Probably everyone takes their vacation planning very seriously. We all carefully study the countries and resorts that we want to visit, sort out our suitcases several times, decide what to put in the tourist first aid kit, and look for information about the most interesting excursions and places. However, as practice shows, most people forget about the most important thing, namely the advance booking of tickets. As a result, a long-awaited vacation may be on the verge of failure. After all, you see, it will not be very pleasant if you arrive at the airport a few hours before departure, and at the box office they tell you that there are no empty seats, or you simply do not have time to go through the screening procedure. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to check in for an airplane online and directly at the airport. In this article, we will look at the most common methods and learn some very useful tips.
Why register at all?

This question worriesmany novice travelers who have never used air travel before. For the first time at the airport, many are simply lost, and only one thought is spinning in their heads: how to register for an airplane flight? And this is not surprising, because the ticket is already there and personal information is entered into the electronic database, so you can safely go to passport control.
The answer lies in the airports themselves. They can serve dozens of aircraft per day, and even a small delay can lead to serious consequences. When it comes to flights, every second counts. To avoid schedule shifts, all passengers must check in at a certain time before departure. It usually starts approximately one hour before.
Methods of registration
Let's take a closer look at them. If you do not want to miss your flight, then you should have a detailed understanding of how this process goes. Today in Russia there are two ways to register for a plane:
- in place;
- via the Internet.
In the first case, you must be personally present at the airport, and the second allows you to do everything you need remotely, for example, via phone, approaching the point of departure. Each of the methods has certain features. And so that you do not have any problems, then we will take a closer look at how to register for a plane using each of them. The above instructions will help you not to be late for your flight and successfully go to the long-awaitedjourney.
Checking in luggage

So, what is the peculiarity of this method? When buying a plane ticket (you will learn how to register using it later), you also have to pay for a seat in the luggage compartment, since only small hand luggage is allowed into the cabin. At the same time, you should understand that the process of checking in a suitcase is slightly different from the procedure that passengers must go through. Its registration takes only a few minutes and is conditional. It involves weighing the bags and sticking a tag on them, which will later make it easy to identify the luggage. As soon as everything necessary is done, it is taken from the owner and sent for loading.
How to register online?
This aspect should be given special attention. The World Wide Web opens up almost limitless possibilities for us, because through it you can solve a huge number of problems without leaving your own home. Therefore, many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to register for a plane via the Internet. There is nothing difficult in this. The procedure starts 24 hours and ends approximately 40 minutes before departure. At the same time, it is very important to carefully calculate the time so that you can get to the airport, otherwise no one will delay the flight for you.
However, there is one important nuance here. Many airlines provide their customers with various bonuses for using services, for which they subsequentlyyou can get a good discount. If you decide to check-in electronically for a plane (how to do this, you can find out by phone at any airport), then keep in mind that in this case you will not receive any privileges.
To confirm your intention to fly, you need to go to the airline's website or to the branded application, in which you need to fill in all the proposed fields. Particular attention should be paid to passport data and ticket number. If you make even the slightest mistake, you will simply not be allowed on board.
What to do next?

After you enter all the required information and the system confirms successful check-in, you will receive an electronic boarding pass. It must be saved and printed, as only this document confirms your right to fly. After that, you will have to arrive some time before departure, check in your suitcase and present your passport and printed ticket to the airport staff. The advantage of online check-in is that it only takes a few seconds to go through security, as your data will already be in the electronic database, so you will only get a stamp on your electronic ticket and you can go to the waiting area.
When is it not possible to register online?
So what do you need to know? It is worth familiarizing yourself with this aspect in the very first place. As you have already seen, remotely confirming your intention to fly is quite simple. The above question has been answered in detailhow to check in for a plane online, but it is also important to be aware of the cases in which this procedure is not possible.
At the airport personal presence is required for the following categories of citizens:
- people suffering from severe pathologies or using specialized medical equipment such as a pacemaker;
- passengers traveling with pets;
- citizens carrying special or dangerous items in their luggage;
- travelers going on package holiday;
- if tickets were bought simultaneously for 9 people or more.
Besides this, people who do not trust modern technologies should refuse electronic registration. It is better for them to arrive at the airport in advance and ask for help from its staff.
What about luggage?
Above, it was described in detail how to register for a plane remotely, but here, probably, many will have a question about what to do with their things that are forbidden to be brought into the cabin. You can check them in the luggage compartment if you contact one of the following places:
- reception desk;
- reception desk;
- automatic baggage claim.
It is worth noting that the latter option is possible only in modern airports, equipped in accordance with the latest technology. There are practically no such people in our country. Therefore, the best option would be a baggage claim.
Check-in at the airport

How does this process happen? This option is one of the most common, since it is simple and understandable for the vast majority of citizens, regardless of age category. However, despite this, not everyone knows how to register on the spot on the plane. There are two ways to do this:
- at the self-service terminal;
- at the front desk.
The first option is best suited for seasoned travelers who fly regularly or occasionally. If for you this will be the first experience of using air transport, then it is recommended to use the second method. In self-service terminals, check-in begins an average of 10 hours, through airport employees - about 40 minutes. It closes differently. It all depends on the particular airline.

What is it for? If you yourself do not know how to check in for an aircraft flight, then the best and most reasonable way out is to contact the airport staff. They stand behind special racks, which are easy to spot. Near them are constantly huge queues of departing tourists. You will need to go to the window on the monitor of which your flight number will be displayed. Here you will need to present your passport, and after your data is entered into the program, you will receive your ticket in your hands. An airport employee will immediately weigh your luggage and put a tag on it. After boardingthe ticket will be in your hands, you can go to the waiting room or go straight to the boarding.
Self-service terminals
There are usually long queues at the check-in counter, so waiting for yours may require you to stand for several hours, which in itself is quite tiring. Therefore, many people, having stood for a certain period of time and tired of waiting, think about where to register for a plane faster? The answer is unequivocal - self-service terminals. This service is very convenient because it allows you to save a lot of time, but not all airports in our country provide it. However, in Western countries, this service is very common.
Every person, even those who are poorly versed in modern phones and computers, will be able to use the terminal, since they have the Russian language, and the interface is simple and intuitive. You just need to follow the prompts of the electronic system. After you enter your information, the machine will issue a boarding pass. As for luggage, you can check it in in any convenient way, described earlier in this article.
Which registration method is better?

So, you have been planning your vacation for a long time, decided where you will go, packed your things and even bought a ticket. What's next? Above, it was described in detail how to check in for an airplane online and on the spot at the airport, but which method is still better? Booking your flight electronically provides many benefits, including:highlight the following:
- saving time and nerves as you don't have to stand in long lines;
- the ability to choose your favorite seat on board;
- you insure yourself against the fact that the airline will sell more tickets than seats on the plane, which is quite common in the peak of the tourist season.
Thus, registering a ticket for a flight via the Internet is very relevant. You save a decent amount of time that you can spend on yourself, for example, go shopping, read a fashion magazine or drink a cup of aromatic coffee.

There is nothing difficult in registering for a plane, so if you follow the instructions described in this article, then you will certainly succeed. And if in the process you encounter any difficulties, then do not hesitate to ask the airport staff for help. They will gladly provide you with advice on any issues and will do everything possible to ensure that you do not miss your flight.