Those who like to travel to beautiful places with a backpack on their shoulders are well aware of the place in the Crimea, which is called the Chernorechensky Canyon. It is a deep gorge in the mountains. Its height reaches several tens of meters, its length is 12 kilometers. The Black River flows along the bottom of the gorge with clean and clear water.

About the canyon
The canyon has earned popularity among tourists due to its beauty and picturesqueness. It is located not far from Sevastopol, on the western outskirts of the Central Ridge of the Crimean Mountains. The beginning takes at the Kizil-Kaya rock, located on the very edge of the Baidarskaya valley. It ends near the outskirts of the village of Chernorechye. The river, starting on the territory of the Baidarskaya Valley, then continues its way along the Inkermanskaya Valley and flows into the Sevastopol Bay of the Black Sea.
Chernorechensky canyon is the longest in the Crimean mountains, it is considered difficult not because of the difficulty, but because of the length of the route, the total lengthwhich is 16 km. The canyon itself stretches for 12 km. Someone comes here overnight, others cross it in a day, starting the hike in the morning to catch the last bus, which leaves at 18.30 from the village of Chernorechye to Sevastopol.
You can enter the canyon from the village of Shirokoye, the path is closer there. But from 9 o'clock at the entrance to it there is usually a water protection post. Having passed this section before the start of the working day, you can avoid an unwanted meeting. In order to avoid incidents, you can start your journey from the village of Rodnoye, making a small detour, or from the village of Chernorechye and go upstream, against the current. But the vast majority of tourists are going down.

Nature Reserve
Chernorechensky canyon is a natural monument, its territory has been declared a nature reserve. In addition, the natural protection zone of the Chernorechensky reservoir begins from the Baidarskaya Valley, the water of which is the main source for supplying the city of Sevastopol with it.
At the entrance to the canyon there is a sign on which the sign warns that the entrance to the territory of the reserve is prohibited, but go without fear. On the way, you may meet foresters who will charge you an entrance fee.
For those who want to go through the Chernorechensky Canyon for the first time, the route may seem rather complicated. Don't be afraid. The experience you get is worth the effort. You just need to understand that this is not a pleasure walk or a picnic. You will have to climb the rocks, ford the river, walk along the crumbling mountain paths, overcome the rubble.
The most difficult, withwhat you have to face are the so-called clamps, where the water comes close to the rocks, and in order to pass them, you need to climb up or pass along the tree trunks that lie above the water itself.
In this case, you need to refuse to ford the river, since it is here that the current can be quite strong, and the water is quite cold. The best way to get around obstacles is to climb uphill and walk along a gentle top. But the brave and confident will freely pass difficult sections.

How to get there
The first question for those who decided to go through the Chernorechensky Canyon for the first time: how to get to the starting point of the route? From Sevastopol you need to get to the village of Rodnoe. A bus runs to it from the 7th kilometer, where the main Sevastopol bus station is located. Before reaching the village itself, you need to get out and go along a dirt road to the hills that can be seen in the distance. You will have to walk several kilometers along the road, then reach an elevation above the river through the forest. The route starts from the rock Kizil-Kaya.
Next go down to the river, where the left bank will be the most passable. To do this, you will have to wade it and walk some distance to a clearing called Partizanskaya, where you can stop for the night. However, the paths run on both sides of the river. Not far from the clearing are the remains of a destroyed bridge that the Germans built here during the war years. It is called Tank.
Crossing the canyon
The first part of the Chernorechensky canyon will go through the forest, whichis located between the mountains along the banks of the river. Then, along the way, clamps begin to come across. They appear where the river meets solid bank rocks such as granite or bas alt, causing it to make a sharp turn called a "loop".
You can pass the clamps along the logs laid along the coast, rather logs, half a foot wide, but quite strong, holding on to the rocks, or try to get around them, climbing along loose paths into the mountains. The complexity of the hike lies in the fact that there is no path from above, and you have to wander, resting on the rocks or wander into the thicket of the forest, going down to the river.

Black River
Despite its name - Black - the river has an amazing color that changes depending on the light and water depth. It can be silver-turquoise, bright blue, any shades of green, but not black. They say that she got her name from the old name of the river - Cher-Su, which is translated from Turkic as "sorrowful water". The water in the river is crystal clear and has an extraordinary taste.
Carrying her waters through the canyon in wide places where the mountains part before her, she is flowing and majestic. And when granite rocks squeeze it from both sides, it seethes and beats against them. Nature is wonderful here. Giant trees grow in the canyon, which strive upward, trying to reach the sun. It is especially good here in the spring, when nature blooms. The air is filled with the scent of thyme and juniper.
Having reached two sheer cliffs, which seem to striveconnect arcs with a friend, the water begins to boil and beat against them. Climbing up the mountain, you can go to a natural observation deck, which offers an indescribably beautiful view of the canyon. It's called The Gate.
After that, you need to climb the slope a little and walk a couple of kilometers to the track. On the way you will see an old tower of the XIV century. Behind is the Chernorechensky canyon (Crimea). How to get to Sevastopol from the village of Chernorechye? A bus to Balaklava departs from it. If you missed it, you will have to walk a few more kilometers or catch a ride and drive to the Y alta highway.