Where is Moore? City of Murom, Vladimir Region

Where is Moore? City of Murom, Vladimir Region
Where is Moore? City of Murom, Vladimir Region

The city of Murom, Vladimir Region, was considered a historical settlement until 2010 (it was deprived of this status by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia). It is a major railway junction of the Gorky railway along the Moscow-Kazan line. Where is Moore located? On the left bank of the Oka. The distance to the city of Vladimir is 137 kilometers. As of 2014, the city has a population of 111,474.

where is murom located
where is murom located

Historical background

The city of Murom was first mentioned in 862 in the Tale of Bygone Years. At that time it was under the rule of Prince Rurik. 1127 was marked by the allocation of the Murom-Ryazan land into an independent principality. It happened under Yaroslav Svyatoslavich. As a result, the city has significantly changed and become richer.

Moscow period

In the middle of the sixteenth century, where Murom is now, an army led by Ivan the Terrible gathered to march on Kazan. The construction of the first stone temples in the city dates back to the same time. In the seventeenth century, Moore was considered a major craft center. Since then, the city has been famous for its rolls.

The formation of the architectural appearance of Murom took place in the nineteenth -early twentieth century, as the great fires of 1792 and 1805 destroyed most of the old wooden buildings. The construction of the city was carried out according to the general plan of I. M. Lem, approved by Empress Catherine II back in 1788. According to this document, where Murom is located, the laying of streets had to be strictly perpendicular. As a result, the city began to consist of quarters measuring 250x150 meters. The established order was broken in the 1980s. At that time, the central Murom streets were blocked off with multi-entrance buildings according to the project of the chief architect of the city of Bespalov.

city of Murom, Vladimir region
city of Murom, Vladimir region

XIX-XX centuries

Where Murom is located, the first water supply system in the Vladimir region was built. For these purposes, in 1863, a water tower was erected at the intersection of the street. Voznesenskaya and Rozhdestvenskaya (modern Soviet and Lenin, respectively). Until the end of the century, a mechanical and iron foundry, as well as cotton and flax mills appeared in the city.

In 1919, the first power plant began operating in Murom, providing lighting for the settlement.


At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, despite a significant decline in population, ranks third after Vladimir and Kovrov in terms of the number of inhabitants. An atmosphere of peaceful neighborhood between representatives of national minorities and indigenous Murom residents has been established in the city. The vast majority of residents are Russians (95%). Among other national groups are Belarusians,Ukrainians, Tatars, Czechs, Jews and Poles.

Rail transport

The city of Murom (photos of the settlement are presented in the article) is a major railway junction. The first railway, 108 kilometers long, appeared in 1808. She connected Moore and Kovrov. Its electrification has not yet been carried out, and now it is a single-track line with sidings. The station, built on the outskirts, as the city grew, ended up in its geographical center. Long-distance trains run through Murom to St. Petersburg, Moscow and the eastern part of the country.

Where is the city of Murom
Where is the city of Murom

River transport

Until the perestroika period, the city had a developed river passenger communication with Kasimov and Nizhny Novgorod. Currently, tourist ships rarely call at the local port. Nevertheless, there is a river backwater in Murom, which allows to receive almost any cargo by water.

Urban transport

Local residents mostly use commercial and municipal buses for transportation. 35 routes have been developed. In the 1980s, it was planned to launch a trolleybus line in the city. For this purpose, they expanded Lenina Street, built an overpass across the railway and reserved a territory for a depot in the western part of Murom, but the project was never implemented.

Educational system

Public education in the city has deep roots: back in 1720, a school was opened at the Murom Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. It taught the children of priests. Later it was transformed into Muromspiritual school. In the nineteenth century, there were several grammar schools, real, female and commercial schools, as well as parochial schools.

Murom city
Murom city

Currently there are twenty schools in the city, three institutions of primary vocational education, four institutions of secondary vocational education, and three universities.


In the second half of the nineteenth century, its own art theater was opened in Murom. Unfortunately, the professional troupe broke up with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when most of the actors chose to defend their homeland on the battlefield.

After defeating the enemy in the club. Lenin organized a folk operetta theater. It was led by P. P. Radkovsky. The Palace of Culture was opened in Murom in 1962. Currently, at least thirty amateur groups work on its basis.

Interesting places

The city of Murom appeared on the map of Russia more than a thousand years ago. During this long time, many fateful events have occurred that have left an indelible mark on the architectural and cultural appearance of this settlement.

russia the city of murom
russia the city of murom

Murom is the capital of the holiday of love, family and fidelity. Thousands of tourists flock to this city to honor the memory of the local saints - Peter and Fevronia - the patrons of family happiness. Where is the city of Murom? In an amazingly beautiful place! In order to admire the local churches and monasteries, it is recommended to view the city from the Oka side.

Annunciation Monastery

It was founded by IvanGrozny in honor of the victory over Kazan. Previously, the first church (wooden) in the city, erected during the baptism of Murom, stood on the same spot. Currently, many pilgrims come to the Annunciation Monastery to venerate the relics of the holy prince of Murom Constantine.

Murom History and Art Museum

This place attracts not only with its rich exposition, for which it was called the small Hermitage, but also with its unusual exterior. The we althy merchant Zworykin used to live in this building.

Green Island

Oksky garden was laid out in 1852. From that time to the present day, only huge elms have survived. This place is called one of the most beautiful in Murom, it is located high above the Oka, in the southern part of the Kremlin mountain.

Memory of the hero. Epic Russia

The city of Murom has been associated with Ilya Muromets for many centuries. His memory is still honored here. According to legend, the prototype of this hero, who defeated the Nightingale the Robber, is Chobitko. The strongman was born in the village of Karacharovo. The city not only erected a monument to Ilya Muromets, but also preserved an immense stump, which, according to legend, remained after the hero uprooted a century-old oak tree with his bare hands and threw it into the river.

murom city photo
murom city photo


Now you know not only where the city of Murom is located, but also how it has developed over the centuries. Unfortunately, the ancient architectural appearance of the settlement was not preserved due to civil strife, invasions of enemies and fires. Nonetheless,today the city attracts many tourists who want to see the amazing beauty of the monasteries and temples, the museum and the garden.
