How many km from Lipetsk to Moscow, how to get there and save time

How many km from Lipetsk to Moscow, how to get there and save time
How many km from Lipetsk to Moscow, how to get there and save time

How many kilometers from Lipetsk to Moscow? This indicator differs depending on the chosen method of travel. Let's try to figure out how best to get to the capital of Russia so as to save the maximum amount of time and money, as well as travel in relative comfort.

Lipetsk Moscow
Lipetsk Moscow

How to get there by car

How many km from Lipetsk to Moscow on the highway? Approximately 470. It is recommended to go to the M-4 highway, and then to the north following the signs, without changing the direction of movement.

The distance indicator may be increased if you drive on city roads and bypass toll roads.

Someone may think that such maneuvers will save time and money, but it is not. And here's why:

  • To avoid paid sections, you will have to drive into settlements, and this will inevitably lead to traffic jams or heavy traffic.
  • The quality of municipal roads leaves much to be desired, no one canceled the cost of car depreciation.
  • Maximum speedon a toll road - 110 km / h, and not on city roads - from 40 to 60 km / h. Many cameras allow you to get a guaranteed fine. How many km from Lipetsk to Moscow must be traveled at such a speed for the journey to become an ordeal?

Travel time - 5-6 hours.

Travel by bus

Regular buses from Lipetsk run along free sections of the road. They depart several times a day and move along the route Lipetsk-Yelets-Moscow.

This option is not very convenient for a number of reasons:

  • not the most comfortable buses;
  • you will have to go from 6 to 8 hours;
  • the final destination is Domodedovo Airport, and this is the Moscow region, not Moscow.

Average ticket price is 800-1000 rubles.

freeway russia
freeway russia

Airplane is an alternative to land transport

Lipetsk is a fairly large city with serious business activity. Perhaps this was the reason for regular direct flights to the capital, and even several times a day.

It will take an airplane just one hour to cover almost 500 km from Lipetsk to Moscow. How much time and effort this saves is not even worth mentioning.

The average cost of a ticket ranges from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. A very substantial price for comfort.

Summing up, we can say that the plane is the fastest and most expensive way, the bus is the longest and cheapest, and the autotrip in your car is the golden mean. Those who are closer to this option should look for fellow travelers through a special service. This will help you save money ongasoline and improve the quality of the trip with adequate companions.

How many km from Lipetsk to Moscow is not so important when there are new impressions and a new city ahead. So go ahead - towards adventure.
