Located in the south of Europe, one of the smallest states on the mainland, surrounded by France on almost all sides, the Principality of Monaco can be safely called a model of excellent taste and love of life. Still, the interests here are the most high society: expensive yachts swinging in the azure Ligurian Sea, casinos with awe-inspiring rates and breathtaking Formula 1. And the royal family is generally the main attraction of the principality.
All this we will try to consider in more detail in the current article dedicated to the amazing and attractive country - Monaco. Let's go there!

A little more geography
Principality of Monaco, alas, the map is not flattering. On it, it is marked with just a dot, sunk in the vastness of France. And it can be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to find it.
But it is precisely this small size that is one of the most attractive features that makestourists from all over the world to look for a microstate on the map. How many people want to get into this world of prosperity and refined taste, which, by the way, is guarded by an army of only 82 people! Can you imagine? And this despite the fact that in the military orchestra of the same Monaco - 85 people. But they are not afraid, because France has taken responsibility for the security of the principality in the event of an attack on it by other states. Like this!
And for those who are somewhat at a loss in answering the question of where Monaco is located, we will explain: where the territories of France and Italy converge, about ten kilometers from the place of their docking on the Mediterranean coast there is a bright point, which attracts we alth, good luck and success.
Meet the ruling family of Monaco
This is one of the few modern monarchies where the powers of the crowned person and the real head of state belong to the same person.

Monaco is ruled by the representative of the oldest dynasty in Europe, Prince Albert II, he is the son of Prince Rainier II and Hollywood star, beauty Grace Kelly. Albert's wife, Queen of Monaco (quite in modern trends) is an athlete from South Africa, Olympic swimming champion Charlene Lynette Wittstock. The wedding of the monarchs took place in 2011.
Since the worthy ruler of this small state still has no official heirs, the sister of Prince Albert, Princess Carolina Louise Margarita Grimaldi and her children are still considered as such. But the principality is waiting for the appearance of the little prince, whowill lead a prosperous country in the future.
Where is Monaco and how to get there?
We already talked a little about where the principality is located in the introductory part, but anyone who decides to go to this dreamland will be interested in the details. For example, how to get there?

The easiest and fastest way to get to Monaco is considered to be a flight to Nice, and then a bus (the journey will take 45 minutes) or a train (no more than half an hour). If you have a car, then the journey from Nice to Monaco is only a 30-minute drive.
In the absence of direct flights to Nice, the flight is made to the capital of France, Paris, from where it is 950 km to the principality, covered in a few hours by train.
By the way, the station in Monaco, the photo of which we bring to your attention, is located right in the mountain. And when leaving the car, travelers get the impression that they have entered some kind of unreal world. Which is actually not far from the truth!
A few words about where to apply for a visa in Monaco
An interesting fact is that permanent residents of Monaco are only 20% of its population, the remaining 80% are rich people and businessmen plying from the principality and back. But nevertheless, getting into this miniature state is not so easy. It should be mentioned that since Monaco is a member of the European Union, a Schengen visa is required to visit here.
Due to the fact that there is no representative office of this country in Russia, travelers have to issue permission to enter the principality in Frenchvisa centers located in Moscow (Bolshaya Yakimanka street, 45) and St. Petersburg (Angliyskaya embankment, 42). There are similar centers in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

Monaco climate
Since it is usually very important for travelers to know what kind of weather will await them at their place of stay, we inform you that in the places where Monaco is located, the Alps serve as reliable protection from the northern winds that bring cold, and the cool sea breeze will make summer heat is not so debilitating.
Such a geographical location gives rise to a subtropical climate characterized by dry, cool summers and warm, wet winters. So, in July here the average temperature is about +23 °C, and in winter, in January, it does not fall below +10 °C.
In Monaco, the best time to visit is from May to September.
Who lives where Monaco is located, or Features of the Principality
Autochthonous, that is, the original population of the principality is a people called Monegasques. It makes up one fifth of all inhabitants of Monaco and is recognized as the titular nation. Monegasques are exempt from all taxes, and only they have the right to settle in the old part of this city-state. Foreigners are prohibited from doing so. It's a pity! It is from here, from the hill on Cape Saint-Antoine, that the most enchanting view of the sea and surroundings opens up.
In general, in Monaco everything is arranged for the best pastime not only for the powerful of this world, whose number here exceeds all conceivable limits, but also for ordinary tourists. Here the air is saturated with contemplation andenjoyment of life. It's hard to imagine being miserable here.

And now about the sights
Except for the casinos in Monte Carlo and Formula 1 that thunder all over the world (by the way, its roar is strong and not figuratively: visitors sitting in the stands are forced to plug their ears at the start so as not to lose their hearing), the country can offer a large number of interesting places for tourists.
Monaco is located on the hills of amazing beauty, descending to the Ligurian Sea (it is part of the Mediterranean), and is the most densely populated state in Europe.
Its heart can be considered the ancient capital, located on top of a hill - Monaco-Ville. Here are the oldest buildings and the Cathedral, which does not fit into the accepted stereotypes, was erected on the site of the ancient Catholic Church of St. Nicholas in 1875. Inside the cathedral are the paintings of the famous artist Louis Brea. It is here that all members of the ruling family have been buried since the founding of the principality.
The facade of this cathedral overlooks the admirable Palace Square, where the residence of the princes of Monaco has been located for seven centuries. It is here that official receptions and international negotiations are held. Every day at noon, invariably since the founding of the principality, a solemn changing of the guard of honor takes place in front of the palace, which is attended by a large number of tourists.
Worthy of attention is the 18th century fortress Fort Antoine, named after the great music lover Prince Antoine I andwhich is now an open theatre.

A little more about the wonderful places of the Principality of Monaco
Where is the Oceanographic Museum, any resident of the city will tell you. Don't forget to visit it! It is considered to be a masterpiece of modern architecture. The museum is located on an almost sheer cliff and has an underground aquarium. By the way, one of the very few where corals have taken root!
And how beautiful the gardens of St. Martin! This place in tiny Monaco allows citizens to escape from the hustle and bustle of the modern city in an almost pristine world, saturated with the scent of herbs and flowers. The garden was opened during the reign of Honore V (first half of the 19th century). The sculptures standing along the small winding alleys that adorned the garden are a topic for a separate essay. Be sure to visit here!
Do not ignore the Church of St. Devota, which is considered the protector of the principality. By the way, on the day of memory of this great martyr, January 27, flowers always bloom around the temple.

Separately about museums
Most visited after the Oceanographic in Monaco is the Museum of Old Cars, founded by Prince Rainier III, who was a fan of them. For almost 30 years he has been collecting a collection of vintage cars, which he presented in his museum. There are more than 100 models.
And the Maritime Museum owns more than two hundred and fifty exhibits related to the sea.
The Wax Museum is a reflection of the history of the Grimaldi dynasty. All figures are made inlife-size, and many are dressed in period clothing from the founding of the dynasty.
You can't say goodbye to Monaco
As you can see, Monaco is a state where there are not only we althy local residents and the powers that be who come to have fun, but also a huge cultural layer. And all this is located in the most amazing place on our planet. Here there is the grace of flowering gardens, and the sound of the sea, and the excitement of games, and the delight of tourists. And here you will definitely come back!