Moscow-Perm - distance and modes of travel between cities

Moscow-Perm - distance and modes of travel between cities
Moscow-Perm - distance and modes of travel between cities

Perm is the most north-eastern city with a million inhabitants in the European part of Russia. The distance from Moscow to Perm is about 1400 kilometers. It can be flown by plane, train, car or bus.

Air flight between cities

The distance from Moscow to Perm can be flown by plane in two hours. There are enough flights between cities every day, air communication between them is actually around the clock. Planes can take off from any metropolitan airport. The rarest flights from Vnukovo at 00:40 and 16:40.

From Domodedovo you can fly at 9:00, 15:00 and around 00:00. All other flights depart from Sheremetyevo Airport. In Perm, planes land at the city's only airport, Bolshoye Savino.

The following airlines operate the Moscow-Perm route:

  • "Victory".
  • "Aeroflot".
  • S7.
  • "North wind".
  • Pegas Fly.

Airbus-320, Boeing-737, Sukhoi Superjet-100, Embraer 190 fly.

Ticket price starts from2500 rubles, but may be lower due to airline promotions.

Return flights from Perm to Moscow fly from 5:00 to 23:00.

From the Perm airport to the city center can be reached by bus number 42. It runs from 6:00 to 23:00. There is a bus from the airport to the cities of Bereznyaki and Usolye.

The airport is comfortable, wi-fi is caught throughout.

The Kama River in Perm
The Kama River in Perm

Rail ride

This option is longer in time, but more interesting due to the specifics of the route. The distance from Moscow to Perm can be traveled in three ways:

  • Through Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov.
  • Through Yaroslavl, Bui and Kirov.
  • Through Kostroma and Kirov.

The first is the shortest, the last is the longest.

Trains from Moscow to Perm depart from the Yaroslavl station, but there are exceptions:

  • At 03:14, trains of the Belarusian formation depart from the Belorussky railway station, which follow from Minsk and Brest through Perm to Irkutsk and Novosibirsk. They travel 24 hours to Perm.
  • A train from St. Petersburg to Chelyabinsk departs from the Kursk railway station at 22:55. You can drive to Perm in 21.5 hours.

Of the trains that depart from the Yaroslavsky station in the capital, it is worth noting the trains of foreign formation - Chinese and Mongolian: Moscow-Beijing and Moscow-Ulaanbaatar. They leave at 23:55 once a week. Travel to Perm is relatively fast - 20 hours. They can be recommended to railway lovers - a very comfortable train of foreign formation with excellent service.

Schedule of departure from Moscow to Perm branded trains formed by Russian Railways is as follows:

  • 13:35 - trains to the cities of Priobye and Novy Urengoy, 21 hours on the way.
  • 16:20 - train to Krasnoyarsk, 21 hours on the way.
  • 16:50 - Perm train, 20.5 hours on the way.
  • 22:50 - train to Tomsk, 21 hours on the way.
  • 23:45 - train to Vladivostok, 20 hours on the way to Perm.

Unbranded Russian Railways trains depart according to the following schedule:

  • 00:35.
  • 13:11.
  • 13:50.
  • 16:20.
  • 22:35.
  • 23:05.
  • 23:45.

To Perm they go from 20 to 27 hours. The slowest depart at 00:35, they go through Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Kirov. Suitable for those passengers who want to get from Perm to Kostroma or have a good night's sleep.

Ticket price depends on the type of carriage:

  • Reserved seat - from 1500 rubles.
  • Coupe - from 3200 rubles.
  • Sleeping - from 7300 rubles.

Also, the cost will be affected by seasonal tariffs, promotions and a specific seat in the car (the cheapest is the top side near the toilet).

Thus, for a distance of 1,400 km from Moscow to Perm, the minimum fare is 1.1 rubles per kilometer.

Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow
Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow

Bus option

The distance from Moscow to Perm can be traveled by bus with a change in Kazan (this is about the middle of the way).


It takes about 13 hours to get to Kazan, buses depart at 19:00 and 20:30 from metro stations"Kotelniki" and "Novogireevo". The trip will cost from 1700 rubles.

From Kazan to Perm buses depart from the central bus station at 18:00, 21:10 and 22:10 and from the metro station "Tukaya Square". It takes 13 hours to get to Perm, the ticket costs from 1100 rubles.

Old railway station in Perm
Old railway station in Perm

Drive by car

The distance from Moscow to Perm by car can really be driven in 20 hours. From the capital, you need to move east along the M-7 highway through Nizhny Novgorod to Kazan, where you can stay for the night. Further to Perm, you should go along the E-22 highway. It differs from the previous one in that it takes place in a less populated area, the cities along the way will be small: Arsk, Igra, Ocher.
