Bulgaria in June: is it worth going?

Bulgaria in June: is it worth going?
Bulgaria in June: is it worth going?

Bulgaria in June blooms with bright colors and attracts tourists like a magnet. This European country, located in the southeast, is famous for its magnificent nature and sights. The Black Sea washes the eastern part of the country. As for the south, there are borders with other states - Turkey and Greece. Bulgaria also neighbors with Romania, Serbia, Macedonia. More than 7 million people live in Bulgaria, which, of course, is very small by Russian standards. Many envy the inhabitants of this state, because they, like no one else, have access to holidays in Bulgaria in June and in any other month.

Bulgaria in June
Bulgaria in June

Mediterranean and continental climate

The weather in the country can be completely different depending on the territory and season. Bulgaria runs through two climatic zones, namely Mediterranean and continental. The hills and plains of the country's territory create natural channels or barriers for very warm and cold air masses. Thus, with a relatively small area, the state is divided into sections with completely different weather conditions, and these zones are literally in the neighborhood. Influencecontinental climate is clearly visible in winter. At this time, snow is endlessly falling from the sky. And the Mediterranean climate influences the summer weather in this country. In June, it is quite warm and there is practically no rain. Therefore, many tourists flock here in this month. Holidays in Bulgaria in June are remembered by some for a lifetime, because there are a lot of positive impressions.

Holidays in Bulgaria in June
Holidays in Bulgaria in June

The first month of summer is a great time to relax

June in this state is considered the most suitable time for rest. As a rule, the air temperature during this period reaches +25 degrees. In fairness, it should be noted that rains sometimes occur at the beginning of summer, but this only makes it colder by two or three degrees. Especially beckoning in June are the beaches located on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. The famous Golden Sands welcomes a huge number of guests from many countries of the world in summer. Warm clear sea and luxurious beaches are the hallmark of Bulgaria. In June, the water temperature ranges from +20 to +23 degrees. It's not bad at all. The sea in Bulgaria in June invariably pleases vacationers. It should be noted that the tourism industry in this European country occupies a worthy, high position in terms of service and services offered, which means that there is no doubt that the hotels and establishments of this state will please even a very experienced traveler.

sea in Bulgaria in june
sea in Bulgaria in june

Also, tourists can expect interesting excursions to the most remarkableplaces in Bulgaria. Here you can see and learn a lot of interesting information.

Balneological resorts

And this country is also famous for its balneological resorts, where you can improve your he alth. Bulgaria in June provides an opportunity to heal a little. This will help unique sources on the coast, as well as in the mountains. Which of them are the most famous? Perhaps these are the Stara Zagora and Sliven baths, the mineral waters of Velingrad and Hissar, as well as the springs of the city of Sandanski. Among other things, firth mud is common at these resorts, which have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

June is a wonderful period to enjoy the nature of a hospitable and warm country, without exposing yourself to the torment associated with heat and the scorching sun.

Bulgaria in June: reviews

Tourists leave a lot of feedback about this country. Some of them are ambiguous. After analyzing them, we can conclude that, going to Bulgaria in June, one can only hope for good luck. Here, how lucky. Many travel to this country in early June and are satisfied with the sufficiently high water temperature, in which even small children can splash around. However, in resorts located near Varna, the sea can be cold in early summer. Therefore, it is better to choose another place to visit. Bulgaria in June does not always favor a beach holiday.

bulgaria in june reviews
bulgaria in june reviews

Popular resort - Sunny Beach. The Bulgarian nature of travelers is striking in its beauty, but the locals,according to reviews, do not cause such delight. However, they can be understood: there is no normal work, most rely only on the holiday period, and they are interested in tourists only as long as they pay. If a person is generous, then everyone will smile at him and treat him kindly. Prices for various services are also not too pleasing to vacationers. In addition, holidays in Bulgaria are not very suitable for young people, because of the entertainment there are only excursions, but, as a rule, there are no animators. From the reviews it follows that when it rains in Bulgaria, the only thing left for children and young people is to attend all kinds of excursions, on which some frankly get bored. Young tourists prefer to swim in the sea, but Bulgaria in June upsets many of them with gloomy skies and not too high air temperatures.

In closing

Now it will be easier for you to decide whether to go to Bulgaria in June or not. Perhaps you will only become stronger in your decision, or perhaps you will postpone the trip to another month.
