Going to distant lands, you need to be able to properly assemble. If you decide to go on vacation to an exotic country, the question will always arise about what to take with you. For example, do you know what to take to Thailand? Very often, tourists make the same mistake, picking up things with them for all occasions. On the one hand, this is correct - you never know what can happen, but on the other hand, most of the luggage will not be useful to you. Therefore, in our article we want to talk about what to take on vacation in Thailand, based on the recommendations of experienced travelers.
Country specifics
If you are thinking about what to take with you to Thailand on vacation, consider a very important point. The exotic country has a warm climate, so do not pack a lot of unnecessary things. Thailand has low prices, so you can buy anything here. Do not fill your suitcases with useless things. Do not forget that on the way back you will need a lot of space in your bags to place souvenirs and gifts. In Thailandyou can buy so many useful things that your eyes run wide.

Don't be afraid to forget something at home. In any case, everything can be purchased locally. You need to focus only on the most important things. What to take to Thailand? The list of mandatory items must include the necessary documents, money, medicines, a minimum set of shoes and clothes. We will dwell on all points in more detail.
What not to take?
Before you start talking about what to take to Thailand, it's worth talking about those items that you definitely shouldn't put in a suitcase. All travelers make the same mistakes, stuffing their bags with heavy things that are completely unnecessary. Remember that you will have to carry all your suitcases.
As a rule, a trip to an exotic country is carried out in the cold season. Therefore, we are dressed according to the season. Winter things take up a lot of space and are heavy. In Thailand, you definitely won’t need them, because the country doesn’t get cold at all in our understanding. Therefore, experienced travelers recommend getting rid of warm clothes. How to do it? Ask someone you know or relatives to take you to the airport to give them clothes. It is enough to have one warm sweater with you. You can also recommend leaving warm clothes in the storage room. You can only take a waterproof windbreaker with you, and even then you are unlikely to need it. In rainy weather in Thailand, it is much easier to buy a raincoat.

Our tourists are accustomed to take dishes with them: cups, spoons, plates. If you are going to a hotel, you will not need anything like this. Firstly, there is nowhere to cook in hotels, and secondly, you will eat in cafes. Thailand has very cheap and delicious food. If you plan to rent an apartment, they will definitely have all the necessary utensils.
Towels and bed linen are also not worth taking. The hotels provide you with all this.
To be cosmetics or not?
Each of us, going on a trip, takes with us detergents and cosmetics, which take up a lot of space and weigh a lot. Pay attention to the fact that soaps, gels and shampoos are present in the hotel bathrooms. In addition, Thailand has a huge selection of beautiful cosmetics that tourists buy with great pleasure, so you should not take it from home.
In exotic countries, repellents are indispensable. Therefore, many tourists take them with them. However, all these funds for a penny can be purchased on the spot. Thai repellents are more effective, so it makes sense to refuse domestic ones.
What medicines to take to Thailand? The list should contain only the most necessary drugs. The country has many pharmacies and a variety of medicines that are affordable. If you are taking specific medications that you cannot live without, you should bring them with you.
What medicines to take to Thailand if you are planning a trip with children? You can stock up on "Nurofen" (from temperature and pain),"Rehydron", "Smecta" (in case of poisoning), hydrogen peroxide, iodine (in case of abrasions). If you suffer from pressure or headaches, take the remedies that help you.

Don't be upset if you forgot something. There are many pharmacies in Thailand, so buying drugs is not a problem. Analogues can be found on the active substance. Experienced tourists recommend taking good insurance, then in case of problems, a doctor in the hospital will examine you for free and give you the necessary drugs. All this is covered by the insurance policy.
Now you know what medicines to take to Thailand. The list of drugs can include activated charcoal, burn cream, insect bite cream, No-Shpu. If you can't handle travel well and get sick, get something like Air-Sea.
Necessary accessories
What to take on holiday in Thailand? If you wish, you can take various useful little things. For example, you will definitely need sunscreen. There are a lot of such facilities in Thailand. But it is difficult to find a cream with a high factor. If you use one of these, then you should take it with you. Sunscreen should not be neglected, the sun in the country is very bright. You can burn even if you already have a tan.
Don't forget about after-sun creams. They will be very useful to you. A good cream or moisturizing milk will help to avoid unnecessary problems. If you don't want to dry out your skin, buy extra virgin olive oil from Thai shops.

What to take on vacation in Thailand? Goggles and a swimming mask are very useful if you plan to go snorkeling. Of course, there are equipment rental shops on the beaches, but the things in them do not always correspond to your desires.
Another very important accessory is sunglasses. You simply cannot do without them. The bright sun is difficult to perceive for people who are not used to it.
Actual thing are compact extension cords. In hotels, there are often not enough outlets or they are located in inconvenient places. Adapters and extension cords can also be purchased at any shop.
A portable internet modem might also come in handy. Mobile Internet is well established in the country. The device will help you keep in touch with your family.
No trip can be imagined without money. In addition, it is important to calculate the correct number of them. How much money to take to Thailand? This question is most often asked by tourists who travel to an exotic country for the first time. To enter Thailand, there is a mandatory minimum amount of money that every traveler must have with him - this is $ 700. Usually money is not asked to present. But sometimes, if the passport has a lot of stamps about visiting the country, they may be asked to show cash. In any case, the specified amount should be available. Of course, the budget of the trip can be very different. It all depends on your financial capabilities. Someone is ready to be content with little, and someone does not deny himself anything. Fortravel is best stocked with dollars or euros. You can also exchange rubles for baht in Moscow, but our exchange rate is very unfavorable. The same situation is observed in Thailand with rubles. They are not exchanged for baht in all cities. And the course will definitely not please you.

But with euros and dollars, tourists feel much calmer. You should not take dollars issued before 1993 on a trip. These bills are often not accepted by Thai banks.
Bank card
Travelers do not recommend carrying all the money in the form of cash. You can take a certain amount into the wallet, and put all the rest on the card. Thailand accepts cards of the international Master Card and Visa systems.
What to take to Thailand from clothes? This question invariably torments all travelers. Very often people make a big mistake by typing a large number of things. Do you need them? Warm clothes, as already mentioned, should not be taken with you at all. Forget about jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts. Experienced tourists recommend giving preference to light sportswear. It is light in weight and will be the most comfortable for you. You should definitely take shorts, a T-shirt, trousers.
What to take on vacation in Thailand for a girl? The fair sex may prefer light skirts and dresses. You will not need classic outfits, jeans and shirts here. But a long-sleeved T-shirt is worth taking, but only in order to cover the body from the sun. Try to choose things from natural fabrics. ATsynthetics will be very difficult for you to endure heat. Clothing should be comfortable and practical. You don't have to take a lot of it. If the need arises, you can buy some things already in Thailand. Here the choice is great, and the prices are much lower than in Russia.
A tourist's wardrobe should certainly include hats and swimwear. Shoes are a very important element of the wardrobe. Forget about heels. On the trip, you need to take a few pairs of comfortable flip-flops and sports shoes for excursions. Please note that you will have to walk a lot, so you should be comfortable.

What to take on vacation in Thailand for a woman? You can put in a suitcase a minimum set of cosmetics, accessories and other necessary little things that you cannot do without. However, it is worth remembering the hot climate of the country, it is unlikely that in such conditions you will need a large amount of cosmetics. But a hat and sunglasses are a must.
Taking food in Thailand is unwise. The choice of products in the country is very large. And the prices pleasantly surprise guests. Rest in an exotic country is interesting because you will have the opportunity to try many exotic dishes and seafood. Don't miss this chance. The only thing the country lacks is a good selection of fermented milk products. If this is a matter of principle for you and you cannot do without cottage cheese or kefir, you can buy a light cottage cheese called "Bulgaria" in the supermarket. If you add it to milk, you will soon get a wonderfulcurdled milk. In Thai stores you will find a large selection of berry and fruit yoghurts. They are incredibly tasty, so they are definitely worth a try.
Baby food
Most often, parents worry about what to feed their babies. Inexperienced travelers are frightened by overseas dishes. Please note that Thai stores sell milk formulas from those manufacturers that we are used to - Nestozhen, Nan, Nutrilak and others. You can also try local blends, so don't buy baby food for your baby in Russia.
If your child no longer needs baby food, it will not be difficult to feed him in a cafe. Local establishments prepare classic European dishes. You can order your child the usual chicken, rice, potatoes, soups, vegetables. Many cafes have a special children's menu. When ordering food for your child, ask the waiter not to make the dish spicy. In this case, numerous spices will not be used in the cooking process. There are a lot of grocery stores in Thailand, which have a standard set of goods, among which you will find yogurts, sandwiches, milk, vegetables, cheeses, fruits. In general, you can always feed a child.
If you want to capture the best moments of your holiday, take your camera with you. You may also need a laptop or tablet. The latter is much lighter and takes up less space.

Gadgets will also come in handy if you want to keep in touch withfamily.
Instead of afterword
As you can see, the number of things needed for the trip is not so great. There is no need to fill your suitcases to the top with unnecessary items. When traveling, take only the essentials. This will allow you to leave room for gifts that you will certainly want to purchase. We hope now you know what you need to take to Thailand on vacation and what not.