Crimea annually attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world. The beauty of this land never ceases to amaze. It is simply impossible to cover their completeness in one vacation. Therefore, those who managed to visit here once come to Crimea again and again.
This resort will not only offer relaxation, but also help you improve your he alth and recharge with positive energy. One of the most amazing routes is the Botkin trail. It is convenient for travelers in that it allows almost everyone to go along the winding, trodden by countless feet road.
What will surprise travelers with the route, how to get to it, it will be interesting to know for every person planning a vacation in these parts.
Historical background
The Botkin trail (photo below) was founded in 1901-1902.

It was laid by members of the Y alta branch of the Crimean-Caucasian mountain club. It was created with donations. They were collected by people who revered the famous professor, doctor S. P. Botkin.
The route was created after his death. Namedtrail named after the great figure of medicine because he was one of the first to appreciate and talk about the healing effect of the lands of the southern coast of Crimea on human he alth. The unique aromas of the needles of the local forests, clean mountain air have a powerful healing effect on the body.
A person here is healed not only by the body, but also by the soul. And this is the key to a quick cure for many ailments. S. P. Botkin was one of the first to preach healing by the power of the earth. Today, thanks to him, everyone can feel the power that nature has.
General information
Stangeevskaya and Botkinskaya trails, as well as Taraktashskaya, Stavrikayskaya roads are part of a series of recreational facilities (photo below), which are located in Y alta from Ai-Petrinsky part of it to the outskirts.

They pass side by side or may even be extensions of each other.
The Botkinskaya trail is part of the route, which runs from the camping "Glade of Fairy Tales", which is located near the Y alta Zoo, to the Uchan-Su waterfall. However, it only reaches Mount Stavri-Kaya. This trail does not reach the waterfall. Before him, the traveler already passes the Shtangeevskaya path. This is one of the most convenient routes. Signposts are placed along the road, there are benches for rest.
How to get to the start of the route?
Arriving in Y alta, you can get to the beginning of the route by bus or minibus. Those of them that pass along the South Coast Highway are suitable. The Botkinskaya trail, the route of which starts from the Glade of Fairy Tales, is located not far from here. Here is the eponymousstop.
From Y alta transport goes here along the upper road. Suitable buses going to Miskhor, Simeiz, Alupka. If you plan to go from the bus station in Y alta, you must choose bus 26 or 27. They also pass the Glade of Fairy Tales. In the city from the cinema "Spartak" there is a direct minibus to the campsite at number 24.
Getting off at the bus stop, you need to go through the road, which runs at an acute angle from the road. She climbs up to the Y alta Zoo. You will need to walk about 500 m, and then you can see a turn on the left. This road leads to the zoo.
You must go straight ahead without turning to the side. After 400 m there will be a sign with the name of the trail. Even if you pass it, then there will be an inscription that will direct travelers in the opposite direction.
Short description of the first part of the route
The Botkinskaya trail in Y alta, the length of which is 4.6 km in total, is conditionally divided into two stages. In order not to get confused on the road, it is necessary to consider a schematic route for each part of the path. This will help you understand where to go next, what lies ahead.
In the first part of the trail, the traveler should cross the bridge across the Ai-Dimitri stream. Then the road will lead to a gorge called Burilya-Dere. After half an hour of walking at an average pace, a person gets to the Lower Yauzlar waterfall. Here you will need to cross the Yavluz River.
After the bridge turn left. If you go right, you can get into the canyon. Then the ascent begins. There is another bridge here. This is Upper Yauzlar. Between these two waterfallsgood viewing platform. It is located on Mount Stavri-Kaya. Both Yauzlar are the sources of Yavluz. Then the second part of the journey begins.
Second section of trail
After the upper waterfall Yauzlar begins the next stage of the journey. It is heavier than the previous one. A steeper rise in this place is characterized by the Botkin trail. How to get to it was discussed above. But it is also necessary to study the features of the subsequent path.

From now on the road leads to the Stavri-Kaya rock. There are two route options here. The first of them involves climbing a rocky serpentine. This path is longer, but takes less effort.
If you don't want to gradually climb the winding path up, you can go straight. However, you should immediately prepare for the fact that more forces will be required. The path leads to the observation deck. A spring stream runs nearby.
Next, the end point of the path is waiting. The top of Mount Stavri-Kaya completes the Botkin trail. This is a schematic route. Its beauty cannot be described in words. You need to see everything with your own eyes to feel all the beauty around.
Beginning of the trail
The Botkinskaya trail, the route of which starts near the camping "Glade of Fairy Tales", is waiting for its travelers. Two roads will be visible under the old gas pipes. The left leads to the trail, and the right follows to the campsite. The desired path will be paved. This section is called the new Botkin trail in Crimea (photo below).

On the right, the traveler will see a high curb. It goes into the fence separating the trail from the campsite. Next will be the gate. They must be bypassed on the left along a narrow path. There will be a plan of the area a little further. It indicates all the routes passing here.
Going further, you can see the railings and steps. They go down to the bridge. When the travelers cross the ravine, they will take a few steps to the stone. This is a pointer. From there you need to turn right. After that, the ascent begins.
Healing qualities of the trail
The Botkinskaya trail (Crimea), the photo of which is presented below, passes through a coniferous forest.

Spruce cones scattered along the road. The air here is unusually clean and light. I want to breathe deeply.
This is a good prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The air is enriched with negatively charged ions. The smallest essential particles of oils that the needles emit give the atmosphere a wonderful smell.
The forest releases phytoncides into the environment, which dramatically reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms. Inhaling the healing ether, a person cleanses his body of many pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
People suffering from chronic colds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract simply need to go here. Walking along the shady paths of this path, on the stones of which lizards bask, and all kinds of birds sing among the branches of the conifer, you can recharge your batteries with he alth and good mood for the whole year.
Continuing the path
After passing the firstrise, the traveler can admire the beauty of the Yauzlar waterfall. A bridge leads across the river. He descends into the canyon. After passing the Lower Yauzlar, the travelers rise up again.

The Botkinskaya trail in Y alta on this section of the path has a gentle slope. After walking a little wide road, tourists can see the upper waterfall. Having crossed a small bridge, it is necessary to prepare for the most difficult stage of the journey. It leads to the Stavri-Kaya rock.
It's a pretty steep climb. But the road in this place is well trodden. Branches are visible in places. These are shortcuts. But walking by them, the traveler spends a lot of energy. These paths rise more steeply. Going along the serpentine of a more gentle path, you can save energy.
There are benches on the corners to rest. The trail is well looked after. There are no debris, branches and other objects that make it difficult to climb.
Mount Stavri-Kaya
The Botkinskaya path in Crimea will lead to the top of Mount Stavri-Kaya in half an hour with winding turns. In translation, its name sounds like "Cross Rock". From it it is interesting to look at the beauty of the southern coast of Crimea.
The height of the mountain above sea level reaches 690 m. Its top is flat and has no fences. Therefore, it is better not to stand on the edge. The possibility of collapse is not ruled out, as the rock is affected by wind and precipitation.
The southern slope of Stavri-Kaya is interesting for climbers. He's almost completely straight. On this side, an ancient cave was discovered. It was visited in ancient times by people. There are traces of their presence here.

The view from the cliff to the city, sea, forest and mountains is mesmerizing. This climb is well worth the effort. There will be many impressions from the view from the height of the mountain.
Legend of Mount Stavri-Kaya
There is one interesting legend about the Stavri-Kaya rock. In ancient times, the strongest man named Taurus lived in these lands. He alone could overcome the huge bears of the local forests.
But once a hunter forgot his ax at home, and he had to fight the beast with his bare hands. Having won, Taurus, however, was seriously injured. When he returned home, his strength was almost exhausted. Taurus was fading away every day. Silently, he went out to the seashore and listened to how the beat of his heart was becoming more and more muffled.
Tavra's mother was seriously ill. On her deathbed, she told her son that she would not die if he put a stone cross on the rock of Stavri-Kaya. Even in those days, the now famous Botkin trail was famous for its healing properties.
Tavr did not want to fulfill the will of his mother, thinking that he was too weak for this business. The mother stroked his head and repeated her request. The son could not refuse her. He went to the mountain and by morning a stone cross rose on its top.
Returning home, Taurus did not find his mother alive, but felt that his strength returned after climbing the mountain. So the wise woman helped her son regain he alth and power. Now everyone can gain strength on the road.
Return trip
Having been on the Stavri-Kaya rock, you need to choose a further path. Here, if you stand with your back to the sea, you can see 3trails. On the right will be the way the traveler came here. This is the Botkin trail. You can return to the starting point along it. However, there is a more interesting option.
Stangeevskaya trail stretches ahead and to the left. She descends to the beautiful Wuchang-Su waterfall. Directly located Stavrikayskaya path. This is the longest path of all. But it will lead straight to Y alta.
Running to the rock along the Botkin trail can be reached in 3 hours. If you go on foot, this time is doubled. Most often, travelers choose the Shtangeevsky path. It is extremely picturesque and much shorter than the Stavrikay road.
When you reach the waterfall along the Shtangeevskaya path, you can climb the plateau. The Taraktash trail leads here. Tired travelers can go down by the waterfall to the restaurant, and from here go to Y alta.
Whatever path is chosen further, the path of impressions is theirs. S. P. Botkina will leave a lot and will have a beneficial effect on well-being. The earth and the unique local air heal the soul and body.
After considering the route that the Botkinskaya trail offers its visitors, you can set off on your own. It will lead to new impressions and give good he alth and strength for the whole next year.