What currency to take to Turkey - lira, dollars or euros?

What currency to take to Turkey - lira, dollars or euros?
What currency to take to Turkey - lira, dollars or euros?

Many travelers are wondering "what currency to take to Turkey". The country everywhere accepts the national currency - the Turkish lira, but in Turkey they do not refuse dollars, euros, rubles and even hryvnias. Consider the most popular options.

What is the currency in Turkey?

What currency to take to Turkey
What currency to take to Turkey

Many tourists don't know what currency to take to Turkey and end up buying Turkish Lira. But it is better not to buy them in large quantities, because this is a very unstable currency. Tomorrow, she may lose her positions a lot. But the Turkish lira also has its advantages. Whatever one may say, but sellers in the markets and in small shops mostly take it. Plus, it will be more profitable to pay for goods with local money. It is quite simple to explain this: prices in liras on Turkish shelves are not intended for tourists, but, first of all, for residents of the country. Therefore, the cost of products will not "bite" much. You can give such an example, the price tag says that the product costs 5 TL=$ 3. But in fact, 5 lira is worth less than 3 dollars. Bebe careful! You can also slip old-style Turkish lira on you; these banknotes usually have six or more zeros. Therefore, you need to know about what currency is in Turkey (2013). This is the new Turkish lira, which is equivalent to 1,000,000 old liras.

What is the currency in Turkey
What is the currency in Turkey


Paying in dollars is very convenient. Firstly, this currency is accepted almost everywhere. And secondly, it will no longer be necessary to contact exchange offices, which can also deceive. It is best to take smaller dollars with you. After all, very often you can observe a situation where sellers do not have change. In such cases, many have to buy unnecessary goods or look for an exchange.


In Turkey, the euro is not popular, although many price tags and cost in this currency. The most interesting thing is that the locals equate the euro to the dollar. Often you can see such a sign $ 1=1 euro. But we know that the euro is more expensive than the dollar. Therefore, it is better not to use this currency in Turkey. But the euros will come in handy in Duty free shops at the airport. In such places, the cost of things is much cheaper than in other stores. All thanks to the absence of taxes and duties.

What is the currency in turkey 2013
What is the currency in turkey 2013

Where to exchange money?

If you have not yet decided what currency to take to Turkey, then know that upon arrival any banknotes can be exchanged. It is best to do this in large banks and post offices. You need to be very careful when changing money at exchange offices.can cheat! So always count your money before you step away from the cash register. Also, ask if they charge a commission for money transactions. And if you do not have time to look for banks or exchange offices, then this can be done at the reception of any hotel. And remember - never change money from your hands, in dubious stalls and at the airport. Here you can be cheated or the course will be absolutely unprofitable for you.


Answering the question of what currency to take to Turkey, we can say - take dollars. They can be easily exchanged for local currency or euros at major banks in the country, although this may not be necessary.
