Alexander lakes in Russia, description

Alexander lakes in Russia, description
Alexander lakes in Russia, description

Alexander lakes are few in Russia. The most famous lakes with this name are located quite far from each other. One is located near the city of St. Petersburg in the Vyborgsky district, people come there for fishing. And others represent a whole country of lakes, which are located near the city of Aleksandrovsk in the Perm Territory. The latter are called Blue, these Ural reservoirs have incredible beauty.


Aleksandrovskoe lake in the Vyborg region

This lake is located in the Vyborgsky district on the territory of the Leningrad region. In the east, it connects with another lake. with Pioneer. Lake Alexander also has a long old name of Finnish origin - Hatjalahdenjärvi. This body of water is 5.5 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide. The deepest depths in Alexander Lake are 6-7 meters, with a total average depth of 3 meters.

Aleksandrovskoe lake perm region
Aleksandrovskoe lake perm region

The banks of this reservoir are high, mixed forest grows on them, pine comes across in places. Near the shore, the bottom is sandy, and closer to the deeper middle, it is muddy. In the northern part of the lake slightly overgrown, near the water you can see reeds, horsetails and egg-pods. Alexander Lake is replenished with water from small streams, and the Aleksandrovka River flows out of it. The fact that the reservoir is flowing determines its purity, and, consequently, the habitation of fish in it.


As already mentioned, Alexander Lake is connected by a channel with Pionersky, together they form a single system of reservoirs belonging to the basin of the Gulf of Finland. It is near this channel that the best places for fishing are located. Here you can often catch burbot, perch and roach, and less often zander or bream.

alexander lake
alexander lake

A favorite place for pike is the northern part of the lake at a depth of four meters. They catch it while sitting on a boat, as small fish are mostly caught from the shore. In spring, you can often catch roach where the Aleksandrovka River flows out of the lake.

Lakes of Aleksandrovsky district in the Perm Territory

One more lake can be called Alexandrovsky, because they are located near the city of Aleksandrovsk. They are called Blue, and this is not surprising, because their water has an amazing turquoise color. A photo of Alexander Lakes in the Perm Territory pleases the eye with its unusual bright colors. It's hard to believe, but these beautiful lakes are man-made. The water surface has such a specificshade due to the smallest particles of limestone. These lakes appeared as a result of human development of this territory 300 years ago. The Aleksandrovsky district used to belong to the Stroganovs, large landowners. Then there was the development of the Ural lands, and the Stroganovs wanted to build metallurgical plants in these places. Just in time, large deposits of brown iron ore were discovered, and then the construction of factories manufacturing steel and iron began. Soon this territory passed to other owners - Vsevolzhsky and Lazarev. The first plant appeared here in 1808, it was called Aleksandrovsky, and it laid the foundation for the city with the same name. For the metallurgy that developed in these places, a flux was needed. Limestone was used as it. According to stories, Prince Alexander Vsevolzhsky also participated in the search for limestone deposits. While wandering through the forests, he got lost and came across a large limestone rock. Then he made a vow that if he got out of the forest thicket, then he would definitely erect a chapel in this place. From the cliff he saw the plant, soon he got out and kept his vow. It was in this place that a chapel was erected and limestone mining began nearby. True, it was demolished in the 30th year of the last century. There is now a cross in that place, which was erected by one of the local residents of the nearest village.

blue lake photo
blue lake photo

Next to the rock, a quarry arose on the mountain, which was called the Old. Limestone has been mined here for the production of soda for more than 100 years. In 1930, a settlement appeared in the quarry area with a characteristic name - Limestone Quarry.

Characteristic of the Blue Lakes

The largest quarry is located closer to the road leading from Aleksandrovsk. Its length is less than a kilometer (800 meters) and its width is about 200 meters. But its depth is decent - 70 meters. This is the deepest body of water among those in the Kama region. It is this quarry that is implied when Blue Lake is mentioned. By the way, it also has an official name - Shavrinsky quarry. It was nicknamed the Blue Lake for the unusual color of the water, which contains limestone. The water is good enough for fish to live in. Here they arrange spearfishing for her. Swimming in this quarry is popular among locals, there is even a recreation center here. A photo of one of the Alexander Lakes in the Urals is presented below.

blue Lake
blue Lake

A similar lake is located north of the Shavrinsky quarry, the water in it is also blue, but the reservoir itself is somewhat smaller. The length is 1.4 kilometers, and the width is 150, so it is more elongated. It is called the Morozov Quarry.
