Those who have visited Volhynia at least once will not be able to forget the magical beauty of this picturesque corner of Ukraine. Many people call Lake Svityaz "Ukrainian Baikal". Of course, he is far from the Russian giant, but still there is some similarity between the reservoirs. Every year, thousands of tourists come here to admire the local beauties, relax your body and soul in the bosom of pristine nature, relax and improve your body. Adults and children go to Volyn, there are many interesting sights, cultural and historical monuments. There is something to do for lovers of both passive and active recreation.

Svityaz is one of the largest lakes in Ukraine
Not far from the city of Shatsk, in the north-west of the Volyn region, there are reservoirs unique in their origin and composition of water. Shatsky lakes enchant travelers with their beauty, clear, clean water, as well as local landscapes. by the mostthe largest of them is Svityaz. This is one of the largest lakes in Ukraine, in terms of area it is second only to the reservoirs of the Danube floodplains. Svityaz is a mini-sea, this is how vacationers perceive it. In sunny weather, the blue sky is displayed in the water surface, and when it rains with a thunderstorm, the lake rages, covered with dark, menacing waves.
On the eastern side of Svityaz there is an amazingly beautiful island with an area of about 40,000 m22. It is covered with old trees, lindens and sycamores predominate among them. Rest on Lake Svityaz will appeal to everyone without exception, because it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the picturesque landscapes. Around the reservoir there are 2-3-meter sandy hills, the banks are mostly low, only in the south-west rises the 8-meter sandy Tatar Mountain.

Origin of the Shatsk Lakes
Where did the picturesque reservoirs in Volhynia come from, scientists still cannot determine. Some believe that Svityaz and its brethren were formed after the Dnieper glacier retreated from Polesie. Lakes are considered relics, that is, the remains of one huge reservoir that used to be in this territory. Different levels of depth, the presence of depressions is explained by the washing out of limestones by groundwater. Some researchers believe that Lake Svityaz is of karst origin. The third group of scientists proves that reservoirs in Volhynia were formed due to the glacier, but deep depressions appeared here due to the subsidence and uplift of some tectonic blocks.

The legend of the origin of Svityaz
In Volhynia, for many centuries, legends and tales about the formation of Shatsk lakes have been passed down from generation to generation. The most interesting of them is the story of the sorcerer. One day, an old man passed by a meadow where children were grazing cattle. There was a dog with the shepherds, who immediately attacked the grandfather and began to bark loudly. The situation seemed funny to the smaller children, so they laughed with might and main, but the older boy and girl tried to drive the dog away from the old man. As a result, the sorcerer called the younger shepherds with him and led them to a huge boulder. Without difficulty, he picked it up with a cue, and water gushed out, the children immediately drowned. This is how Lake Svityaz was formed. The old man took the older boy and girl with him, but forbade them to look back. The path was already almost passed, but the children could not resist and turned around. At the same moment they turned into linden and sycamore. This is how the legend explains the appearance of a wooded island in the lake.
The unique water of Svityaz
It is difficult to find a lake in Ukraine cleaner and more transparent than Shatsky reservoirs. Many people claim that Svityaz has the most delicious water, although it is a bit harsh. The lake is so transparent that even at a great depth you can see small pebbles. In winter, water is much cleaner than in summer, this is due to the minimum amount of impurities in it. Svityaz is especially transparent at a depth, but off the coast, in the bays, plant remains are often found, some areas are completely covered with algae. In shallow water there is marsh vegetation. Thanks to transparency to a great depthsunlight penetrates, which contributes to the activation of biological processes in the reservoir.

Lake temperature
It should be noted that the water warms up unevenly, due to the intense influx of groundwater and different depths. Lake Svityaz (Ukraine) in shallow water can be heated up to 30 °C. The upper layers of water in summer usually reach a little more than 20 ° C, but at a depth it is quite cool (about 9 ° C). Almost every winter, the reservoir is covered with an ice crust. Places with strong underground sources freeze only in very severe winters, and even then, provided that the surface is calm. The thickness of the ice can reach up to 65 cm. Lake Svityaz begins to freeze at the end of November, and sheds its ice clothes at the beginning of April.
What to do on the lake?
Every year Volyn receives thousands of guests not only from all over Ukraine, but also from neighboring countries. Most tourists come to Lake Svityaz. Rest (the prices here do not bite at all - you can rent a room in a private cottage for only $ 13) in the Volyn region charges you with vivacity, strength, positive energy. Not far from the Shatsky Lakes, you can stay at a recreation center, in a sanatorium, a cottage, rent a house, settle in a tent city. Here you can rent catamarans, boats, kayaks, diving equipment. Right on the shore of the lake, locals will cook delicious donuts, bake fish on firewood, cook crayfish, fish soup, and smoke eels.

Also here you can walk through the pine forest,enjoy the clean air, the delicious aroma of pine needles. Lake Svityaz (the map will allow you to find the best places to relax) is perceived by many tourists as the sea, they swim in it, sunbathe on the sandy shore. You can come to Volyn not only in the warm season, but also in winter. Travelers who decide to spend their New Year holidays here ride horses around the lake and go fishing. If the lake is covered with a thick crust of ice, then you can demonstrate your ability to skate.
Belarusian Svityaz
It turns out that the Volyn giant has a brother, and he is located in the Grodno region, in Belarus. In the center of the Novogrudok Upland is the charming lake Svityaz. Photos of local landscapes make travelers have an irresistible desire to visit here at least once, walk along the picturesque shores, wander along forest paths, breathe in plenty of fresh air. The local places are shrouded in a halo of mystery, giant oaks make you think about the history of the city, try to figure out what happened here several centuries ago. Svityaz Lake is mainly visited by outdoor enthusiasts. The water in the reservoir is clear and crystal clear, even at great depths the sandy bottom is visible. Alkaline compounds were found in the composition of Svityaz. Thanks to this, the water in the lake is very soft.

Beautiful legend
The origin of the lake is shrouded in a halo of secrets, local residents retell many legends and tales, and Adam Mickiewicz even wrote the ballad "Svityaz". So many centuries agoarmy attacked the city. The locals did not want to live in slavery, so they prayed that their city would fall into the abyss along with the enemies. Their request was heard, a huge lake formed in the place of Svityaz. People died, but so did their enemies. Old-timers claim that even today, in sunny weather, Lake Svityaz (Belarus) offers a view of the pavement of the old city, which rests under the water surface.

Volyn Rest
Near the Shatsk lakes you can relax no worse than on the Black Sea coast. Local residents welcome guests at any time of the year, all travelers will be accommodated and fed. Volyn has very beautiful nature - at least because of this it is worth visiting here. Residents of large cities so lack peace, clean air, unhurried, measured life. On Lake Svityaz you can swim, sunbathe, ride a boat, kayak, catamaran, fish. There are many forests in Volyn, so the air is always clean here. The locals will be happy to give you a tour, show you where different berries grow, what meadows have mushrooms. Western Ukraine is rich in architectural, historical and cultural monuments, so lovers of antiquity will have something to do and see. Here everyone will be fed with delicious dishes and told a lot of interesting stories and legends. Holidays in Volyn will be remembered for a long time, and the photos brought from Western Ukraine will evoke good memories and warm you on cold winter evenings.