One of the most ancient and beautiful countries on Earth is Norway. Trondheim is one of its cities. It is not only the most ancient, but also the most beautiful in the state. It combines the splendor of the landscape, natural purity and luxurious culture. The metropolis is famous for its modern unusual architecture and wooden buildings, which are its face. Classic wooden houses on stilts are a feature of the city. In general, there are many wooden houses in Trondheim, because the construction of buildings from this material is a local old tradition, the origins of which go back to ancient times.

General description of the city
Norway is famous for having large cities. Trondheim is the third most populated city in the country. It is located at the mouth of the Nidelva River on the coast of the Trondheim Fjord. There are many attractions in Trondheim, but they can be explored on foot. This city has a wonderful climate: in the middleJanuary temperatures rarely drop below three degrees below zero. The fauna and flora are diverse here, and the fjord never freezes.
Norway, Trondheim in particular, is a major scientific and industrial center. In the country, as well as in the city we are describing, there are many institutes, universities, factories and enterprises that have become famous throughout the world. Trondheim is considered the first capital of the state, and it was here that Olaf the Saint was killed. And the Nidaros Cathedral was built over his grave, in which coronation ceremonies of Norwegian monarchs are still held today.
Trondheim is located in the center of Scandinavia. It was repeatedly destroyed by fires. After another invasion of fire in 1681, the city was completely rebuilt. But even after that, despite the measures taken to prevent the occurrence of fires, the settlement burned several more times.

Let's go to Trondheim
Very conveniently located Trondheim (Norway). Almost every tourist knows how to get here. The easiest way to do this is by plane. There are direct flights to the city from Amsterdam, London, Riga, Warsaw, Stockholm, Oslo and other European cities. Well, if the flight is to be from an airport from which there is no direct plane, then first of all you need to get to Oslo, and from there you can take a train or bus directly to your destination.
From Europe you can get to this historical center by your own car. Well, the most exotic option is a steamboat. Vessels leave their berths regularlyBergen. From a tourist point of view, such a trip is incredibly exciting. But it is very expensive and also takes a lot of time.

Top city attractions
Trondheim (Norway), the sights of which we will consider further, is the historical center of not only the country, but also Europe. Therefore, there is something to pay attention to here. For example, the Cathedral of Nidaros. This is the main historical and religious building and the oldest Scandinavian shrine. The cathedral is more than ten centuries old. It was built in the Gothic style, and its facade is decorated with sculptures of queens and kings.

Royal residence "Stivsgarden" - another masterpiece of the ancient architectural architecture of Norway. The building was erected in 1788. Stevesgarden is the largest wooden palace in the world. The building is designed in an eclectic style, with elements of rococo and antique style.
The Nidelva River is a natural landmark and the pearl of Trondheim. In the summer season, you can watch the breathtakingly beautiful sunsets here. The best view of the river is from Marinen Park.
The most interesting city holiday
Norway (Trondheim) is interesting for its local traditions and national holidays. One of the most colorful national events is St. Olaf's Day, which takes place in Trondheim in the last days of July.
The celebration is dedicated to Olaf II Haraldson, the king who ruledsettlement at the beginning of the 11th century. Christian traditions in Norway were finally established during the reign of this king. But because of his views, the monarch was forced to leave his homeland, and when he decided to return back, he was killed in one of the battles.
Now every year the people of Trondheim hold a ten-day festival in honor of their heavenly patron. During the celebration, various open-air concerts, theatrical performances and various competitions are held. And on the first day of the holiday, divine services are held in the Nidaros Cathedral, where the relics of the saint are kept.
Features of staying in Trondheim
If you decide to visit the city of Trondheim (Norway), then you should know some of the nuances. So, young ladies who expect to drink alcohol in restaurants and dance in nightclubs must have a passport with them. These establishments have age restrictions on the sale of alcohol.
The village is kept perfectly clean. Garbage thrown in a place not intended for this will have to pay a large fine. Bottles and cans from beer can not be thrown away, but taken at any outlet that sells a foamy drink. Many stores offer good cash rewards for returning used containers.

Outside Trondheim
Tourists will be interested not only in Trondheim itself (Norway), the photo of which we offer to see, but also in its surroundings. Deciding to travel foroutside the city, you must visit the town of Stiklestad, which is located 95 kilometers from the city. This town has played a big role in the history of the development of Norway itself. Here is the altar of Stiklestad Church. It was in this place in the distant 1030 that the beloved king of the Norwegians Olaf II died, who after his death was canonized.