Saratov - Samara: distance between cities

Saratov - Samara: distance between cities
Saratov - Samara: distance between cities

Samara and Saratov are the capitals of two bordering regions. Both of them are connected by close business contacts and have common cultural and social programs. They are connected together by the great river Volga. Therefore, it is often necessary to navigate how you can get from one city to another, as well as what is the distance from Samara to Saratov.

Travel options

The regions have an extensive transport network. Therefore, it is easier than ever to overcome the distance from Saratov to Samara by car or bus. At the same time, you can move both along the left bank of the Volga and along the right.

Buses between cities run regularly, departing several times a day from different bus stations. The journey takes from 6 to 10 hours, depending on the availability of intermediate stops. Travel is carried out mainly along the left bank of the Volga, since this is a shorter option.


If you need to drive between cities in the summer, then there is a way to combine business with pleasure - to reach the goal and relax. For this you cantake advantage of the offers of shipping companies.


Such a carefree trip will take no more than three days round trip. Most often it starts on Friday from the Samara river port and ends on Sunday evening. In a comfortable environment, you can enjoy wonderful landscapes along the banks. By water, the distance from Saratov to Samara in km is 455.

It is possible to overcome the distance by train. Every day there is a choice of routes that will pass through both cities. This is one of the most leisurely ways to travel, taking between 8 and 11 hours.

By car on the left bank of the Volga

The distance Samara - Saratov when choosing the left-bank option of the trip is 476 km. You can overcome it on average in 6-8 hours, depending on the traffic on the track on a specific day of the week and the selected time.

Road to Saratov
Road to Saratov

You need to leave Samara on the Moscow highway, and then turn onto the M5 federal highway. It will be possible to cross the Volga in the area of the Kuibyshev reservoir between Tolyatti and Zhigulevsky. Having reached Syzran, in the suburbs, you will have to leave the M5 and go to the P228, which will lead you to Saratov.

Despite the fact that the distance between Samara and Saratov is somewhat more impressive in this version, the roadbed in many sections was laid relatively recently. In addition, a fairly large section of the road is the M5, which is regularly repaired.

By car on the right bank of the Volga

You will need to leave Samara on the A300 highway, after crossing the riverbed with the same nameby name it will turn into P226. You will need to follow it all the way to the city of Engels, which is connected to the regional capital by a picturesque road bridge, beautifully illuminated at night.

Saratov bridge
Saratov bridge

The distance Samara - Saratov is 50 km shorter on the right-bank route. The route is less busy, but has a much worse coverage than the left-bank option. Therefore, the journey will take the same 6-8 hours.

Right bank option
Right bank option

Choosing one way or another to overcome the distance between cities, one should be guided by the financial possibilities available for personal use of vehicles, as well as the time it takes to get to the final destination of the trip.