world.

Why all these words about the luxury and grandeur of the Monte Carlo gambling establishment? The best way to appreciate it is to see it with your own eyes. In Monaco, trips are often arranged from the adjacent territories of Italy, as well as neighboring cities in France, for example, from Marseille. It will be indecently expensive for a budget tourist to stay overnight in Monaco, so the best thing is to come here in transit. We hope that in this article readers managed to find a lot of useful information for themselves. Enjoy!