The prerequisite for the creation of this device was the inconvenience that accompanied the soldiers of the First World War in the winter. When fighting took place in snowy areas, the fighters often suffered from frostbite of the limbs and hypothermia. Four years after the end of the war, the first samples of a device called the "catalytic heating pad" were invented.
General information
The principle of operation of the device was to use a catalytic reaction - flameless oxidation of alcohol or gasoline. There were several options for such "smart" devices, but they all had common features, the main of which was the platinum gasket. She was in a tank filled with cotton wool, which, in turn, was soaked in alcohol. Holes were drilled in the metal body of the heater to allow air to enter the catalyst.
Today, a wide range of various heating pads is available, they are used intourism, sports, hunting or fishing and are used for personal heating of a person, as well as for heating small rooms (tents, huts). In Soviet times, the GK-1 catalytic heating pad was produced, it was able to generate heat up to a temperature of 60 degrees, and at the same time worked from eight to fourteen hours.
Design and principles of operation
The design of the catalytic heater is a body made of metal. It is roughly comparable in size to the palm of an adult male. There is a tank inside, a catalyst is attached to the neck of the tank, and in it is cotton wool soaked in gasoline. A tight cover closes the neck, it has holes for air to enter the catalyst.

During refueling, gasoline impregnates cotton wool, and then oxidizes on the catalyst during the evaporation process. During this reaction, the necessary heat is released. The catalyst is a platinum plate located inside a fine metal mesh attached to the neck of the heating pad.
How to use
Place the burner on a level surface. Then, using a special watering can, which is in the kit, enter the required amount of gasoline for lighters or any other with the highest degree of purification (in no case should you refuel with motor gasoline!). The watering can must be fixed with special clamps to prevent leakage. After removing the watering can, put a catalyst in its place. After making sure there is no spilled fuel on the hull, you canheat the device with a lighter or a match. The catalyst will heat up to the required temperature within 5-10 seconds.
Heater care

For a long life, like any other thing, the device requires careful maintenance, but, fortunately, there is no need to contact the service for this. Caring for the heating pad is quite simple: it is necessary to shake out the remaining fuel from the tank before each new refueling. And over time, when the surface of the catalyst gets dirty, it needs to be heated for one or two minutes over the flame of a gas stove. This will ensure the previous state of the device. The catalytic heater will heat up to maximum temperature again.
Domestic and foreign counterparts
Today, there is a huge variety of catalytic heaters of various companies and manufacturing countries on the market. We will consider two: one domestic sample, the other imported.

The catalytic heater GK-1 is a completely Russian development. It is made very soundly and with high quality, a distinctive feature is a catalyst made exclusively from platinum. This feature guarantees long-term operation of the device - up to 25 years. The burner tank with a volume of 12 to 30 milliliters ensures operation with a full charge of up to 14 hours. Included with it is a convenient funnel with a dispenser.

Kovea is a catalytic heating pad from a Korean manufacturer. She has been confidentlyoccupies one of the leading positions in the world markets along with the products of American companies. The quality of all elements does not cause the slightest doubt and will provide you with comfortable use with a fairly compact size. A distinctive feature of the Korean heating pad is also an ergonomic design. It is very pleasant to hold such a charm in your hands; in a fully equipped state, it weighs only 100 grams, while working up to 20 hours. The volume of the burner is 24 milliliters. In addition to the standard set in the form of a funnel, the kit also includes a very handy bag for a heating pad.
If you are an avid fisherman, hunter, sportsman or just a travel lover, a catalytic gas heater will be a great help in all your travels, not only providing the necessary comfort, but also saving time and money. Being easy to use, it also serves as a very cheap and safe source of heat, which is so necessary for a person. Even in the warm season (especially near a pond), it can be quite cool at night, and with a compact heating pad you can warm your cold hands or provide a comfortable microclimate in your tent.

It should be added that a special cover is a necessary element for the full use of this device, since the catalytic heating pad is very hot during operation. It is unlikely that it will be possible to hold it with your own hands for a long time, since the heating temperature reaches 60 degrees. Covers are usually included with many heating pads, butif you didn’t get it, don’t rush to despair: it can be made from dense material. The main thing is that the fabric is not synthetic.
The cost of heating pads varies depending on the company and country of origin. Common Chinese appliances can cost from 200 rubles, and high-quality analogues - up to 1500, and sometimes even higher. It should be noted that there is another important difference. The more expensive the catalytic heater, the less fuel it consumes and the less gasoline it emits during use. This happens for the reason that it is made from better materials.