Everyone needs a break from time to time. I want to escape from the constant worries, work, boring routine and plunge headlong into something new. For example, take a trip. Just look at the sea, bask in the sun and enjoy the beautiful scenery. A tour to Egypt may well help you with this. There you can not only relax, but also touch history: see with your own eyes the famous pyramids, the sacred river Nile, ancient cities.

When is the best time to go on holiday to Egypt?
It's too hot in the country of the pyramids in summer: the air temperature in the shade reaches 50 degrees. Therefore, most often tourists go to Egypt in winter or autumn. During this period, the most suitable weather conditions for recreation are established, the air temperature ranges from 22 to 25 degrees, the sea is quite warm. You can also buy a tour to Egypt in April or May, when there will not be too many tourists. The water temperature in spring is about 28 degrees, during the day it is hot summer weather outside, the air temperature is 30 degrees.
Documents - this is what you need to take with you to Egypt. Citizens of the Russian Federation need a visa to stay in the country. You can get it upon arrival at the airport. At the same time, the validity of the passport must be at least six months at the time of return to Russia. In addition to the international passport, you should have any documents confirming the reservation at the hotel with you. As soon as you are at the airport in Egypt, you will be issued a migration card. It will need to be completed in block Latin letters in accordance with your personal documents.

What should be in hand luggage?
Documents are best put in hand luggage. It is worth taking a black ballpoint pen with you, it will come in handy for filling out the migration card. It is also better to take money, credit cards, a smartphone, a camera and chargers with you on board the aircraft. Optionally, you can put comfortable clothes in your bag that will be comfortable during the flight.
But perfume, aerosols, mouthwash, shaving foam, full-size creams, razors, scissors, tweezers and a nail file are best put in a suitcase. Otherwise, you will have to part with much-needed things: it is not allowed to carry them into the cabin of the aircraft. It is extremely important to ensure that the total volume of liquid in hand luggage does not exceed 1 liter. At the same time, even if there is not much money in the jar, but the package has a volume of more than 100 ml, it will not be possible to carry it on the plane.
Maximum hand luggage weight varies from 5 to 10 kg per person perdepending on the airline. Therefore, do not take too many things on the plane.

Packing luggage
Now about what to put in your suitcase. What clothes do you need to take to Egypt? The list looks like this:
- A hat that will protect from the sun. It can be a cap, hat or panama.
- Two swimsuits or two pairs of swimming trunks.
- Several pairs of socks.
- A pair of summer outfits on your own.
- Evening dress optional.
- Several sets of underwear.
- One warm sweater, light jacket, jeans or trousers. Such clothes may come in handy for excursions. Also, this item is required for those who are going to visit Egypt in winter.
- Light pants, headscarf, shirt - option for day trips.
What to take with you to Egypt to feel as comfortable as possible throughout the trip? Mandatory items will be:
- 2 pairs of comfortable shoes for long walks. It is better to choose closed models, this will protect your feet from sand.
- Beach bag.
- 1 pair of beach shoes.
- If you wish, you can take shoes, in case of exits to the restaurant. If your hotel has a dress code in the communal restaurant, shoes are required.
- Sun protection. If you are traveling with children, purchase creams with a high protection factor (35 or more).
- Nourishing or protective cream that will allow the skin to recover from sun exposure.
- Personal hygiene products. More oftenin total the hotel has soap or shower gel, shampoo-conditioner for hair, moisturizing lotion, comb. Everything else is better to take with you.
- Sunglasses.
If you stay at the hotel, there is no need to take a towel with you, as it will be given to you on the spot. Do not take anything extra with you. Better leave room in your suitcase for souvenirs or other travel purchases.

First aid kit
Be sure to take a first aid kit to Egypt. A list of necessary medicines can serve you well, because who knows what can happen on a trip. To be ready for anything, take with you:
- Pills for motion sickness. This tool may be useful for those who travel with children.
- People with chronic diseases should take all the necessary medicines with them. Keep in mind that abroad, the necessary funds can only be sold by prescription from a local doctor. For free transportation of medicines, you will need a certificate from your doctor, it is better to translate it into English in advance.
- Remedies for pain and heaviness in the stomach. Tap water in Egypt is not suitable for drinking, the food is very specific, even in All Inclusive hotels. Therefore, be sure to take "Smecta", activated charcoal or "Enterosgel", as well as some probiotics with you.
- Even if you rarely suffer from allergies, it's better to play it safe and take antihistamines with you. Unfamiliar flora and fauna can provokean allergic reaction in the body.
- Painkillers. The most versatile option will be "Nurofen", it will not only relieve pain, but also help with fever.
- Drugs against SARS. They, as a rule, have a complex effect, helping to quickly defeat a cold. Such means are Antigrippin and TheraFlu.
- Also take your nose drops with you.
- It is important not to forget about the disinfectant. Many advise taking brilliant green and iodine, but there is a more convenient option - hydrogen peroxide.
- Elastic and conventional bandages, patches.
- Anti-itch and bug ointment will definitely come in handy, especially if you are traveling with children.
Thinking about what to take with you to Egypt, pay special attention to the formation of a first aid kit. This will allow you to avoid many troubles. Do not count on buying everything on the spot: some of the usual medicines may not be there, or they have a different name. It is possible that there will not be a pharmacy near your hotel at all.

What currency is better to take with you?
When things are packed, there is one more important question that needs to be resolved before leaving for Egypt: "What currency is better to take with you?". It is most convenient to bring dollars or euros with you.
It's worth taking cash when traveling. If you take only a credit card, then if the local banking system fails, you risk being left without money.
If desired, part of the dollars or euros can be changedto Egyptian francs right at the airport, just be sure to count the money after the exchange.
Advice from seasoned travelers: Always carry small bills for tips.

How much money to take?
How much money to take to Egypt? It is difficult to spend a large amount in this country, especially if you have chosen an all-inclusive tour for yourself and will not need to spend money on food. The only possible expenses on such a trip are shopping and tips. It is worth taking 1-1.5 thousand dollars with you. This amount will be enough to make you feel safe even in unforeseen circumstances.

Going to Egypt
It's always best to start preparing for a vacation early. First you need to choose a hotel and buy a tour. The second important point is to make a detailed list of what to take with you. In Egypt, you won't need a lot of things, but it's better to pack responsibly so that you don't forget anything. When packing your suitcase, remember that in addition to clothes, shoes and personal items, you should take with you products with a high sun protection factor and a first aid kit. Particular attention should be paid to hand luggage: make sure you take all the necessary documents, phone, camera and money with you. Get ready, and then a great vacation will be guaranteed.