Vnukovo operates regular flights within the Russian Federation, as well as foreign flights. Consider the main terminals of the airport, as well as the plan-scheme "Vnukovo".
Capital airports
Today, Moscow is the largest aviation port in the world. Its key airports are Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Domodedovo. Ostafyevo airport is located in the capital, while Ramenskoye and Chkalovsky are within the Moscow region.
These airports provide about 30% of all air transportation that takes place annually throughout the Russian Federation. As a result, this complex serves 64 million passengers a year.
Vnukovo airport layout and performance indicators
"Vnukovo" is one of the oldest airports located in the Russian capital. It is the third busiest in Europe and is included in the list of the 20 most important airports on the planet. It is also recognized as the largest airport in the Russian capital.
The terminal serves 4000 passengers inhour and provides 32 takeoff and landing operations. Vnukovo has at its disposal a large air terminal complex with an area of more than 270 thousand m22. Approximately 100 flights depart from here every day. The airport is located 27 km from Moscow and 11 km southwest of the Moscow Ring Road.

In order to confidently navigate the territory of Vnukovo, the airport map is placed at all information desks and special stands of the station.
In addition to passenger traffic, the airport also serves cargo transport links. It is also engaged in servicing a huge number of charter flights and almost all directions of aircraft departing for the Central Asian states. For carriers UTair, Transaero and Gazpromavia, Vnukovo is the base point.
Operation of airport terminals

In addition to the main purpose of this airport, there is also a list of functions that Vnukovo terminals perform.
Those who have ever been here know what the layout of the Vnukovo airport looks like, the terminals that are located here.
Thus, the Vnukovo-1 terminal performs regular flights within the Russian Federation, as well as flights abroad. The purpose of Vnukovo-2 is air travel by the top Russian leadership and government bodies of all foreign countries.
It is also worth noting that Vnukovo-2 is a special terminalfor delegations of governments of foreign states, flights of the President of Russia, government aircraft.
For VIP-persons and charter flights, the "Vip-terminal" is used, the name of which is "Vnukovo-3", the terminal "Cosmos" is also located here. As a rule, it is necessary for certain flights of the Russian corporation Kosmos itself. Also, Vnukovo-3 specializes in receiving official delegations and guests of various levels of significance from the capital's mayor's office.
Today, thanks to many years of transportation experience and the expansion of international relations, city guests and tourists have the opportunity to fly from Vnukovo to countries such as Cagliari, Nukus and Yakutia, Phuket and Miami, Venice and Beijing, Astana and Almaty, Istanbul and Ankara, Dusseldorf and Cologne, Thessaloniki and Rhodes, Berlin and Paris, as well as various exotic places in the world.

How to get to the airport
When choosing this airport as the departure point for your trip, you should know how you can get to it using various types of transport.
So, if the Moscow metro was chosen for the trip to the airports, then it will be necessary to proceed to the station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" or "Oktyabrskaya". It is from here that regular buses depart to Vnukovo. The map of the airport welcomes arriving passengers and makes it possible to quickly navigate the area.
From the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, buses number 611C (611) and fixed-route taxi number 45 follow(the journey takes 20-25 minutes, the cost is 100 rubles). From the metro station "Oktyabrskaya" you can get to your destination by taxi number 705 m, while the cost of the trip will be 130 rubles, and the duration is 40 minutes. The existing scheme of access to Vnukovo airport ensures a comfortable arrival of passengers at the station.
However, as practice shows and according to the reviews of guests of the capital, the most comfortable and convenient way to transfer to the airport is Aeroexpress. It departs regularly from Kievsky railway station to its destination. The cost of the trip will be only 320 rubles, and the duration will be 35 minutes.
If a personal vehicle or a taxi was chosen, then you should move along the Minsk, Borovsky and Kyiv highways.
Airport parking

There are two multi-storey car parks (350 cars each) offered by Vnukovo Airport for passengers. The parking scheme is posted at the entrance to the airport terminal. There is also a convenient parking area adjacent to the car parks, which can accommodate 200 cars. Parking time is unlimited.
At the entrance to the station square, the driver receives a special parking ticket, according to which he can park his car in the covered parking. After the parking time is over, the driver must pay for the parking time at the Vnukovo cash terminals, the airport map will tell you where they are. For the convenience of car owners, they are placeddirectly on the parking floors and at the exit from the forecourt.