The Strait of Gibr altar is a strait of international importance. It is located between the northwestern coast of Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Spain and Gibr altar (a British possession) are on the northern coast, Ceuta (a Spanish city) and Morocco are in the south. At different depths of the strait, there are currents directed in opposite directions. This is a surface type current, bringing water from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, and a deep one, bringing water from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic. There are steep cliffs along the shores of the strait. In ancient times, sailors called them the Pillars of Hercules.

Due to its convenient location, the Strait of Gibr altar is of major strategic and economic importance. It is currently controlled by the Gibr altar naval base and an English fortress. Also in the strait are the Moroccan Tangier and the Spanish ports of La Linea, Ceuta andAlgeciras. Every day, about three hundred merchant and other ships pass through the Strait of Gibr altar. Specifically to protect marine mammals, the Spanish government has set a speed limit of 24 kilometers per hour (13 knots) for all ships.

Will they build a bridge or a tunnel across the Strait of Gibr altar?
The Anlanthropa project was created in 1920 by the German architect Zergel. He proposed blocking the strait with an electric dam, and the Dardanelles with a second dam, but smaller. There was also an option where the second dam in the strait connected Africa with Sicily. At the same time, the water level in the Mediterranean Sea would approximately drop by one hundred meters. Thus, Herman Sergel wanted not only to obtain an abundance of electrical energy, but also to supply fresh water to the deserts of Africa so that they would become suitable for agriculture. As a result of the creation of such a structure, Africa and Europe would become one continent, and instead of the Mediterranean Sea, another would appear, of artificial origin. It would be called the Sahara. For a long time, Morocco and Spain jointly studied the issue of building a tunnel - road or rail. In 2003, a new research program began. A group of British and American builders considered building a bridge across the Strait of Gibr altar. It was supposed to be the highest in the world (over 800 meters) and the longest (about fifteen kilometers). Science fiction writer Clark Arthur described such a bridge in his romantic work The Fountains of Paradise.

Gibr altar is a territory of Great Britain. Located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. Includes the Isthmus of Sand and the Rock of Gibr altar. It is a NATO naval base. A visa is required to travel to Gibr altar. A visa to Gibr altar is issued at the British Embassy and Consulate. You will need color photographs, a completed application, a package of documents (foreign passport, a copy of tickets, hotel reservations, a certificate from the bank and from the place of work).