Izmailovo amusement park - modern entertainment at a historic site

Izmailovo amusement park - modern entertainment at a historic site
Izmailovo amusement park - modern entertainment at a historic site

Once there was a village here, then the residence of the Romanov royal family, as well as a model farm. People lived quietly and were engaged in their crafts. Several centuries later, the Izmailovo region began to attract tourists with its rich history and natural beauty. There was a need to create a large-scale park for any contingent, and the idea was put into practice.

What is the attraction

The territory of the Izmailovo amusement park in Moscow was chosen very well. Nearby there are several ponds, a forested area, and the whole area is planted with green plants. Nearby is also the famous hotel complex "Izmailovo" and the Izmailovsky Kremlin - all the delights of Russian traditions for foreign tourists, restaurants, a craft market. A good place for family recreation and entertainment, so tourists and locals are willing to visit the attraction.

amusement park izmailovo
amusement park izmailovo

The park of culture and recreation includes several sites with different themes. Sports entertainment andactive games, quiet areas for lovers of contemplation, children's centers and catering points.

Journey to a fairy tale

A separate area is reserved for complete immersion in carelessness. This part of the amusement park - "Attrapark Izmailovo" - has several dozen special slides, carousels and other attributes of a children's paradise. Addictive even for adults.

The huge set includes carousels: family and chain "Hispaniola", as well as an elegant wedding carousel. It is worth coming here at least for bright photos, capturing the happy faces of the company during a smooth whirl.

amusement park attrapark izmailovo
amusement park attrapark izmailovo

And the old village train brings nostalgia to the older generation. Wooden locomotive on rails as in Soviet times. In the summer there are water attractions. "Canoe river" and bumper boats are rafting on an artificial reservoir. Also on the pond you can run in balloons.

And the highlight of the program is a roller coaster called "Dragon", known for the presence of a dead loop. That is, visitors are literally turned upside down, while gaining high speed. A real adrenaline rush is not for everyone, but it is an important part of going to an amusement park. Photos of attractions in the Izmailovo park cannot convey the feeling.

amusement park in moscow izmailovo
amusement park in moscow izmailovo

New Heights

Trampolines are organized for fans of jumping. "Extreme" - a solid jump height, a feeling of flight and overcominggravity, trampolines show aerial stunts. For children there is an absolutely safe trampoline "Flight". Its amplitude is adapted for light weight and allows you to perform simple exercises without harm to the spine. Young children frolic on an inflatable trampoline in the sports room.

Team games are held on professional courts, there are five of them. The large territory of the park allows. To train your hand grip and coordination, you can climb a climbing wall. Avid racers try their hand at the autodrome and "Tanks", and those who dream of a cowboy life saddle a toy bull on the "Rodeo". Warm up and dance is worth going to the "Crazy Dance".

Somewhere to take a breath

Slot machines to take a break from skiing are also available. You can solve puzzles and shoot at the shooting gallery for tokens. The prize attractions of the Izmailovo Park offer interesting games with a win-win outcome.

amusement park attrapark izmailovo
amusement park attrapark izmailovo

And in the summer, not only outdoor games are held, but also creative workshops. For example, they teach modeling from plasticine, sand painting. Of the more sophisticated types of creativity - decoupage and cutting seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Nearby, a large Ferris wheel rises 50 meters from the ground. A chic view of the surrounding sights will open for 7.5 minutes - a full turn of the wheel. A break from the dizzying centrifuges and a view of the city from above is a great alternative.

For the little ones

As already mentioned,attractions in the park "Izmailovo" exist for all ages. Therefore, next to the amusement park in the very center of the cultural and entertainment complex, a specialized children's area "Krokha" is located. Everything is done as colorfully and safely as possible.

attractions in Izmailovo park photo
attractions in Izmailovo park photo

Small family slide for children to feel comfortable and not afraid. Also a smaller version of the ferris wheel. Carousels in the form of chocolate cups and stylized but very detailed airplanes. Joy for kids and peace of mind for parents.

How to entertain yourself

The natural complex of culture and recreation is known not only for attractions. Since not everyone gravitates towards spinning, tossing and overturning devices, ordinary paths and alleys are equipped for admiring nature. And to breathe fresh air even more useful, you can rent equipment:

  • bicycles (adults, children and teenagers, tandems);
  • roller skates of all sizes;
  • scooters, segways and electric vehicles for fast travel;
  • Nordic walking poles.

And also in Izmailovsky Park there is a family riding club where you can not only ride, but also learn how to handle horses. Amateur classes are held under the guidance of competent instructors.

Winter time

In the cold season, a huge Silver Ice skating rink opens in the central part of the park: 8,000 square meters of natural and 3,300 artificial ice. Rental is availablehockey and figure skates. There is a cafe with hot drinks and pastries right on the territory. There are snow slides and a small cinema nearby.

Also, a winter sports school operates on the territory of the Izmailovo amusement park in winter. Here anyone can learn to skate or ski, play hockey and winter football. Local competitions are also held here.

How to get there

A must-visit place for tourists and families, close to all amenities. Nearest metro stations: Shosse Entuziastov and Izmailovskaya (MCC).

The exact address of the Izmailovo amusement park: Moscow, Big Circle alley 7.

Entrance to the park is absolutely free, and the cost of rides does not exceed 200 rubles. A cultural place full of bright events and giving new impressions.
