Lake Gusinoe is located in the northern part of the Leningrad region, on the Karelian Isthmus. Nearby, just 28 km to the southeast, is the city of Priozersk. This region is known for its water bodies. In addition to Gusinoye, there are other lakes here: Sukhodolskoye and Otradnoye. They are connected to each other by small channels. From the south side, you can see how a stream flows out of the lake. It has the original name - Transparent. Also, through a small strait, Lake Gusinoye (Priozersky district) connects with the large Ladoga.

Short description
The lake has an oblong shape resembling the neck of a goose. Because of this feature, the reservoir got its name. The lake stretches from north to south for almost 9 km. But its width changes. The maximum indicator was recorded in the central region - 1 km. The bottom of Gusinoye Lake has an uneven character, mounds and rifts are often found. Bottom sediments are also unevenly distributed. In the southern part of the lake the bottom is silted up,overgrown with algae. The northern one is rocky, there are practically no areas with a flat bottom. Sometimes a snag comes across from this side. Due to the silt bottom sediments, the water acquires a brownish tint. On clear days, transparency can reach 2 m, and from afar Lake Gusinoe seems blue. The depth of the reservoir is different. The maximum figure is 14 m, it is found mainly in the central part. In the coastal strip, the depths are small - only 1-1.5 m.
The lake is fed mainly by melt water during the flood period. At other times of the year, it is fed by groundwater streams.

The shores of the lake are sandy, have smooth outlines with smooth lines. They are not high, but the descent is always steep. Not far from the coast, a forest strip runs along the entire reservoir. The thickets are mainly represented by pine species, but fir, birch, and various shrubs are occasionally found. Bears, foxes, hares, squirrels, ferrets, and sometimes wolves live in the forests.
Lake Gusinoe is rarely overgrown with algae. Sometimes plants are found along the coast. The most common species are pondweed, egg-pod, reed and elodea.
Local features
The Karelian Isthmus is a piece of land that connects the Scandinavian Peninsula and the mainland of Eurasia. The relief of this area is interesting. Throughout its area, the isthmus is composed of hills, mounds, which change with valleys of glacial origin. The fact that there was a glacier on the local territory for a long time is also evidenced by the presence of a large number of lakes. There are about 400 of them in total. These reservoirs are characterized by a similarity of origin - they are all glacial.
Goose refers to the basin of Lake Ladoga. It has no islands. Due to the presence of mainly podzolic and podzolic-marsh soils in this region, water mineralization does not occur. But in Lake Gusinoe, as in other reservoirs of the Karelian Isthmus, the water is oversaturated with iron compounds.

What is the weather typical for this region? This question is of interest to many tourists who want to come to Lake Gusinoe. The climate of the region is greatly influenced by air masses from the Atlantic. Winter is moderately warm, summer is humid, and autumn is often warmer than spring, many call it velvet. The cold season is characterized by thaws when the temperature reaches +5…+7 °C. The summer period is short, the warmest month is July. The average temperature is +17…+19 °С. Sometimes the heat can last until mid-October. Most of the precipitation occurs during the summer season.
Underwater world
Lake Goose is rich in various species of fauna. This is a favorite place for fishing in the Leningrad region. Although recently there has been a tendency to reduce the population of underwater representatives, nevertheless, fishermen from nearby cities come to these places all year round. Each of them knows that no one will leave this reservoir without a catch. Common types of fish in the lake are perch, ruff, burbot, roach, pike, bream. Less often, but still it happens, fishermen come across pike perch, trout, crucian carp and ide.

Goose Lake: how to get there?
The nearest settlement is located in the north, a few kilometers from the reservoir - the village of Priladozhsky. To get to Lake Gusinoye, you should go from St. Petersburg to the north along the Priozerskoye highway. Having reached the village of Sapernoye, you need to turn right, and after a few kilometers you will see the lake.
You can also get to these places by rail. The nearest station where the train arrives is Gromovo. But from it to the lake is a distance of 28 km, you will have to go through it on foot or, if you're lucky, catch a ride. The best way to get to Goose Lake is by road.
Lake vacation
Currently Gusinoye Lake is a popular place among local vacationers. The abundance of fish, sandy beaches, shallow coastal areas attract many people here in the summer season. Dirt roads run along the eastern and western edges of the lake, so it will not be difficult to drive up to the reservoir. Settlements are located in the north, and boarding houses, recreation centers, cottages, and camping sites are built on the western coast. A dense pine forest grows on the eastern side. Tourists go there to pick mushrooms and berries.