If you have planned a trip with a child abroad, say, to Turkey, then you just need to prepare a list of necessary things that you cannot do without. This will protect you from unnecessary worries while packing your suitcase. Our article will give you a basic list of things to do in Turkey so you don't forget anything.
What to bring on vacation

The first thing you must remember is money and documents! Start packing with a separate small bag that will always be with you. Put in it a not very large amount of money that you will need for small expenses on the first day of your holiday - after leaving home and before arriving at the hotel. Also there should be passports, medical insurance policies, air tickets, documents from your travel company - vouchers and insurance. If you are flying to this country for the first time and using the services of a certain company, then find out the following information in advance: the address and phone number of the Russian consulate in Turkey and the contact information of your touristoperator. Write everything in a notebook and put it in the same bag. Let it be just in case!
List of things

Now let's move on to packing your suitcase. Do not try to put half a wardrobe there, as you are unlikely to use a lot of things, and lugging a bag will be heavy. Here are the clothes that you will definitely need. Basically, rest with a child is to use the gentle sea, sun and beach, so the outfit should be appropriate. We put swimwear, swimming trunks, a beach bag and the like in a suitcase. You also need to take sunglasses, hats, rubber slippers. Since it will be hot there, and you need to get to the beach not only in a bathing suit, we put shorts, a couple of T-shirts, a skirt, light dresses or sundresses (two pieces are enough!), sets of underwear in a suitcase. Take jeans and a blouse with sleeves for chilly evenings. Also bring one pair of sandals to go out for a walk.
Personal care products
Put them in a separate small bag, which you then put away in a suitcase. So, you need to put there: a toothbrush, paste, soap, shower gel, washcloth, wet wipes, cosmetics, pre- and after-sun creams, deodorant, for men - shaving accessories. If you are flying with a child, you should also take care of what medicines to take to Turkey. Now let's consider this question. And you stock up on one more handbag, which will contain your first-aid kit.
What medicines to take to Turkey

To avoid running around pharmacies in search of the necessary medicines when you are in a foreign country, it is better to take everything you need with you. However, the question of which medicines can and cannot be taken to Turkey is also important. Consider those that you may need and at the same time pass through security at the airport. Firstly, these are remedies for motion sickness (drugs "Kokkulin", "Aviamore" or "Dramina"). Be sure to take them, as they can be useful for both you and the child. Antihistamines (Zirtek, Suprastin, Fenistil, Lordestin) may also be useful - after all, you are flying to another country, and it is completely unclear how new food, smells of exotic flowers will affect you or your baby, insect bites or sea urchin sting.
Further, the list of "what medicines to take to Turkey" includes drugs for gastrointestinal disorders. You never know what quality product you bought at sea?! "Smecta", "Phosphalugel", "Linex", "Enterosgel" and ordinary activated carbon will help you. They also help with alcohol poisoning. Take painkillers as well, but here you have to be careful - not everyone will let you take it. So, you can safely buy tablets "No-Shpa", "Bral", "Citramon" and "Ketorol" on the road. Since you are traveling with a child, stock up on antiseptics: iodine, brilliant green (it is better to take in the form of felt-tip pens), bandage, hydrogen peroxide, Rescuer ointment and plasters. If you're thinking aboutabout what medicines to take to Turkey for a child, include in the list antipyretics ("Panadol", "Nurofen"), from the common cold - drops "Aquamaris", "Xilen", "Vibrocil", from cough - preparations "Lazolvan" or "Gedelix ", from conjunctivitis - Albucid drops and from pain in the ears (when sea water gets in) - Otipaks or Sofradex. If there is still time before the trip, edit the list with the pediatrician and your therapist. Have a good holiday!