How many km to Krasnodar from Rostov and route features

How many km to Krasnodar from Rostov and route features
How many km to Krasnodar from Rostov and route features

How many km from Rostov to Krasnodar? To answer this question, you need to know what specific Rostov is in question. About a large regional center on the Don or about an ancient city in the Yaroslavl region. Below we will analyze all the options for organizing a trip.

Trip by car between regional centers

This route is easy to drive, considering how many km to Krasnodar from Rostov. The easiest way to move to Krasnodar is along the M-4 highway through the village of Pavlovskaya. In total it will turn out 280 kilometers of a way. The trip by car will take about three hours.

How many km to Krasnodar from Rostov on other roads? If you go through the village of Kanevskaya and the city of Timashevsk, you get a distance of 300 kilometers. It is possible to travel along the E-50 highway to Kropotkin, and from there through the village of Tbilisskaya along the R-251 you can call in Krasnodar.

Don River in Rostov
Don River in Rostov

Trip from the Yaroslavl region

How many km to Krasnodar from Rostov in the Yaroslavl region? If you go through Moscow along the E-115 and M-4 highways, you get 1560 kilometers. You can cover this distance in a couple of days with an overnight stay somewhere inLipetsk or Voronezh.

It is possible to travel to Moscow by bus or commuter train. There are three airports near the capital, from which you can fly to Krasnodar.

Fountain in Rostov
Fountain in Rostov

Trip by regular transport

If you consider how many kilometers from Krasnodar to Rostov, it is best to cover this distance in a seated carriage of an accelerated commuter train, since the fare for it is 665 rubles per 300 kilometers. The journey takes about five hours, the train departure schedule is as follows:

  • 06:00;
  • 17:10;
  • 18:12.

A bus from Krasnodar to Rostov will take you in 4 hours. The place of its departure can be both the bus station and some shopping center, for example, "Okay" or "Family". Ticket prices start from 500 rubles.

Fast trains run between cities around the clock, some of them can be double-decker or branded. For 3.5 hours, the distance between Krasnodar and Rostov can be traveled by train of the "Lastochka" type. It has seating only. The ticket price is about 400 rubles.

Sea of Azov in Yeysk
Sea of Azov in Yeysk

What to visit along the way?

If you have enough time, then you can drive along the Rostov-Krasnodar route without haste and, for example, visit the ancient city of Azov, where the R-268 highway from Bataysk leads. This small town has a decent local history museum, the remains of a fortress, a monument to the first Russian generalissimo.


Further from Azov, it is worth returning to the M-4 highway and moving along itto Kushchevskaya, and near it turn west and drive into the seaside town of Yeysk, where there is a dolphinarium, beaches and several museums.
