There are days in a series of working days when you don’t go crazy, sending all your duties away, and don’t give up everything at the same moment, running away from troubles and problems somewhere into the sunset, only one thought helps: I’ll finish the month (two, three, six months), and I will finally take a long-awaited vacation. I’ll pack up and leave here for some fabulous, paradise corner, and I’ll listen to the singing of birds and crickets in turn for days and nights, plunge into the crystal clear water and absorb the expanse of the sky with my eyes on dark and starry tropical nights.
But as soon as the long-awaited day approaches, everyone starts to panic: what kind of things to take on a long trip? What must not be forgotten? Surely after arrival it turns out that something incredibly important and necessary was forgotten in their native lands, and now, it would seem, such a trifle, but the rest is already spoiled.

Fortunately, for such cases, for the sake of their forgetful compatriots, more organized and experienced travelers were not too lazy and made a clear list, whereListed are all those things that will certainly come in handy for every vacationer. A list of things at sea, on vacation or on the road will also be simply indispensable if the fees need to be made as soon as possible. After all, there is not always a reserve of time to gather your thoughts and determine for yourself a list of necessary items and things.
What to take with you to the sea
The list of things at sea should be compiled with great care. It is important not to forget to put sunscreen, swimwear and other special items in your bag. Having compiled a list of things and documents, you should definitely mark what has already been packed, so as not to remember later whether all the necessary things have been taken. So the list should include…
The most important of them, of course, is the passport. After all, without it, you won’t even be able to get on a plane. Next is airfare. Because a passport alone does not confirm the right to fly. You will also need a medical policy.

Everyone (especially women) is familiar with the situation when the “most necessary and important” things taken with them, as a result, turn out to be never even worn during the holidays. Therefore, the minimum list of necessary things for women at sea presented below is extremely practical.
1) Underwear. You can take four panties, two or three pairs of socks and three bras: white, black and flesh-colored.
2) Swimsuit. You can, of course, buy it on arrival. But, as you know, the price of such a simple purchase can be literallysky-high. Therefore, it would be better to take care of this wardrobe item while still in your native land. Or better yet, buy a pair of bathing suits. In case one breaks or takes a long time to dry after washing, there is always a spare on hand.
3) Shorts. An extremely practical item. You can walk in them, and visit the beach, and go to the store, and just walk in your room.

4) Jeans. After all, the evenings may not be as warm as the days, and therefore the list of things on vacation at sea should contain this item.
5) Skirt. Great feminine alternative to shorts.
6) Mikey. A practical item for walking in hot climates. Just don't take too many of them to the sea. The list of the most necessary things includes no more than three copies.
7) Hats. It can be a cap, hat or panama. The main thing is that the head is not subjected to intense heat exposure to sunlight. Thus, a headdress should certainly be on the list of things for a seaside vacation.
8) Dress. It is advisable to take only one dress with you, but if there is space in your bag, you can take a pair: short and long.
9) Jacket with long sleeves. In addition to jeans. If it suddenly turns out to be a bad day, it will save you from the cold.
10) Pajamas. The list of things on vacation at sea for those who like to sleep in cozy pajamas must have such an item.

1) Slippers. Better onJust in case, stock up on two pairs. One will be used for going to the beach, and the other one for walking around the city.
2) Sneakers or flats. If the place in the bag is very limited, it is better to give preference to ballet flats. They are more versatile: they can be worn with shorts, skirts, and jeans. But rough sneakers will look ridiculous and tasteless with the same skirt. And shoes take up much less space.
3) Sandals. The ideal option is one pair at low speed. Heels will make your legs tired by the evening, and a wonderful rest has a chance to turn into a terrible torture.
1) Points. Sunscreen and prescription (for those with vision problems).
2) Jewelry. You should not take gold, but stone jewelry is quite suitable when compiling an additional list of what to take with you to the sea. The list of things at sea can also be supplemented with jewelry: it is inexpensive, but often quite elegant and attractive.
3) Umbrella in case of rain.
4) Blanket for going to the sea.

5) Cosmetics. Care and protective equipment. And also decorative cosmetics, which will certainly need to be grabbed in order to look spectacular. You should also take a comb, hand cream, nail file, nail polish and nail polish remover.
6) First aid kit. It must include painkillers, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, alcohol wipes, activated charcoal, adhesive plaster and small scissors.
7) Hygiene products: soap, washcloth, shampoo, toothbrushand paste, pads or tampons.
8) Insect spray is also important and should be on your beach vacation bucket list.
9) Technique. Phone, charger and headphones, tablet, Internet modem and, if required, a camera.
A pleasant journey for the little ones
Parents traveling with children will need a special list of things to do at sea with a child. What to take depends on a number of factors, such as the baby's age and he alth.

For babies, you will need a large pack of diapers, for an older child, an extra set of underwear. After all, as you know, children get smeared much more often than adults.
You need to bring warm clothes for evening walks, as children's bodies are more susceptible to cold. Getting sick while on vacation - what could be worse?
If you get bored
Of course, you will also need entertainment items: your favorite book with fairy tales, a toy, pajamas with your favorite cartoon character. If there is space, you can include board games in the list of things you need on a vacation at sea (they are not bulky, but they will be able to cheer up a bored child). Coloring books and the accompanying felt-tip pens, gel pens or wax pencils that do not need to be sharpened will also come in handy. The main thing is that their composition is non-toxic and safe for the he alth of the child. For spending time on the water, an inflatable ring and armlets, a terry towel and a bathrobe are required. By the way, this childish trifle can be entrusted to the smallesttraveler, after packing it in a small children's backpack.
What to take on the road from groceries
It is more convenient, of course, to order food directly on the plane and not bother with its preliminary preparations. But for lovers of home cooking, there are also food ready-made lists for the road. What to take with you on a trip from food?
First of all, clean water. If it is not customary to drink plain water in the family, you can take tea or homemade fruit compote instead. But keep in mind that you can carry liquids only in packages of 0.1 liters and a total volume of not more than a liter. So you have to pour the drink into small jars.
Food for travel
Food should not be perishable, crumble heavily and exude intense odor. Especially if it's specific. Thus, you should not take baked, fried meat and cutlets on a plane with you.
An excellent option is cookies, especially biscuits (dry and low-fat), chocolate. You need to make sure that the food contains enough protein. It can be boiled meat (chicken, beef, turkey), nuts, some hard cheese. You can take fresh fruits or dried fruits, vegetables. They will be easier to pack if cut into medium-sized pieces beforehand.

What should I pack separately
By the way, canned or canned food is not allowed on the plane. You can take boiled eggs, but on condition that they are stored separately from other products,especially those that can hasten their deterioration. Sweets should also be put in a separate, securely closed bag. You can also pack salads or sandwiches in an airtight container.
And lovers of hot tea can take a thermos of boiling water and bags of their favorite tea or coffee sticks on the road. Thus, on the road you can enjoy the most pleasant process of tea drinking.
Of course, for reliability, you should carefully read the rules of the flight of the particular company whose services it was decided to use. And when you are going on the road, you need to collect the basic things provided for by the ready-made list and think about some of your personal needs. It is quite possible that there is something additional, without which the journey will not be so exciting and productive. And to buy a forgotten thing on the spot can be unimaginably expensive. Have a good holiday!