How many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow and how to get on the route?

How many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow and how to get on the route?
How many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow and how to get on the route?

Both our citizens and foreign tourists travel from the capital of Tatarstan to the capital of Russia. No wonder: the route is interesting, popular, and the trip does not take much time, considering how many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow relative to the huge Russian distances. We will analyze all the options for organizing a trip.


Air flight on the route

Planes of different companies fly from Kazan to Moscow from 02:45 to 22:15. Thus, it is easy to fly away, the choice of tickets is large, and the journey takes only 1.5 hours or a little more. Kazan has one airport. Airplanes arrive in Moscow at any of the available ones - Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Domodedovo. The ticket price depends on various promotions and airline offers. For example, for Pobeda flights, the minimum is from 1,500 rubles.

How many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow in a straight line? Answer: 719. This is a little more than from the Russian capital to Minsk.

Kremlin in Kazan
Kremlin in Kazan

Rail ride

How many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow do you need to travel by train? Approximately 920. Therefore, you can go for the weekend if you movenight trains and somewhere to spend the night in the capital.

Trains depart from Kazan from 16:00 to 22:15. In the capital, they always arrive at the Kazansky railway station. The trip takes from 11 to 13 hours. The most distant trains follow from Neryungri and Ulan-Ude, and the schedule for the departure of local trains of the Kazan formation is as follows:

  • 20:00. Corporate composition, the fastest. Reserved seat - from 1700, coupe - from 4200, sleeping - from 9200 rubles.
  • 18:11. A rare double-decker train for Russia. From 1500 for a compartment ticket and 3500 for ST.
  • 16:00. Ordinary passenger train. A reserved seat ticket costs from 1200, in a compartment - from 2100 rubles.

The cheapest tickets from Kazan to Moscow are seated trains from Petropavlovsk and Kruglye Polya. For 1100 rubles really get there. If we take into account the distance from Kazan to Moscow, then it turns out 1.2 rubles per kilometer.

Kazansky railway station in Moscow
Kazansky railway station in Moscow

Travel by car and bus

Buses from Kazan to Moscow run from the Central Bus Station. Departure at 16:15. The ride takes about 15 hours, and the ticket costs 1,500 rubles. Considering how many kilometers from Kazan to Moscow, it is inconvenient to travel by bus. It's hard to sit for 15 hours, and on the train a seated car is cheaper.

By car from Kazan to Moscow, it is best to go along the M-7 highway. The cities are separated by 820 kilometers along a road of tolerable quality. It will be necessary to pass Chuvashia and two regions - Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir. The trip will take about 11 hours, but you can take your time and make stops along the way. For example, visit a small and beautifulGorokhovets in the Vladimir region. Or the village of Bogolyubovo. There, right from the highway, you can see the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - a very photogenic place.
